March in Review

March 1 I walked in the morning before work. We got our maternity photos from Ali, so stinking fast! So happy with them. Our car seat arrived that day, along with a whole bunch of other stuff so I couldn't get in the house. I had a meeting for Big Mountain Barbell that evening.

Wednesday, March 2 I did bench press day at the gym. I had a company car I had to take downtown for some body work, so my coworker picked me up and drove us both to work back in Draper. That day I started to get some bad swelling in my feet and ankles, which made me panic. I went down to our store and bought compression stockings. Thankfully our respiratory therapist has a blood pressure cuff. He took my blood pressure, which was high because I was panicking. He came up a couple hours later and took it again, and it was much better. 

March 3 I walked in the morning before work. I got lunch at Costa Vida with Amber, who gave me a baby shower present and birthday present. It was good to see her. I had my blood pressure taken at work again just to make sure there weren't any concerns. 

Friday, March 4 I did squat day at the gym. I wrote a lot of thank you cards. And I had a little bit of family drama that soured my day and week. 

March 5 we cleaned and did laundry. I went to the gym for deadlift day. I cleaned off some plastic drawers and organized the baby stuff. Matthew and I put together the bassinet. He had to work at a venue that evening, so I got my free Marco's pizza for my birthday, picked up Crumbl, and watched Walking Dead. 

Sunday, March 6 felt busy. I was excited that Jasmine Petrell dropped off a diaper changing table for us in the afternoon! I spent time organizing our hospital bag (which isn't really a hospital bag since we aren't going to the hospital). I went to Walmart for an under-bed plastic storage for all of baby's blankets, and I also saw a rolling cart, which we had on our registry but haven't gotten yet. I put that together when I got home and put breastfeeding stuff on there as well as some diapers/wipes and other baby needs to have available when I'm in the living room. We had birth class from 5-8 in Provo; it was a makeup since our teacher missed one class. 

March 7 was leg press day at the gym. I was productive after work. I stopped at Home Depot for some paint for the diaper changing table. I got my free birthday popcorn from Megaplex. After getting home, I called Comcast and decreased our bill (it went up a few months ago, and I just hadn't called). I also did a lot of my birth class units online and read the manual. I worked hard on our birth plan in case we get transferred to the hospital. 

Tuesday, March 8 I walked before work. It was a slower day at work. I was able to gather some freezer crockpot recipes and make some affirmation cards on Canva for my labor. Matthew worked a venue again, so I read some more of the birth manual. My friend Kathryn dropped off a birthday gift for me. I also got my free Waffle Love waffle for my birthday (it was going to expire on 3/10). 

March 9 I went to the gym for bench press day. Work was pretty quiet. We went to L&L We had our final birth class in Provo. It went late again, and she didn't finish what she wanted to get to. 

Thursday, March 10 I walked before work. I picked up a prescription for my sinus. I'm not confident it will help, but then I found out that it was the wrong prescription. The stuff I paid for wouldn't dissolve in my sinus rinse. 

March 11 I did squat day at the gym. I had an appointment at the Birth Center; Matthew came at the end. We went to Pizzeria Tasso for a Yelp event, and Matthew got himself two frozen pizzas for free for schmoozing. Matthew went to Sam's Club. I went to Fashion Place to get some Bath & Body Works freebies, and also to return clothes to Carter's. Wish they had more than just clothes because I have so dang many clothes, and would've liked to use the money for other baby things. 

Saturday, March 12 I did deadlift day at the gym. I let Matthew do the grocery shopping. I started making freezer meals, but one of them had to wait due to a missing ingredient (cream of chicken). I tried to install the car seat base in my car. I did client check-ins. I started sanding the changing table. 

March 13 I made myself breakfast (French toast, eggs, bacon). I walked. I finished the last of our birth class assignments online. And I ordered a few things we still needed from our registry. Plus, I made flags with construction paper of my affirmations to hang up during labor. 

Monday, March 14 pi day. I did leg press day at the gym. I was featured on a social media account that I use for my workouts @fitblissfitness. That was really special and nice. 

March 15 was a rough day at work. My boss pulled me in to talk to me, and I worked hard to be receptive and not defensive. But I spent a chunk of time and energy in the days following trying to talk through it and process it. I attempted a first coat of paint on the diaper changing table while Matthew worked at a venue. 

Wednesday, March 16 I walked before work. I got my car seat installation checked and learned a lot. I had therapy, which was good. Matthew and I got discount dinner at Itto Sushi. 

March 17 I did squat day at the gym. It was St. Patrick's Day, so I wore a green dress, and we had a green food potluck at work. I packed to leave town. 

Friday, March 18 I was up early and picked up my uncle and cousin to go to CA for Jared's wedding. I drove to Fillmore. Bry drove to St. George. Dylan drove to my dad's house. We stopped in Las Vegas for lunch at Raising Cane's, and stopped in Yermo at Eddie World. I spent time lying down in the back with my feet up due to the swelling; it was super uncomfortable. We got to my dad's before 4pm California time. They all went to K1 Speed for Jared's bachelor party. I went to Casa del Rey with my dad, and was in bed by 9pm CA time. 

