January in Review

January 1 was snowpocalypse 2023. There was so much snow, we didn’t do anything. We spent the day at home with the baby. Matthew did venture to the store for some mushrooms, and he tried to work on his car because his window fell down into the door.

January 2 the baby woke up at 5 AM, which is not as good as 6, but it’s way better than his midnight wake ups. We just hung out at home until we went to Red Lobster for dinner. We normally go on New Year’s day. But the weather made us push it back. AJ did really well at the restaurant.  After putting him to bed we watched Yellowstone and ate dessert.

January 3 was back to work. It was actually really nice to be back on a schedule. And I slept from 10:30-5:55 due to a sweet baby boy who was finally warm enough to sleep through the night. We put him in his new extra warm sleep sack for the second night in a row, and it made me feel awful finally figuring out that he’s likely been waking up the last few weeks because he’s been cold. I was in tears off and on all day over it. But my first day back at work was good. After work I pumped, did AJ’s dinner, put him to bed, cleaned up, defrosted milk, made bottles, pumped, and washed pump parts. Something exciting is that AJ started signing “milk” to us. It happened on January 1 while nursing, but I wasn’t sure he was doing it on purpose. He did it again the next day, and then did it during dinner on this day!

January 4 AJ crawled on his hands and knees for the first time! I had my first therapy appointment in several months, and it was great. I had a stressful bit of time in the afternoon with work and a fussy baby. His top two teeth are coming through his gums. He is also pulling himself up to his knees, and sometimes to standing.

January 5 I lifted weights in the morning.  I went to work and started coughing throughout the day. Matthew did dinner time with the baby while I pumped. I did bedtime, and Matthew cleaned up and went to get dessert with his cousins at Cheesecake Factory.

January 6 was my Friday off work. AJ slept till 6 (but woke up at midnight). I walked on the treadmill. We did breakfast, and had him try new foods at dinner—tomato, steamed carrots, and canned salmon. The baby and I went to the Dollar Tree, drove through Tropical Smoothie Cafe to get me a green smoothie for my cold, and also drove through Crave Cookies (because duh). I straightened up around the house—put things away, put sheets on my bed, and delivered some thank you cards to neighbors during AJ’s nap, even though his second nap was super short.

January 7 was a pretty low-key Saturday. The baby was up at six. I cleaned and did laundry. Matthew’s mom came over. He went to put stuff in storage. I did client check ins. AJ took one good nap and one crappy one, so I had to extend it by making it a contact nap.

January 8 AJ was awake from 2:30 to 5 AM. I had to wake him back up at 7 AM so we could get back on track for the day. I did a little bit of meal prep for myself and the baby. I took him grocery shopping. Matthew worked on his car at his friends house. I took a long bath which was really nice.

January 9 the baby woke up at 5:15 and started to get my cough. I went to work and at all the regular nighttime stuff— pumped, ate, did dishes, defrosted, milk, made bottles, put baby to sleep.

January 10 AJ slept until 6:15! I went to work and had a fairly busy day. Matthew made spaghetti for dinner. It was just a normal night at home.

January 11 AJ was awake from 12:30 until 2:30. It was my work from home day, so thankfully, he was really easy to deal with. I went to dinner at Red Robin with Brittney. I wish we would remember to get photos.

January 12  I got a full night of sleep so we nursed and then I did a short weight lifting workout. Work was not super busy. I did run an errand for work. I came home and pumped. Matthew helped clean up and do bottles before heading to work. I tried to use my new hair thing Matthew got me for Christmas.

My view when I get out of the shower

January 13 I had a really rough night of sleep. This was my day off work thankfully so I took the baby with me to Starbucks, Nothing Bundt Cakes, and we went to see my mom. We went on a walk. I spent most of the day wiping the baby’s nose because it was running so much. It was so sad. Matthew brought me Shake Shack after work, and it was really bad.

January 14 was a normal Saturday. The baby slept all night and woke me at 6:30. He still was sick so his nursing session was sad and sniffly. I finished my audiobook while pumping. I finished the house cleaning. I cleaned out and posted our fish tank for free pickup. I did laundry. I did client check ins and applied for an event at work.

