April in Review

April 1 was a normal Saturday with laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, and client check ins. Matthew went out to eat because I thought he needed a little time for himself.

April 2 was an early morning with lots of meal prep. AJ discovered the crunchy couch covers and had so much fun making all kinds of noise; it was really cute. I started watching 1923.

April 3 I nursed, lifted weights, and had a busy day at work. We cut out the dream feed for the first time, and it has been a dream ever since. This boy always surprises me with how adaptable he is. 

April 4 was an early morning. Work was crazy.

April 5 the baby magically slept until 6:25. It was a work from home day and was really hard. Naps were a disaster. I made dinner, and went and got dessert for me and Matthew. I watched Ted Lasso.

 April 6 was a normal day of work. Matthew picked up pizza for us. We watched 1923. It was a beautiful day outside.

April 7 was busy with laundry and cleaning. I got a lot of little things done. Dianne came over to visit the baby, so I didn’t end up doing some of the errands I hoped to in the second wake window.

April 8 was full of errands to the dollar tree, Bath and Body Works, Smith’s, and Dutch Bros. I did laundry and started watching A Man Called Otto. It took me four or five sittings over several days to finish it. I boiled eggs and made Easter baskets. Matthew and I went on a date while my mom watched the baby. We ate dinner at the Charleston and went to see Air at Jordan Commons.

April 9 the baby was up at 4:30. My mom made dinner and brought it over here. Jared and Amoreena came over. It was fun to have everyone. AJ loved playing with plastic Easter eggs. 

April 10 was another busy workday followed by a normal evening at home.

April 11 the baby was up at 4:40. I nursed, went on a walk, showered, pumped and did breakfast, and went to work which was really busy. I watched 1923.

April 12 the baby let me sleep until 5:40. It was a good work from home day with two great naps.

April 13 was just a normal day, but my bosses picked someone to replace me! It was a normal evening at home, except Matthew got Raising Cane's for dinner for us. And my throat started to hurt.

April 14 the baby slept until 6:30 which was awesome, because I was up many times that night with a sore throat. It was a good day off. I took the baby to Dutch Bros, Tous les Jours, and Sam’s Club.

April 15 I woke AJ up at 6:30. He had great naps. We cleaned, did laundry, and went to lunch at Slapfish. We went to the park. It was a beautiful day. Matthew was very productive as well. I finally finished watching A Man Called Otto while I sorted baby clothes.

April 16 I went to The Bean Yard and Smiths. I did more laundry. I did some meal prep, and took the baby to the playground. I swapped my seasonal clothes out of the closet which is always an ordeal. AJ made the afternoon very tough by refusing his nap, pushing back all my effort of doing his smash cake. I picked up a whole bunch of purées from the buy nothing group. And I watched Ted Lasso.

April 17 work was busy. We did the baby’s smash cake over FaceTime with my family, but the screen froze.

April 18 was AJ‘s first birthday, and he woke up at 3 AM and 5:30 AM. The power went out while my mom was watching the baby. I had to do my pump in the car. Thankfully the power came back on while I was packing for our trip.

April 19 I woke up AJ at 6:30 and we nursed. I did all the “morning of” packing. Thankfully the baby took a short nap in the car on the way to the airport which was exactly what we were hoping for. We had a really awesome lady next to us on the flight who helped with him, and he did so well on his first flight. My dad picked us up at the airport. I had our niece’s bridal shower that night.

April 20 the baby woke up at 4:40. I went and got some groceries and picked up donut queen. It was a pretty low-key morning. We went to Legends for lunch, and my dad joined. Jason came by to see us.

April 21 AJ woke up at 5 o’clock, which was 6:00 at home. We took the baby to Gladstone park and put him on the swing. I helped my dad set up his Amazon fire stick. We left at 4:30 to go to Sophia’s reception in Redlands. It took us another 90 minutes to get home. I pumped in the car twice. AJ did not love the clapping and whooping of the crowd, especially so far past his bedtime. 

Aunt Whitney and Uncle Stanley

April 22 we went to breakfast at Peppertree with Dad, Jake, Jason, and Kellie. We got to the airport at noon and got through check in and security quickly. He did really well on our flight home. He fell asleep as we landed, bless his heart. And we successfully made it out to the car via the shuttle bus. Matthew picked us up dinner. I unpacked. Matthew went and got me roses for starting my weaning journey.

April 23 AJ was wakeful all night. He had a fever and was really sad. I guess he picked up something at the airport or at the reception. I got groceries, cleaned, and did laundry.

April 24 AJ was still not feeling well. It was my first day of training my replacement, so it was incredibly busy at work.

April 25 I tried to lift weights, but the baby did not want to be put down. Work was really busy again. Matthew cooked. It was a normal evening. 

April 26 we nursed, which was a victory. It was a busy work from home day while I tried to screen share and train Sunni. One of my bosses came by my house to bring me a card and a treat for administrative professionals day which was so nice. We had AJ's12 months doctor appointment which went really well. She saw redness in his ears and throat, but did not want to suggest antibiotics for him. I made spaghetti for dinner, and watched Ted Lasso.

April 27-29 was doula training up at the U. My mom watched the baby 4/27 and 4/28.

April 27 I had a bit of a female mishap during my first day of Doula training. Thankfully my mom saved the day and brought me a new pair of pants.

On 4/28 Matthew made shrimp Alfredo for dinner. I had a hankering for cold stone. Matthew went and got me some, and got Chick Fil A for himself.

On 4/29 Matthew did the house cleaning while I was gone, which was so nice. We met Dianne, Dan, and Tiffany at Citris Grill. I went straight after class and met everyone there.

April 30 was my only day off. I nursed, did laundry, went grocery shopping, and got Dutch bros. Matthew and I got gas, and I took AJ to Tous les Jours. I took AJ on a walk. He had two crappy naps for some reason. Matthew cooked dinner, and the gas ran out on the grill so he had to finish inside. I did some breakfast prep for AJ and me. I finally did AJ's 12 month photos, and it was a struggle.

Books I read in April:

Untamed by Glennon Doyle (audiobook)
Leadership and Self-Deception by the Arbinger Institute (audiobook)
Hello, Molly! by Molly Shannon (audiobook)
The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin


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