January in Review

Jan 1 I did not get much sleep because I kept waking up from potty training nightmares. I did a workout. I took AJ with me to Harmons and Dutch Bros. I took a nap. We went to an early dinner at Red Lobster. I published my blog posts, reflected on the year, and set some goals.

Jan 2 I did a workout and had a busy workday. It was a normal evening at home. Except during bedtime I read I'll Love You Forever for the first time, and it broke my heart. After tidying I watched the crown.

Jan 3 I did a workout and had a meeting filled workday. It was just a normal normal evening at home.

Jan 4 AJ woke up at 5:30. I walked on the treadmill. It was a rough day with potty training as I was working and AJ was having accidents. That evening I watched the crown.

He loves to take selfies

Jan 5 I lifted weights. I worked until almost 2:00 and was really busy. I got Starbucks. I took AJ outside. We went as a family to Trader Joe's. It was a normal evening at home.

Jan 6 I did a workout. I finished the house cleaning and did laundry. I got groceries. I went to get a haircut, did my client check in, and started working on a website update for a client. We went as a family to Ying's Thai and sushi. It was awesome.

Jan 7 I walked on the treadmill. I worked on learning about AJ's new car seat and set it up in my car. I cleaned like a mad woman because Matthew's friend TJ and his wife Marisa came over. They brought Wingers for us for lunch. We had a planning call for the retreat on Matthew side of the family. I made brownies. I had to scramble to figure out childcare for Monday.

AJ loved Marisa

Jan 8 I lifted weights and work from home went really well thanks to AJ being amazing, and thanks to a neighbor who helped me. I made us dinner of rotisserie chicken in the air fryer, peas, instant potatoes, and stuffing. Since Matthew was at work I did all the things: took the dog out, cleaned up dinner and the dishes, did bedtime, did the litter box, etc.

AJ's post-nap snack box


Just snackin' and readin' some books

Got a sucker for going poop

Jan 9 AJ woke up at 3:45 AM for some reason. Work was fine, fairly busy. I walked on the treadmill after getting home since the morning was too hard. It was a normal evening otherwise.

Jan 10 I woke up at 5:45 and lifted weights. I dropped off food for a work meeting off campus. It was a normal evening at home. We watched the Crown.

Jan 11 I was up before 6:00 to do cardio. I decided that I would like to throw myself a birthday party, so I started making plans for that. It was a normal evening at home without Matthew since he was at work. AJ required extra support after going to sleep.

Jan 12 I walked on the treadmill. I worked until 1 PM. I listened to my audiobook while cleaning the house. I did three loads of laundry. AJ and I left the house to drive through Base coffee and Thirst drinks to get beignets. We watched Encanto together and shared our treat. I made us English muffin pizzas. It was a normal evening without Matthew. I finished watching the Crown.

Jan 13 I was up around 6:00 again. I tried to do yoga but got interrupted 1 million times, mostly by AJ spilling his blueberry purée packet in 100 different spots, and he was crawling all over me and smacking my ponytail. I showered and got groceries. Matthew went to work. AJ and I went to pick up milk at Gardner Village. I worked during AJ's nap. My mom came by. I did AJ's dinner and bath time. Matthew came home and sent me out of the house. So I went to eat at Crisp and Green. Then I went to the Chocolate to have dessert. I read my book at both places. It was nice.

Jan 14 I got to hand AJ over and go back to bed. I was only able to sleep till 8. I am not good at sleeping in. I walked on the tread. During naptime I went to the Bean Yard and ValSof bakery for the first time. Made egg cups for myself for breakfast for the week.

Jan 15 I got myself a free smoothie at Tropical Smoothie Cafe. Work was crazy. I got Cafe Rio for lunch for free. I made a doctors appointment. Had my normal crazy evening at home solo.

Jan 16 AJ woke up at 5:48. I walked on the treadmill and went to work. We had a team lunch. It was a normal evening at home.

Jan 17 AJ woke up at 5:38. I lifted weights. Work was busy. It was a normal evening at home. Matthew and I watched Upload on Amazon prime.

Jan 18 AJ woke up at 5:18. He has been getting up early because he has been waking up dry so he needs to go potty. I tried to put him back to bed, but it didn't work. I walked on the treadmill. It was a work from home day with Dianne's help thankfully. It was a normal evening at home and we watched Upload. That night we tried underwear overnight for the first time for AJ.

Jan 19 AJ was basically awake from 1:00 to 3:15 I think because he just was not used to sleeping in underwear? Matthew got up with him at 6:06. I walked, worked a half day, did housecleaning and laundry. We got dinner as a family at Raising Cane's. We watched Upload after putting AJ to bed.

