September in Review

September 1 This was an unexpected morning off work after a really rough night with the baby. He had some acidic poo that had burned his little bottom, so he was very upset all night. Matthew took the brunt of it. We ended up getting his doctor appointment switched to the morning instead of the afternoon just as a coincidence (but obviously not a coincidence). So I was able to work from home the second half of the day. Baby boy felt much better as the day progressed. His doctor appointment was great. She was really impressed with his trunk stability as he practiced sitting. And she said him rolling over when he did was advanced. He also bumped up to the next curve in his weight!

September 2 I worked a half day in the office to make up for the previous morning. I got Starbucks and watched Handmaid's Tale. AJ refused his naps. I started to do the Saturday cleaning. Matthew and I both looked presentable at the same time, so I took some self-timer family photos! 

September 3 AJ woke up at 4:30AM, so that was fun. We went to the pool together, and AJ loved it. I finished Handmaid's Tale. Matthew got us five guys before he went to work security.

September 4 was insanely hot outside. I got Dutch Bros. The baby did cat naps unfortunately. I watched Outlander. I got to leave the house for a little bit and went to Bath and Body Works and Target. I pulled out some toys for baby boy to start using since he’s getting a lot more coordinated with grabbing things. I took him to the pool again and he loved it.

Labor Day was kind of boring. We just stayed home. I watched uOtlander and pumped. I picked up some breastmilk from our donor. I sewed some carrying cases for my portable spectra and had to figure out how to replace my sewing machine needle. We took AJ to the pool again, but it was way too noisy, so he hated it. We watched Iron Throne.

September 6 was a busy workday. That night was a really hard time with the baby because he was overtired. Matthew had a hard time with naps, so he took a break and went to get food. He came back with Waffle Love.

September 7 was a work from home day. Baby boy was in a good mood even though he only took cat naps. This night as the baby started to go into his overtired screaming fit, I decided on a whim that we would start sleep training that night. So I crash read the Taking Cara Babies manual so we could get started. Matthew picked us up McDonald’s because we were both already spent. That first night actually went really well, with only 50 minutes of total crying (with pop ins). After doing his dream feed, he slept the whole night.

September 8 was a little bit stressful since I went to pick up more breastmilk at rush-hour and got home later than I wanted to for Matthew to go work security again. I put the baby down around 7:30, and it was a really awful night of sleep. He woke up several times, with the longest most stressful. Being from 3:30 AM to 5 AM.

September 9 was my day off work, and I tried unsuccessfully to take a nap after the horribly rough night. Baby and I went on a morning walk. AJ took three good naps. I took him to visit my work to wipe him out for his third nap. I finished watching Outlander. I ended up having to work a little bit at home to do a task I dropped the ball on. I started the new season of call the midwife. Matthew made dinner. I got the baby down just before 8 PM, and Matthew went to work security. Baby boy slept all night with very minor fussing in the morning from 4-5am. He went back to sleep.

September 10 we cleaned the house and did laundry. We went to the party for our Birth Center. It was so good to see the midwives! I wish I had gotten photos. AJ took two really great naps, and cried a lot for the third one.

I don't take a lot of selfies these days unless my baby is in them

September 11 I went on a hike with Kirsten, who I know from my home ward in Glendora. I had not seen her in many years. I picked up some breastmilk from Gabriela. I also made my breakfast for the week. It was a little bit of a hard day because the baby took such poor naps.

Dad's free birthday dozen

September 12 baby boy woke up extra early so after nursing him I got in a quick workout. I picked up a kouign amann for Matthew’s birthday. I made his cake after the baby went down. We watched Doctor Who that evening.

September 13 was Matthew's birthday. I did a few balloons and streamers. Kristen babysat for us while we went to dinner at Benihana. We got a couple of ice cream cones at McDonald’s and went home.

September 14 was a rough morning at work. Thankfully I had therapy that day. I watched Handmaid's Tale. I ate cake and took a bath. It was my first one since pregnancy I think. And that has spurred a regular habit of bath time. 

September 15 I nursed extra early. Matthew went to help his brother with catering. I took another bath!