March 19 was the wedding. I got up and went on a walk, as much as it kills my pelvis and adductor to do so. I got myself a donut, of course. We were in Pasadena at the church by 11 for photos. I already was swollen in my ankles and feet, so I put up my feet in my aunt's van. The wedding started a little late, like 12:40pm probably. The pastor did a good job, and Jared said some beautiful things to Amoreena, who couldn't reciprocate due to tears. The flower girls were my cousin Josh's twins, and they weren't having it. It was really funny and cute. 

Sunday, March 20 I picked up my uncle and cousin at 7:15am from my brother Jason's place in La Verne. We backtracked a little bit to go to Starbucks, which got us on the road later than we wanted. I drove to Baker. Bry drove to St. George. We hit traffic before Mesquite, and before the Gorge. Dylan drove from St. George back home, and we hit some sketchy weather. I got home a little after 7pm Utah time. Lying in the back of my car wasn't my favorite thing. I had to keep putting my feet up, but it killed my lower back and sciatic to do so. Just a rough and long day. 

March 21 I slept instead of exercising, but walked in the evening. I had an appointment at the Birth Center with Eve. It went OK. She urged me to get body work done because of my pain and discomfort. I went to Sam's Club to try to get a free rotisserie chicken but ended up with cupcakes only. It was part of a Sam's Club membership promo. 

Tuesday, March 22 I did leg press day at the gym. We had a work event that evening at Top Golf. Needless to say, I did not golf. But everything went over really well. Matthew did some projects for me--put another paint coat on the diaper changing table and also installed the soap dispenser for the sink. 

March 23 I did bench press day at the gym. I came into work late because I went to the chiropractor in Bountiful that my midwife suggested. The work he did really helped, but only for about an hour before all the pain came back. I finished my affirmation banner to hang up when I'm in labor. 

Thursday, March 24 I walked in the morning. We had a low-key evening at home. Matthew picked up some things from storage for me (spring clothes to swap with winter clothes). We watched Upload and ate leftovers. I worked on our budget and did a few things for Big Mountain Barbell. 

March 25 I did squat day. It's wild to me how symphysis pubis dysfunction works. Squats feel comfortable and good for me. But walking, and especially downstairs, is horrifically painful. Getting set up for a specific exercise is way harder than the exercise itself. Another crazy thing is that I probably only have two squat sessions left before baby comes. Matthew did most of the cleaning after work. We got J Dawgs for dinner and then Matthew worked. 

Saturday, March 26 I did a little cleaning and did deadlifts at the gym. Laundry and client check-ins of course. I got groceries while Matthew did other errands. He had to work security that night unexpectedly, so I got myself some Chili's and watched Walking Dead. 

March 27 I made breakfast and went on a walk. I had to do a lot of stretches and resting. We put together the mama roo swing Stephanie sent us. I watched Riverdale. Matthew and I watched Upload. 

Monday, March 28 we had a birth center appointment. All is well. Normal heart rate. He's head down. I was able to answer positively when she asked about headaches, bowel movements, and appetite. Obviously learning that I have SPD has been a doozy, but explains and validates so much. My midwife gave me added tips for dealing with that which I've been trying to apply (keep knees together for transitioning movements e.g. in and out of the car or my bed). We got dinner at Mod Pizza with Matthew's mom, and she came over to see the baby's room (which wasn't really done). She brought the Graco click connect stroller with her from Stephanie and John. We tested it out, and it worked with our Baby Jogger car seat! I was so excited. I'm grateful we have our big Baby Jogger, especially for bigger outings and for baby number two. But to have a lightweight option to walk around the neighborhood is such a relief to me. 

March 29 I had therapy which is still being done online via Zoom. But it's better than nothing! We talked a lot about sleep, surprisingly, and how that's probably my biggest anxiety about baby's arrival. I organized baby's room and got it how I wanted.

Wednesday, March 30 I walked in the morning. I got lunch with Natalie at Even Stevens. Matthew worked unexpectedly that evening (security for Princess Goes to the Butterfly Museum, with lead singer Michael C. Hall of Dexter), so I went and got sushi by myself, and Crumbl. It doesn't escape me that the days where I can take myself to dinner alone, or go anywhere quickly and easily, are rapidly disappearing. 

March 31 I started to feel super panicked and anxious about April arriving, knowing this is the month when my whole life will change. My relationship will change. My home will change. My heart will change. It's just wild and overwhelming, and waiting for him to come is a whole other thing. That evening I spent time with Matthew. We went to Pizza Pie Cafe. I hadn't been there in years, and since it was cheap and our date nights opportunities are rapidly dwindling, we decided to go. It was just as mediocre as I remember, pizza wise. But their salad bar is awesome, and I love their dessert pizzas. 

Books I read this month: 

Hollowpox by Jessica Townsend (audiobook)
Three Sisters by Heather Morris (audiobook)


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