May in Review
May 1 was a busy workday and normal evening at home.
May 2 AJ woke up at 5:30. We nursed. Work felt busy but not terribly productive. My boss and his wife took me and my coworker to lunch. It was just a normal evening at home.
May 3 AJ was up at 5:15 again. Work from home went well. I got a lot done. I met my coworker at the Salt Lake store to look at their chair situation. I got a smoothie on the way home. It was a normal evening with dinner, playing, and bedtime. We watched Doctor Who while I pumped and got photos off my phone.
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Just a day in the life of solids |
May 4 AJ was up around 5:30… again. We nursed, but he was grouchy about it, so I thought my supply must be dropping. We went on a walk. Work was busy. Normal evening at home sans Matthew since he had to do food prep at work.
May 5 was a pretty low-key day off. Matthew and I had a slow morning. I took the baby with me to the dentist, and he did great. We went by swig and stopped at the Birth Center, but nobody was there sadly. I watched a lot of Gilmore girls and just enjoyed my happy baby.
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AJ at the dentist |
May 6 was Dianne’s wedding. I did laundry and housecleaning during the day while Matthew got the food ready for the wedding. We tried to do nap number two in the car. AJ was a trooper during the wedding, although he did get upset with the applause and cheering. Bedtime on this night was a disaster, but thankfully Matthew came home to help before going to clean up the kitchen.
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AJ and Aunt Whitney playing with stickers |
May 7 was a rough night as AJ did not go to sleep until after nine with Matthew's help. He woke up at around 3 AM and would not calm down. We were up for the day at 5 o’clock. I got groceries, did some meal prep, finished cleaning, and did some laundry. The baby and I went on a walk. Matthew had dinner with his family.
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His morning mess in mom's room |
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Peek a boo! |
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Dexter gets bothered |
May 8 we had another hour long middle of the night wake up. I lifted weights anyway. We skipped the bedtime bottles for the first time. I worked on the baby book.
May 9 AJ woke up around 1:00. We nursed at 6:00, and I walked on the treadmill. It was beautiful weather. Matthew and I watched Top Gun and ate really bad cheese pizza from Little Caesars.
May 10 AJ finally had a good night, but was up at 5:40. He was my awesome happy baby as I worked at home. Matthew got Village Baker for us for dinner, and I started watching Ted Lasso.
May 11 I was up at six and went for a walk outside with the baby. It was a crazy day at work. Matthew got us J Dawgs. The baby threw a fit at bedtime so Matthew had to do bedtime. I watched Gilmore Girls and worked on the baby book some more.
May 12 I was up at five. We nursed and went for a walk. We got lunch at Gourmandise with Amber. It was a beautiful day. I worked some more on the baby book, finished the book club audiobook, and booked baby swim lessons. AJ and I went to Dollar Tree and Crave cookies.
May 13 we nursed but AJ got upset. I did five loads of laundry and cleaned the house. I got myself lunch at Firehouse, put AJ down for a nap, and then had to clean up three separate piles of dog puke on the floor. I did client check ins. I started listening to the Fair Play audiobook.
May 14 was a really lovely Mother’s Day. I nursed and then handed the baby to Matthew so I could go back to sleep until eight. Matthew made me sausage and French toast. Matthew got me more flowers and some chocolate macadamia nuts. I went to the bean yard by myself and then got groceries. We went to my mom‘s house for a minute and then to Dianne‘s house for dinner.
May 15 we nursed. I lifted weights. It was a busy day at work, but Matthew brought the baby to my work and brought lunch for us to eat. It was really fun to be with them and be outside. We had AJ’s first swim lesson. Initially he was very upset when his dad left the pool area. But after he calmed down, he loved it. I did dinner and pumped and then did bedtime.
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Finally got this fixed and got to wear it for the first time since pre-pregnancy |
May 16 I went on a walk with the baby. Work was busy. I pumped, did dinner time, and did all of the cleanup and dishes. I also did bedtime. I ate a late dinner and watched Ted Lasso. Such a good episode!
May 17 I did a quick leg day. Work from home was good—lots of course building and testing out learning management systems. I did the evening by myself since Matthew worked. I went and got myself Little Caesar’s and ate and pumped while AJ ate.
May 18 was a normal day. Nursed. Walked. Worked. Pumped and did the whole evening by myself since Matthew was working.
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Just a normal day of baby chaos. |
May 19 we nursed, went on a walk, and I did a little bit of work finding clips for a work presentation. We left the house and dropped off some bibs to a local mom I need, went to Dutch Bros, stopped by Dirty Dough to give it a try, went to Tous les Jours, and got gas at Sam’s Club. We went to say hi to Matthew at work, but he could not come out. We did a second round of errands after nap too. We went to Walgreens, dollar tree, and Walmart.