September 16 I went on a morning walk with the baby. I struggled with a lot of anxiety. I picked up a car mirror from someone in a buy nothing group on Facebook. I got Swig and picked up lunch. I watched Handmaid's Tale and Call the Midwife. I pumped. Matthew worked late.

September 17 was a good day. I nursed baby boy. During his nap I pumped and lifted weights. I cleaned and did some laundry. I did client check ins. I had a massage and picked up breastmilk. Matthew worked catering.

September 18 I got donuts and Dutch Bros with the boy. I went to a Yelp event at Presotea. I did some meal prep. I posted for AJ’s five months birthday. We watched the Iron Throne.

September 19 had a rough start with baby boy waking up at 4am totally soaked through his diaper, clothes, and sleep sack. Work was busy. I picked up groceries after work.

September 20 AJ had a rough morning from 2:15 AM to about 4 AM. I received my quilt for AJ from my boss's wife. It is amazing.

September 21 I worked at home. I picked up breast milk. Matthew made us burgers.

September 22 I took AJ on an evening car ride to see if I could get him to take a crap nap. I got myself Swig and Chili’s since Matthew was at work. I caught up on Handmaid's Tale.

September 23 was my day off but was super busy. The baby woke up at six, which would have been fine if I had gotten to bed at a responsible hour. We went on a walk in the cold weather. I lifted weights. I got blood work done. I took down his bassinet, and I took apart his swing, dock a tot, and floor seat. I put together his high chair. He took two bottles in his highchair like such a big boy. We took trash out and walked to get the mail. There was a praying mantis on our door threshold which was kind of cool; in the days following this, my siblings all got visited by praying mantis bugs. Matthew came home briefly and then had to go back to work. After pumping and putting the baby to sleep, I did most of the weekend cleaning.

September 24 The baby was up again at 4 o’clock. Jared and Amo came over and spent a few hours. They brought me Cafe Rio and Trader Joe’s pumpkin cheesecake. It was really nice to have company while Matthew worked.

September 25 I was up at 5:15 with the baby. I got groceries with the baby, and Dutch Bros. AJ took perfect naps today. I put zip ties on our balcony cover which was falling down. I swapped my summer and winter wardrobe. I decorated for Halloween. Matthew made burgers again.

Bath day with new bath toys

September 26 I was up at 4:30 AM with the baby and back up at 5:30 AM for the day. I lifted weights before work. I did bedtime and got waffle love with Brittney!

September 27 baby slept until 6 AM. I made biscuits and sausage for breakfast. I washed my hair, pumped, and started laundry all before work. I got lunch with one of my bosses at Slackwater. I picked up breastmilk from our donor.  I did the evening without Matthew since he was working.

He is a little traveler now

September 28 I nursed the baby at 6:30 AM. I went to work instead of working from home with intentions of helping Matthew. I watched Handmaid's Tale, and put the baby to bed and did his dream feed.

September 29 I worked from home. It was a busy day. AJ was especially needy this day. We had a rough start because I had to run back to work and get my laptop which I left there the day before. Matthew worked early. My aunt April and cousin Tyce came by to meet AJ since they were in the area. It was fun to have them. Matthew wasn’t feeling well, so I did bedtime and dream feed again.

I just never want to forget how little he is in this crib

September 30 the baby was up before 6 AM. I took a stab at going to Cornbelly's with the baby. I met Matthew’s cousin and sister-in-law there; we spent most of our time in line to get in, unfortunately. In the afternoon I took the baby to Crumbl, twisted sugar, Mariah's house, and Starbucks. I finished Riverdale. I started the cleaning with Matthew. The baby and I had a rough evening while Matthew was at work. It was sad to end the day badly because we had a really fun day with lots of giggles.

He loves to kick back in his high chair, and it makes me giggle

Could not get him to look

Overall life is getting much more doable with the baby. Pumping six times a day is still really tricky and makes going out pretty difficult. But it's getting better and more manageable. 

Books I read in September:
The Power of One More by Ed Mylett (audiobook)
The Office BFFs by Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey (audiobook)


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