August in Review

August 1 up at 6:00. Went on a walk. Worked. Stopped at Cookie Co. Made AJ’s dinner. Mom watched him and did bedtime while we went to a Bees game. Posted my July blogs. 

August 2 AJ woke up at 5:40. I did leg day. I went to get blood taken for a full thyroid panel. I got a couple calls from daycares. I got home and spent some time with my baby. We did dinner time and bedtime while Matthew was at work. I watched Gilmore girls. 

August 3 we were up at 6:10 and went on a walk. I worked from home which was really challenging this day. I went to tour a home in West Jordan, but got a text later that day that it was under contract. I did dinner and bedtime and all of the nighttime stuff since Matthew was working.

August 4 we were up at 6:00 and went on a walk. I worked from 9 to 2. I took AJ with me to get my emissions and registration done, and we toured two daycares. My heart broke when I saw a nine week old in daycare. It made me so grateful for the support that I have. I picked up pizza for us and did the evening stuff solo again. 

A dragonfly on a sunflower on our morning walk

August 5 we were up at 6 o'clock. It was a normal Saturday with laundry and cleaning. AJ and I walked to the Midvale harvest days parade. AJ needed some earmuffs because the sound was a lot for him. I finally sold his dresser to someone from KSL. We went to the pool. I made dinner and did all of the evening stuff solo. 

August 6 I slept in until 8 o'clock thanks to Matthew. I went to Crema, Tous les Jours, and Tres Gatos. It was just a normal day of feeding and watching the baby. I put on the Sandlot. Matthew grilled some dinner. I did bedtime and we watched Doctor Who.  

August 7 AJ woke up at 5:30. I lifted weights, went to work, and took AJ to swim class. After putting AJ to bed I went to get YoNutz for a treat. It was just OK.

August 8 AJ miraculously slept until 7:10. I went to work. We went to dinner as a family at Itto Sushi. We did bedtime and I watched a show.

August 9 was a good day. AJ slept until 6:30. I got really nice feedback at work. I played with AJ and did bedtime.

August 10 we were up at 6 o'clock. I did leg day. AJ was very fussy most of the day, so I had to resort to a lot of screen time to get work done. I made spaghetti, and did the whole evening routine by myself because Matthew was at work. 

August 11 we were up at 6:00 and went on a walk. We drove through Starbucks. I worked. AJ and I went to lunch at a Village Baker, got gas at Costco, and stopped at World Market and Chip cookies. I started the weekend cleaning and laundry and watched Gilmore girls.

August 12 AJ slept until 7:15. It was a miracle. I lifted weights, and did the normal cleaning and laundry. But I also got groceries. AJ and I went to the pool. 

August 13 AJ slept until 6:50. We went on a walk. We went as a family to Black Bear Diner for breakfast. We played outside. Matthew sent me to the movies to see Barbie. I loved it. I had a rough couple of hours on the couch with my monthly visitor. I got a coupon, so Matthew grabbed Macaroni Grill for us for the week. Normal evening routine. 

August 14 AJ slept until 6:55. I went on a walk. I learned that our nanny, Carmen, passed away the night before. I went to work and the chiropractor which was really good. Matthew took AJ to swim, and I did the evening stuff.  

August 15 I lifted weights, and AJ woke up at 6:30. I worked for about an hour at home then went to the office. We had a team lunch at Leatherby's. I took AJ to the pool, and did his dinner and clean up while Matthew did bedtime. Normal evening routine.

August 16 I was up at 6:10 and went on a short walk. Work was good. I got milk at the Redmond truck. I hosted book club. I stopped really quick at Nautical Bowls for a Yelp event. It was the normal evening routine while Matthew went to work. 

August 17 I woke up at 6:00 after a rough night. Did leg day. It was a big day at work as I rolled out our first big training program to a group of our employees. I also had the girls upstairs come to watch AJ in the afternoon for some help while I was home. It was a normal evening routine.

August 18 AJ woke up at 5:40. We went on a walk. I worked a few hours, put AJ down for his nap, and worked some more. I focused a lot on playing with the baby. We went to Chili's for dinner just mom and AJ. I started laundry and did the normal evening routine. After putting AJ to bed I started cleaning the house and listened to an audiobook.

August 19 I did three loads of laundry from start to finish, cleaned the house, worked out, made breakfast, cleaned up, and took a shower. I gave the baby an early nap because he was acting so tired. We went grocery shopping, and then went to Jordyn and Chad's to play with cousins since Stephanie, John, and Farah were in town. Normal evening routine.

August 20 I was up at 6, and took a morning nap. It was great and much needed. We went to Orem Park for a potluck with Matthew's family. Normal evening routine. 

August 21 I was up at 6:00 and lifted weights. Worked. Did swim lessons with AJ. Normal evening routine.

Bathrobe tie hair came out good 

August 22 We were up at 6:00 and took AJ on a walk. When we left I saw a green snacker that I thought might be AJ's. But I left it by the sidewalk for us to grab when we got home. When we got home at 6:45am it was gone. I am still bothered. I stopped to get some peaches after work. Did the normal evening routine.

August 23 was leg day. I went to work where I hosted two group meetings online. I got pizza for us for dinner. Normal evening routine.

August 24 AJ woke up at 5:38. We went on a walk. I worked from home, making some Podium courses. Matthew's mom came for the afternoon which was really helpful. While Matthew stayed home, I went to Costco for diapers and got Crave cookies. Matthew did bedtime.  

August 25 AJ woke up at 5:18, and I hit a breaking point. AJ and I went to Mimi's café for breakfast. I worked. Started cleaning the house. I took a power nap when Matthew got home from work. I made peach cobbler. Matthew did bedtime while I cleaned up and started washing the towels. 

He threw dirt in the air and it got stuck on his scalp

August 26 I went on a run. I did four loads of laundry, finished cleaning, and took AJ to the pool. I made him dinner and did bedtime. I watched Mrs. Maisel, and Matthew got In N Out for us.

August 27 I was up at 5:50 and went on a walk. I took 30 minutes for myself at The Bean Yard, before going to Walmart and Smith's. I made instant pot yogurt, did AJ's lunch, and put him down for a nap. I watched Matilda and painted my toenails while AJ slept. Matthew had to contact nap with him for 45 minutes so he would keep sleeping. Matthew went on errands for a couple of hours. I did the baby's dinner and bedtime.

August 28 AJ slept until 6:05. I lifted weights. Went to work. Did the normal evening routine.

August 29 AJ woke up at 5:30. We went on a walk. Work was busy. I took AJ to the pool after work since it was so hot. Normal evening routine. 

August 30 was a rough night, with AJ crying and being awake basically from 3:30 on. I worked the first half of the day at home since my mom is out of town. I went to the Redmond truck. It was a hard day emotionally. I made cookies from Redmond Farms, and one of them had a hair. It was a normal evening. 

He was so tired from being awake so early

August 31 I went on a run, and AJ miraculously slept until 7:40. Matthew's mom came and stayed the whole day to watch AJ, which was so great. We all went to dinner at Dollie's with her and Dan. I did bedtime. 

Books I read this month:
-Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage by Alfred Lansing (audiobook)
-Then She was Gone by Lisa Jewell (audiobook)
-How to Train Your Mind by Chris Bailey (audiobook)
-Radical Candor by Kim Scott (audiobook)
-Matilda by Roald Dahl (audiobook)
-Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus (audiobook)


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