September in Review

September 1 I woke up at 6:40 and went on a walk. I worked on our rehab conference registration and sent a bunch of emails. Matthew stayed home so I could go get a massage. It was fine; I had hoped for more. I started cleaning and worked on August blog posts. I assembled AJ's kitchen stool; he's a big fan. We went to the farmers market for peaches.

September 2 AJ woke up at 6:07. I started laundry, lifted weights, finished and started a book, finished cleaning, went and got groceries, put sheets on my bed, put clothes away, and made zucchini bread. Matthew came home, did bedtime, and went back to work.

September 3 AJ slept late! Almost till 7. We went on a walk. I made him some banana oatmeal bread for the week, and a few egg muffins. We went outside. We watched 101 Dalmatians.

September 4 AJ slept until 7:00. He and I went to Starbucks where I read a book and fed him a pup cup. We also went to Tous les Jours and dropped off a treat to Matthew at work. It was a rainy day. I started watching Call the Midwife, but his nap was annoyingly short. I started listening to a fantasy book called the Fourth Wing.

Tried a top knot. No luck.

September 5 I slept in because AJ had a rough night with lots of fussing. He slept until 8:00, his latest time ever. I had a few meetings at work. I got yelled at and called an idiot by another driver in the morning, which was a rough start to the day. Thankfully the day ended well with a bees game with Rachel.

September 6 I woke up at 6:00 and did leg day. AJ woke up at 6:50. Work was fine, with a few meetings and a chiropractor appointment. Bedtime was rough. AJ cried and cried until after 8:00, and we went in three times to try to soothe him.

September 7 I woke up at 6:15, and AJ woke up five minutes later. We went on a walk. Working from home went well, but I was distracted because it was Carmen's funeral that afternoon. Mother-in-law came over to watch AJ from about 10:40 until 4:00. I made spaghetti for dinner. He did some dancing for me and his dad before bedtime. So cute. Thankfully he went to sleep easily. I took some time to write my memories of Carmen and cry.

September 8 we were up at 6:15 and went on a walk. It was a busy day with cleaning and laundry. I even cleaned our master bath and shower curtain. I finished an audiobook and started a new one. I took AJ on a few errands at rush-hour, stupidly. Matthew was at the kitchen, so we did our normal evening routine. I did some more chores.

September 9 Details that I texted Matthew while he was at work, and I solo parented: AJ woke up at 6:20. By 12:30 I had changed AJ's sheets, put new sheets on, started his laundry, lifted full body, had a protein shake, showered, gotten AJ dressed, made him toast and packed snacks/water/toys, left the house at 8:50 to get to Kristen's race, parked and got near the finish line by coincidence at 9:15 or so. Cheered for her at the finish. Visited a little bit afterward. Took AJ with me to get groceries by 10:05. Drove thru Dutch Bros. AJ fell asleep at 11:00 when we pulled up to the house. He didn't transfer for his nap so he cried in his crib as I unloaded. I unloaded, got AJ, and put away groceries. Made AJ lunch. While he ate I tidied his room and the living room so I could vacuum. Cleaned him up in the sink. Put away his clothes from Jordyn and from the dryer. Cleaned up his lunch/bib/tray. Vacuumed the house. Changed and started my laundry. Finally stopped sweating. I put AJ down at 1:15. Made myself food. Switched my laundry over. Ate my food. I did a client check in while I finished eating. I put the shower curtain back on. I put my sheets on my bed. I started washing the couch covers. I lint rolled the couch and moved the pillows. AJ woke up after an 84 minute nap. I watched Call the Midwife. I moved the laundry over. We Face Timed my mom (tried my dad but no answer). We started the Jungle Book animated movie. We went outside. I made pasta for spaghetti and did AJ’s dinner, bath, and cleanup. We finished Jungle Book and played with rings and shapes. I put him down at 7:34. I did dishes.

Matthew came home with flowers for me. 

Waiting for Kristen to finish her race

September 10 AJ woke up at 6:27. I did yoga and took him on a walk. I did his breakfast, cleaned up, showered, and went to Crema and Tous les Jours. We played. I watched Call the Midwife.

My flowers from the night before

September 11 we were up at 6:00. I lifted weights. I went to work, took AJ and the dog outside. Matthew was not feeling well so he went to bed. I did bedtime, Duolingo, and back stretches. I finished watching Mrs. Maisel.

September 12 AJ woke up at 5:00. We went on a walk. We had our summer party at work, with R&R barbecue. Matthew brought AJ to the park at the end. I baked Matthew's birthday cake. Normal evening at home.

September 13 I was up at 6:00, but took too much time in bed. I needed to put up the birthday banner and streamers for Matthew's birthday. So I only ended up lifting weights for 15 minutes. Work was busy. I took Matthew to PF Chang's for dinner, while my mom kept AJ. We got home and Matthew did bedtime while I frosted his cake. He opened presents after bedtime.

September 14 I was up at 6:00, and AJ woke up at 6:25. We went on a short walk. I worked at home. AJ had a great nap. I got a lot done. AJ hit his head on a rock in the evening when we were playing outside. And he had a little dance party before bed

The big rock behind him is where he bonked his head

September 15 AJ woke up at 6:12, and we went on a walk. All three of us went to get breakfast at Landmark Grill. It was really good. I got Dutch Bros, worked a little bit, put AJ to bed for his nap. I started cleaning and listened to my audiobook. We went to pick up little boy clothes from a person in the buy nothing group. We drove through Splash on our way home for a drink and treats. It was a normal evening. I watched Call the Midwife.

