June in Review

June 1 was a decent work from home day. I spent the whole day learning how to use our new learning management system. I also watched an episode of Daisy Jones while Matthew was at work. 

June 2 I nursed, went on a walk, worked during naps, did my blog for May, went with AJ to get a donut for donut day and ran other errands. I watched Daisy Jones also. 

June 3 AJ woke up at 5:30. I did most of the cleaning and four loads of laundry. I went on a run. This was a sweet day because at bedtime when Matthew and I kissed each other, he wanted to join in with our kisses. It was the sweetest little moment. 

June 4 nursed, walked, did breakfast and meal prep. I got groceries and Dutch Bros. We went to the zoo for AJ's first time; he wasn't super interested, honestly. But that's OK. It was a beautiful day for the zoo. I finished watching Daisy Jones. We had BLTs for dinner. 

June 5 AJ woke up at 5:20. I lifted weights. Work was busy. I did baby's dinner and bedtime. 

June 6 another 5:20 wake up. We nursed and went on a walk. It was just a normal day with work, dinner, and bedtime.

June 7 he finally slept until 6:00. We nursed. I stretched my neck instead of working out--so much neck pain this month. I worked from home, made dinner, and watched Manifest. 

June 8 AJ slept past six. I woke up to my neighbor playing guitar at 11:30 PM; I could hear it through the wall. I went to work and had a normal evening at home.

June 9 5:30 wakeup after getting no sleep. We went on a walk. I went to Starbucks. I showered and worked in the morning. The baby and I went to the chiropractor and ran some other errands. I sorted some pump supplies for my sister-in-law. 

June 10 nursed, went on a walk, and went for a run. Did laundry and cleaned. I took a nap. We went to family dinner at Nielsen's. It was disappointing.

June 11 up at 5:55. Nursed. Walked. Did breakfast prep while AJ ate breakfast. Ran some errands. And went to Logan for Amoreena's baby shower and to see their house. I did AJ's bedtime. 

June 12 nursed. Lifted. Worked. Swim class. Dinner. Bedtime. Watched Manifest. 

June 13 nursed. Walked. Worked. Went with Raytch to see Thrice at the Union. I really liked that venue. 

June 14 nursed. Showered. Worked. Matthew had prep. I finished Manifest. 

June 15 nursed. Worked at home, with a very fussy boy. I did bedtime and watched Gilmore girls. Matthew and I spent a little bit of time together and then he went back to work.

He cracks me up

June 16 lifted. Worked in the morning. Ran errands. Went to Costco and took some food down to my in laws and hit awful traffic. 

June 17 nursed. Walked. Cleaned. Laundry. Went to an HOA meeting. Ran errands. Cut watermelon. Finished an audiobook. Worked on the baby book. Face timed my parents separately. Worked on a reel for Matthew and wrapped Father's Day gifts. It just felt like a long day. 

June 18 I nursed my baby for the last time. We went on a walk. I did his meal prep while he ate breakfast. I did my own laundry (since I did his yesterday). I listened to two audiobooks for book club. I went to Gourmandise, Smith’s, and Dutch Bros. I gave Matthew his gifts—a cute photo plaque, a daddy son book, a bacon grease container, and something else he requested ;) I got him a kouign amann, a Dutch Bros, and some beef short ribs. Plus I shared his reel. I also made a reel for my dad. I cleaned up meal prep dishes and other dishes. I put away my clothes. 

June 19 6:00 wakeup. Lifted. Worked. Mother in law came to watch AJ for the afternoon so I could go to the office. Took AJ to swim class. Did dinner and cleanup and bedtime. 

super fun accident I had

June 20 I had to wake AJ up at 6:20. We went on a walk. Work was busy. Normal evening at home. 

June 21 up at 6:00. Lifted weights. At work we had a team captain training which I did three hours of teaching about emotional intelligence. It went well. It was fun to teach. I picked up raw milk at the dairy truck. Normal evening at home. 

June 22 up at 5:45. Went on a walk. This was a hard day with the baby. But I still got some work done. I went to dinner at Chili's with Brittney and stopped at Culvers for concretes for me and Matthew on the way home.

June 23 up at 5:38. Walked. Breakfast. Work. We met Mariah at Zupas for lunch. It was good to catch up with her. I tried out a new Boba place. I worked some more. We went as a family to Taylorsville days. AJ went on a carousel for the first time.  

June 24 was busy. We went on a walk. I did laundry. We cleaned the house. We went to the pool. Matthew went and picked us up some sandwiches. He made a fancy dinner with polenta and spare ribs. And my brother asked me to call him, at which point I learned that his wife had their baby the night before-- two weeks early!

June 25 up at 5:12. Busy day. Went on a walk. Matthew made breakfast. I did meal prep. I took a long nap. It was glorious. I took AJ to Smith's. We went to the pool. There was a fire at the apartments next door. Some of our residents took pool water over to put it out. They think it was from a cigarette in the wood chips. Did dinner. Looked at Bees games. I made yogurt from raw milk. Did bedtime and cleanup. I started to develop a cough. 

June 26 up at 5:40. Work was frustrating. Thankfully Matthew took AJ to swim class. I did dinner and clean up and bedtime. I flavored and sweetened the yogurt I made. 

June 27 up at 5:45. Lifted. Work was good. Cough continued. I did dinner time. Matthew made spaghetti. I did bedtime and made granola. 

June 28 up at 6:00. We went on a short walk. We got some sad news about my coworker. I came home and did dinner, clean up, and bedtime while Matthew went to work. I still was coughing.

June 29 up at 6:00. Leg day. Work from home was mostly OK. I took AJ with me to work for the potluck. It was fun. I did dinner time and bath time. We went outside. I did bedtime. Matthew did not get home until after 8:00. 

June 30 AJ slept till 6:00 thankfully! It was a good day at home with AJ. We went on a walk. I did some work in the morning. And worked on this blog and my photos for the month. I looked up daycares and ordered a dresser. I went to the bank. I took AJ to the pool for 40 minutes. Matthew brought home pizza, and we went to Shell to use our fuel points. I took a bath and watched part of Outlander. 

Overall June was mostly a lot of the monotony of normal life, which I try to remember are the good old days. 

Books I read:

  1. The Testaments (Handmaid's Tale #2) by Margaret Atwood (audiobook)
  2. Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin (audiobook)
  3. All the Dangerous Things by Stacy Willingham (audiobook)
  4. Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson (audiobook)
  5. Out of the Maze by Spencer Johnson (audiobook)
  6. The French Art of Living Will by Cathy Yendell (audiobook)


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