Good Pumping. On April 23 I dropped from five pumps (2+ hours pumping) to four. On April 30 I dropped from four pumps to three (about 90 min). AJ continued to nurse through four pumps. I'm interested to see what happens this week with three pumps, I just so badly want to know when our last nursing session is. We could have our last one, and he could refuse the next day, and I wouldn't have known it was our last. It's exciting to have so much time freed up, but is also a big source of anxiety. It is hard to explain, and I think only pumping moms fully get it. Breastfeeding moms of all kinds understand the bittersweet of weaning. But the anxiety of not pumping is so weird too. Bedtime. AJ is in bed by 7:30 most nights. It gives me time to get ready for bed and wrap up, straighten up, do dishes, and more. I miss him while he sleeps (as all moms can attest), but his schedule is so helpful for my mental health. Alternative medicine. AJ's ears have been a wreck since the Sa...