Bath robe tie hair

September 16 I woke up a little bit after six, started laundry, lifted weights, showered, did the baby's breakfast, did more cleaning, and got groceries. I had to save AJ's nap by contact napping at the end. I took him outside. We got Papa John's for dinner. Normal evening at home.

September 17 I slept in until 8:00 while Matthew took the morning with the baby. The day felt a little bit wasted and like I was drifting aimlessly. We picked up a whole bunch of treats from a neighbor in the buy nothing group. He fell asleep in the car unfortunately so his nap ended up being too early. I did yoga. We went to Ethan and Whitney's for dinner: ribs and mac salad. It was awesome. I always love chatting with Whitney. Unfortunately we were well past AJ's bedtime, and the night was kind of a nightmare getting him to sleep when he was so overtired.

September 18 we were up at 6:00. AJ needed extra loves, so I only got a 15 minute workout done. I went to work. I called Friends 4 Life to report on the manager for the residence downstairs. I stopped at Smith's, cleaned up AJ and his dinner, and took him outside. Bedtime was 7:00. I listened to my audiobook and posted for AJ's 17 month milestone.

September 19 we had a really rough night where AJ was crying off and on from 11:30 to 12:45. He still woke up at 6:00. We went on a walk. Work was busy. It was an awesome evening because Brittney came over to chat and brought us Mo Bettah's. It was a normal evening besides that. I watched Call the Midwife.

September 20 was a really good day. It was a Wednesday, but I worked at home due to a work event on Thursday and Friday. I showered and had a productive workday, with the baby being such a trooper. Matthew came home and took over while I went to get a massage, the best I've had in a really long time. I got a Swig on my way home and did normal evening stuff (litter box, dishes, tidying).

September 21 I was up at 6:00, but it was the most rested I have felt in a very long time. AJ and I went on a walk. We had Leadership University for work. Everything worked out really well. I didn't end up eating dinner I realized later. Matthew worked, so I did that evening stuff by myself. I finished Call the Midwife. I did have to rework some plans for the second day of our work event because I did not want it to be redundant with Thursday's content. 

September 22 my lift was cut short because AJ wanted extra snuggles. Our second day of Leadership University went well. I got a lot of really great feedback from a few people. I played with my baby after work, did his dinner, clean up, and bedtime.

September 23 AJ woke up at 5:30. I started the laundry and cleaning. I had bad neck pain I was dealing with. We did a two nap schedule since he woke up so early. I did all the normal Saturday things. We went down to Lehi, picked up AJ's snack cup from my grandma, had dinner as a family at JCW's, and went to Cornbelly's as a family for the first time this year.

September 24 I went on a walk, did AJ's breakfast, boiled eggs, and tried to make instant pot yogurt that did not end up turning out  :( I took a nap while AJ napped, which never happens. We watched some Disney nature movies, and we went outside. I made spam musubi for my first time. We did AJ's dinner and clean up. Matthew did bedtime. We watched Princess Bride.

September 25 mom stayed the night the night before since Matthew and I both had work in the morning. I met with the executive assistant at work so I could take over some of her tasks since it was her last day. It was a normal evening at home with going outside, doing dinner and clean up, and bedtime.

September 26 I was up at 6:00. I went for a run while AJ continued to sleep! Work was busy. Normal evening routine.

September 27 was leg day. Work was busy again. Normal evening at home. Matthew went to bed early and I watched Riverdale. It's so dumb. I wish I could stop.

September 28 Matthew was at work early so I could not go on a run or walk. I got ready while AJ slept until 7:00! It was a miracle. We went on a walk together; we just did the morning a little backwards from normal. My mother-in-law came to watch AJ. I got a lot of work done. I took the baby outside after work, did dinner and clean up. Matthew did bedtime. I watched Riverdale.

September 29 AJ was up at 6:30. We went on a walk and stopped a lot to see the incredible moon, did breakfast, and I did a little bit of work. We drove through Starbucks, went outside for a little while, did lunch, and then nap time. I worked some more. I started cleaning and laundry. I took AJ to Cornbelly's by myself, which was much hotter and harder than I expected. I was completely wiped out. We came home, did dinner and bath time, and Matthew started doing some cleaning while I did bedtime. I got to take a bath. I watched Riverdale, and Matthew got us dinner.

Morning moon

Pink cheeked boy

September 30 AJ was up at 6:20 or so. We went on a walk. I did an Instagram post about spontaneous labor. I showered, and we went to get groceries. I put AJ down for his nap. I did this blog post, client check ins, and finished up the cleaning and laundry while he slept. He woke up about 2:25; I made him lunch. We hung out. We went outside for a little while, but it was really windy. We went and got Big Daddy's pizza for dinner, followed by cleanup, reading some books, and bedtime. Matthew worked all day. 

Books I read in September (All audiobooks)

  1. The Thyroid Connection by Amy Myers
  2. The Craving Mind by Judson Brewer
  3. Behind Closed Doors by BA Paris
  4. Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
  5. Really Good, Actually by Monica Heisey
  6. The It Girl by Ruth Ware
  7. Excuse Me While I Disappear by Laurie Notaro (not audiobook)
  8. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
  9. The BFG by Roald Dahl


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