January 15 the baby had a good night. Matthew gave me a break from the house and the baby. I went to Tous les Jours, but it was closed. So I went to The Bean Yard and read and enjoyed myself for an hour. We face timed my dad and had movies playing because of the weather. It took almost an hour to get our upset baby to sleep this night.

German chocolate Danish for the win

Catch us hanging out on the floor for AJ's meals

January 16 AJ woke up at midnight and then 6:20. Work was busy. AJ started standing and pulling himself up more and more!

January 17 I nursed and lifted weights. I got free Firehouse subs for lunch. I finished my breastmilk ring and made a reel. Did all the normal night time stuff—bottles and washing pump parts etc.

January 18 was a chaotic work from home day with internet outages. I took the baby with me to Starbucks so I could work. AJ’s 9 month doctor appointment went well. He is on all of his curves.

His newest trick

January 19 was my physical with a new doctor. It was a busy workday and a busy evening because we met with Matthew’s mom at Dollie’s soup and salad. It took us a long time to get there because of traffic.

January 20 was a busy day at home. I did a lot of clutter removal and organizing. Someone came to pick up my fish tank. I finally did my food sensitivity test that Matthew got me for Christmas of 2021. I did most of the weekend cleaning since Saturday was going to be busy.

January 21 I nursed the baby, lifted weights, and gave him breakfast while pumping. We went to Ridd’s baptism.

Father and son at church

January 22 was a rough night. I went to Krispy Kreme to try out their Biscoff donuts. I had a face time call with a friend and her teenage daughter to discuss career pivots as an adult. I finished an audiobook, and then started and finished another one. I took a bath. It was just a quiet snow day at home. This was the day AJ finally decided to crawl on his hands and knees, like he had always been doing it. He had done it once or twice before, a little at a time, but then continued to army crawl. From this day on, he has crawled on hands and knees, and this kid is quick. 

January 23 I was up at five because the baby woke up that early. Work was busy. Matthew cooked dinner. We watched 1883.

January 24 the baby slept really well. I lifted weights. Work was busy. I didn’t feel great on this day and got a kink in my neck somehow.

This guy though

January 25 was a really rough night. I had four standing hours on my Apple Watch by 6 AM. This was a work from home day which was good since I did not feel great or rested.

January 26 I woke up a bunch of times confused thinking that I had my baby with me. I walked on the treadmill and had a busy workday. I watched limitless on Disney+.

January 27 I got four whole hours of sleep due to a rough night with the baby. I did some work even though it was my day off. I took the baby with me to get my TSA fingerprints done. Someone at the office thought that AJ was a girl, which I thought was funny. We stopped at Auntie Rae's to get some scones. AJ screamed for 90 minutes at bedtime. Matthew got us pizza for dinner. I started some of the house cleaning.

January 28 we had another rough night. It was a rough day just trying to survive, so I did not get much done. Matthew had me leave the house, so I went to Sugar House to try to get some raw milk, but it was sold out. So I got churros instead.

January 29 was busy. We had a decent night of sleep because I had AJ sleep on me to begin with, and at midnight or so, we moved him into his crib. I did three loads of laundry. The cat pooped on the couch, so that sucked. I went to Smith's to return some things. Did a contact nap because AJ refused to sleep. I made Mexican chicken chili and oatmeal for the week. AJ loved the beans and chicken from the chili. 

He loves the dog bed

January 30 was a good night of sleep even though baby was restless. I nursed and lifted. Work was busy. Matthew worked that evening. I did all the normal evening stuff and finished my audiobook.

January 31 I was up at 5:45 after a good night of sleep. I nursed and walked on the treadmill. Work was busy but productive. I came home and pumped real quick and went to a Yelp event at Dipped Haus. I made bottles and did AJ’s dream feed because Matthew had to go back to work.

Books I read in January:
- Oona Out of Order by Margarita Montimore (audiobook)
- Grit by Angela Duckworth (audiobook, reread)
- I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy (audiobook)
- Finlay Donovan is Killing It by Elle Cosimano (audiobook)
- Finlay Donovan Knocks Em Dead by Elle Cosimano (audiobook)


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