November GBOMB

I missed October. I just didn't have the mental energy or time to commit to it. But I like doing these. It helps me reflect more about what I'm thinking and experiencing in life rather than just listing what I do in a day like a news report. 

So in November...


California. Everything about it. AJ did so well on the way there and on the way home. The weather was great--rainy day included. Being with my dad and watching him connect with AJ. Watching my brothers love on AJ. AJ getting to run around outside. The only downside is that my favorite donut shop was only open one day we were home, and they didn't have my favorite one. 

Family photos. I love them! We took them at Wheeler Farm again, and Ali had them to us in two days. She's so good at what she does, and I was able to order our holiday cards super fast. 

Christmas. Lights. Decorations. Music. It makes the short, dark days easier. Having Christmas music or movies playing just brings so much cheer. 

Exercise. With my dad's help, I was able to lift or run every day that I was home in CA without having to be fully attentive to AJ. It was so nice! Recently, I've been able to lift three days a week consistently and walk on the other days. It feels good. I'm ready to get back to the gym. 

AJ's development. The child is a parrot. He's willing to copy almost anything we ask him to say, and he says it really well! He helps to throw trash away, puts things back when we ask him to (mostly), helps feed the animals, helps make his food (when we have time), wipes things, and likes to help with laundry. Obviously having him participate slows things down, but I try to remember that that's kind of the point. 

Secret Santa. We're doing Secret Santa at work, and I love this kind of stuff. I got the gifts for my person already, and I hope she likes them!  


The dark. The darkness in the morning. The darkness on the way home. It's dark SO often, and the time change only makes it worse. I am struggling. I need to find my "happy light." 

Toddlerhood. AJ has started to throw his head back in a tantrum and has nailed me in the cheekbone twice--one left me tender for a couple weeks. At Festival of Trees he didn't want to sit in his stroller, just wanted to run around. To avoid screaming, I basically had to let him, but didn't get to pay much attention to the trees. I kind of expected that, but we are just entering a hard phase. He also isn't eating as well as he used to, which I know is probably normal. 

Cavities. I had a dentist appointment this month and have the beginnings of several cavities which is really disappointing for me. I haven't changed my eating or dental hygiene. I imagine it's from having AJ, and I'm sure it'll get worse. Such a bummer. 

HVAC. We had a tune up done--my first one ever since moving in in 2015. The water heater definitely needs to be replaced, which I suspected. And our furnace is pretty old and needs at least some work if not a total replacement. Our initial quote was super overwhelming. We got a second, much more reasonable quote. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it though. 

Food. I'm starting to notice how I feel after eating certain foods--a very quick response. I feel my sinus react, and feel myself get foggy and generally feel bad. I think this goes back to the need to attempt to eliminate some things from my diet. Honestly, all that holds me back is that it's hard for me to eat enough to begin with. I don't have time to make breakfast on the days I work (I know--meal prep), and sometimes just eating anything at all is what it comes to for me. But I do want to feel better and want to be in a good place for my next pregnancy. 

On My Brain

Blind spots. I was having a conversation with my friend the other day, and we were talking about how it would be scary to ask our closest friends and family about our "blind spots." What are the qualities we have that need some work? What areas can we be or do better? What are we not seeing? I have a pretty good idea of my worst qualities, but would be interested in what others say--if it would line up or if there would be more. 

Living situation. We have a possible opportunity to move out of our condo (and keep it to rent it out). It's on my brain. I have been wanting to move so badly, but also it's a big change and a lot of work. I'm intimidated by it. 

The hassle is worth it. I try to remind myself of this. Scheduling the event--Cornbelly's, Festival of Trees, Luminaria, whatever--loading AJ up to go, handling him while we're there. It's a lot. Even driving him to CA to visit family. It's such an ordeal. But I try to remind myself that the hassle is worth it. "It is by spending myself that I become rich." We gain memories, connections, and for AJ--development. 


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