The highlight of this day was when I went to take the dog out while holding the baby. I was trying to squeeze between a stupid parked car to get the dog crap into the dumpster, while holding AJ with one hand and Dexter’s leash in the other. Instead of moving or offering help, the kid in the driver seat leaned over and asked if I had a husband. I was annoyed, so I called Matthew and told him what happened. He had just pulled into our complex, so he rolled up right behind the car and trapped them in. Thankfully things did not escalate. Matthew even manage to get a video recording of the guy apologizing to me. Unfortunately Matthew had to head back to work, so I did bedtime and evening on my own.
May 20 AJ woke up at 5 AM. We went on a walk. I started cleaning and laundry. I got to go on a run. I went to Kelsey's baby shower out in daybreak. She is so cute. I stopped by our community/HOA meeting. I went grocery shopping, did a client check in, and took a bath. It felt like I was go-go going today.
May 21 we nursed and went on a walk. I did some breakfast prep for the week. During AJ’s nap I went to Crema, Tous les Jours, and Sprouts. I took AJ outside for a little while, and I guess it was for too long because he ended up having a fever from being in the heat. He just wanted to be held and snuggled and watch Hey Bear. I felt really bad. But this was also a good day because I did my very last pump.
May 22 we took AJ to swim class after work. He giggled at me through the window once he realized I was watching. Bedtime was special because he nursed before bed for the first time in many months. I figured if I would stop pumping, then I would offer nursing. I had no expectations, so this was really special for me.
May 23 I went for a short run. Work was busy. I went to get sushi with Rachel. It was nice to feel like a human for a couple of hours.
May 24 we were up before 6 AM. I lifted weights, leg day. I picked up breakfast for our work event called Leadership University. I picked up new Corelle dishes at Walmart. After putting AJ to bed, I went to Lehi for my sister in law’s baby shower sound bath. It went really late, but it was awesome. I would love to do it again when I don’t have to rush back home to go to bed.
May 25 I grabbed breakfast for the second day of leadership University. I did a lot of facilitating and a little bit of teaching. I got a lot of kind comments which was so encouraging. We went to top golf, but I did not golf. I handled the evening alone since Matthew was working.
May 26 we went on a walk. We stopped at swig and then went by the Birth Center to find AJ’s foot prints on the quilt. We stopped at Walmart to try and find sandals with no luck. I did a little bit of work during nap time. We went out again to another Walmart and finally found some sandals for him. I started laundry. This was another solo day because Matthew was working.
May 27 I cleaned and did three loads of laundry. I went to pick up four boxes of board books from a neighbor in the buy nothing group. I picked up more dishes at a different Walmart because I decided a set of four was not enough. I did a client check in. I started to watch Daisy Jones and the Six. I did most of the day alone again due to Matthew working.
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Practicing in sandals |
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A day in the life |
May 28 we nursed. I went to get groceries. I finished my audiobook— the Body Keeps the Score. Matthew and I went on a lunch date to Chili’s and went to the movies to see Guardians of the Galaxy. My mom watched AJ because she is leaving town for a while and wanted a little extra time with him. That evening we went to Jack’s graduation party. AJ was late for his bedtime. Matthew made me dinner, and I watched Daisy Jones again.
May 29 was so nice to have off. We nursed and went on a walk. We spent lots of time outside. I went to the bean yard. Matthew went to Walmart and the storage unit. I organized AJ’s new books, and ordered a small bookshelf for his bedroom.
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Watermelon on the balcony |
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Post-nap snugs for dad |
May 30 was an interesting experience. I ended up with a sore hard boob and had to leave work early because I didn’t have my pump. Who thought that would happen 13 months postpartum? It was a good day at work. Matthew picked up pizza for us. I watched Daisy Jones. I also worked on Matthew’s Father’s Day present.
May 31 was a good day at work. Finished Ted Lasso—my favorite show ever. The end of an era. In other news, we tested out a new pair of shoes for AJ that are wide toe and very flexible. I was happy with them even though they are still a little bit big for him.
All in all a good month. So happy to be done with pumping, and so glad AJ wants to continue nursing even with my small supply. I feel like I'm slowly becoming a person again.
Books I read this month:
-The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood (audiobook, started in November.)
-The Book of Boundaries by Melissa Urban (audiobook)
-Make Your Bed by William H McRaven (audiobook)
-Fair Play by Eve Rodsky (audiobook)
-The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk (audiobook)
I have almost met my reading goal for the year, and June just started! Thank goodness for audiobooks.