November GBOMB

I missed October. I just didn't have the mental energy or time to commit to it. But I like doing these. It helps me reflect more about what I'm thinking and experiencing in life rather than just listing what I do in a day like a news report. So in November... Good California. Everything about it. AJ did so well on the way there and on the way home. The weather was great--rainy day included. Being with my dad and watching him connect with AJ. Watching my brothers love on AJ. AJ getting to run around outside. The only downside is that my favorite donut shop was only open one day we were home, and they didn't have my favorite one. Family photos. I love them! We took them at Wheeler Farm again, and Ali had them to us in two days. She's so good at what she does, and I was able to order our holiday cards super fast. Christmas. Lights. Decorations. Music. It makes the short, dark days easier. Having Christmas music or movies playing just brings so much cheer. Exercise. ...