Another day outside

Jan 20 AJ was up at 5:30 to go potty. I lifted weights. I showered, got groceries, and got Starbucks while Matthew took AJ to Gardner Village for a little while. I did a client check in and some work for Nicole. Matthew made bread for the first time in his bread maker. He remembered at the last minute that he had a birthday party to go to, so I took AJ to my mom's to hang out. I did bedtime and tidied. After Matthew got home we watched bullet train. I really liked it.

Jan 21 AJ miraculously slept until 6:30. I did yoga. We went to Sweet Lake Biscuits as a family for breakfast. AJ did great. Matthew had to go to work, so I took AJ to Walmart and made chili. It was a normal solo evening, except that I did a lot of extra stuff to try to get ready for the next morning.

Peppermint hot chocolate

Jan 22 up at 5:30 naturally and lifted weights. The morning was really chaotic as I was trying to remember everything to drop AJ off at his grandma's house, and AJ was pulling things out of his go-bag, and spilled milk all on the inside of it. Work was insane especially in the afternoon. My mom brought AJ to my work so I drove us home. The evening was insane because Matthew had to work a triple. (I got home, unloaded the car, started laundry, unpacked AJ's things, changed my clothes, took off my magnetic lashes, let the dog go potty, folded up the couch covers so AJ wouldn't tear them up, made us dinner, cleaned up dinner partway, put AJ in the bath, dressed him, finished cleaning up, did the litter box, moved the laundry to the dryer, did bedtime, emptied and rinsed AJ's potty, started the vacuum, took the dog out, and fed the animals.)

Jan 23 AJ woke up dry at 5:30 and 5:50. I did a walk and had a crazy day at work. It was a normal evening at home.

Jan 24 AJ had a rough night and was up at 12, 1, and 2. I was up to support him four times. I still lifted weights for about 20 minutes and had a busy day at work. This was a big day because AJ told me that he loved me three times before I went to work. He normally will just sign it and not say it with words. It was a normal evening at home other than I had a good phone talk with Matthew while he was at work.

Jan 25 AJ woke up at 1:30, 5:30, and 6:38. It was a work from home day with Dianne's help, and AJ was having a really hard time. We went to Dollie's for dinner. It was a normal evening at home.

Jan 26 AJ called out at 5:30 and woke up at 6:30. I did a Core de Force workout and did a half-day of work at home. Matthew got us lunch. I cleaned and listened to my audiobook. I also did laundry and watched a show with Matthew.

Jan 27 I was up at 6:30, and by some miracle AJ slept until 7:10. I lifted weights and showered, ran errands to dollar tree, bath and body Works, Smith's, and Dutch Bros. I did laundry, took AJ outside, did some work for Nicole, and continued working on my pregnancy workout program. We drove down to Springville to go to Magleby's for Dianne's birthday. AJ was super late to bed but really did so well. This was also a big day because he told me that I am the "best mom."

My only photo from dinner at Magleby's

AJ gathers all his blankets and animals to snuggle after his nap

Playing outside

Jan 28 I woke up and brought AJ into my bed in hopes of getting more sleep, but it didn't happen. I made us pumpkin waffles. I took AJ outside because of the warm weather. I met with Matthew's cousin to discuss a presentation we are doing at the retreat in March. I took AJ on a walk, made chili and cornbread, and had an otherwise normal evening.

Jan 29 I was up at 5:45 to lift weights, but AJ woke up shortly after I started, and he had wet the bed. I took him to my mom's house. This was a weird day because I found some fraud charges on my debit card. I had to call the bank and go get a new debit card. I did the evening sprint on my own as Matthew was at work.

Jan 30 I was up at 6 o'clock and AJ was up at 6:05. I walked on the treadmill. I got lunch with my friend Amber. I made chocolate cake before putting AJ to bed. It was a normal evening otherwise.

Jan 31 I was up at 5:30 and could not go back to sleep. AJ wet the bed again. I lifted weights and went to work. It was insanely warm and lovely weather. AJ and I met Matthew at Chick-fil-A after work for dinner. It was a normal evening at home.

Books I read this month

-Above the Line by Urban Meyer (audio)
-Someone Else's Shoes by Jojo Moyes (audio)
-James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl (audio)
-The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman (part audio, part text)
-A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson (audio)
-Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson (audio)
-As Good As Dead by Holly Jackson (audio)

I'm going to save any reflections on the month for my GBOMB. 


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