May in Review

May 1 I decided to sleep in and just took a very short walk outside. Work was pretty busy. I bought a used car seat off of KSL. I brought AJ home. We went to Itto Sushi all as a family. I did bath time and bedtime, then went on a walk. I ended up having a horrible cough attack that brought on a lot of vomiting of mucus and peeing my pants. 

May 2 I lifted weights. I worked from home. I took my MASS test for NASM personal training CEUs. I passed with a score of 88%. I did AJ's dinner. We went as a family to Home Depot to decide on flooring and carpet. It was a normal evening at home.

May 3 I was up at 6 and lifted weights. AJ slept until 6:45, miraculously. I worked a half day. We had Home Depot come and measure our home for flooring. We went to Costco as a family and had an early dinner in the food court. I took AJ outside while Matthew did housecleaning. I did bath time and bedtime and cleaning. 

May 4 I was up around 6:30 and went on a walk. I attended the Utah Birth Conference all day from 8:30 to 5:00. It was really great. Max was missing since the previous evening; he jumped out the living room window (not for the first time). It was a normal evening plus some laundry. 

AJ got into my lip gloss. That shirt stain hasn't come out.

May 5  I was up around 6:20 and brewed my daily (fertili)teas. I put the car seat back together for Dianne's car. I sent over some Doula stuff to a client. I went on a walk made bacon and eggs, and showered. We went as a family to the Utah home Expo. I did some meal prep because the week ahead was daunting. I did my CPR class and passed my test. So I was finally able to renew my personal training certification. I made instructions for AJ's normal day and sent them over to my sister-in-law. It was a busy day with the toddler. But thankfully Matthew did bedtime. I went outside to look for Max. I found him in the bushes on the ground to the left of our balcony. I made lunch for AJ, picked out baseboards, and did mermaid hair for Monday. 

V proud he can climb into his bed

May 6 I lifted weights. Work was kind of weird and off pace all day. I went to Lehi to pick up AJ from Jordyn's house and thankfully there was no traffic. I did dinner, cleaning, unpacking. I gave AJ a bath and did bedtime. 

May 7 I was up at 5:40 to lift weights. Work was pretty slow. I had a physical therapy appointment. I went to pick up AJ after work. After dinner and clean up AJ and I went to Home Depot to try and finalize the flooring situation, but I had to call to increase my Home Depot card limit. So I did that after bedtime.

May 8 I was up at 5:40 and went on a walk. After work I drove down to Lehi to pick up AJ and drove straight to Home Depot where we were for almost an hour. AJ was challenging in all of the normal two year old ways. I struggled so badly to stay calm and regulated. I lost it when he threw my 19 year-old iPod on the ground and broke it open. We got home pretty late to do dinner time and bedtime, another reason he was being poopy (hungry and tired).

He loves baby Olive

May 9 I was up at 5:40 and lifted weights. Work was pretty slow again. My mom brought AJ to my work. We picked up pizza, ate, and cleaned up. I took AJ outside. I did his bath and bedtime.  

May 10 since I took the day off work, AJ woke up before 6 AM. I lifted weights, got Starbucks, and made breakfast. I had a good long talk with my dad which was really nice. I made AJ lunch and we walked over to get a new key for the clubhouse and pool. AJ had an awesome nap while I cleaned and did laundry. We went to meet a new babysitter. She had lots of animals (2 dogs, a rat, a kitten, fish), so AJ was very excited. We got swig and got gas. It was a normal evening except I got to take a bath. 

May 11 I went on a walk. I did breakfast and clean up followed by a shower. We went and got groceries, came home and unloaded and then got right back into the car to go to Nicole's house to talk about doula stuff. Put AJ down for his nap and did more laundry. I did a little bit of self-care painting my nails etc. I went and grabbed mom's flowers and put clothes away. I took AJ outside, but he ended up overheating. So the rest of the evening was really hard with him being very fussy and needy. I had to hold him to sleep at bedtime. I went to bed and set my alarm to wake up to try and see the northern lights since I missed the night before. (no luck)

May 12 was Mother's Day. Matthew got me roses. I went on a walk. We went to breakfast as a family. I took AJ on a walk to the playground. It was a really hard toddler day. Unsuccessfully attempt at a nap during AJ's nap. AJ and I stopped at my mom's to bring her flowers before going to Dianne's.

This was actually taken mid-tantrum

May 13 was rough because AJ was up most of the night before. I packed him up and made his lunch to try out his first time at an in-home daycare. Thankfully he did really well. I did the whole evening alone including picking him up from Murray, making dinner, cleaning up, doing bath time and bedtime plus pet care. 

May 14 I was up at 5:40 to lift weights. I went to lunch with my team. After work I went to a presentation for a membership so I could get a free vacation. It was a pretty normal evening at home. I had some stomach issues this day and didn't eat after lunch.

May 15 I was up at 5:40 and tried to do leg day but had to quit after a half hour. I was shaky and was feeling really really sick. It was probably because I had not eaten since lunch the day before. I spent part of my workday at our Salt Lake store. After getting home I made us dinner and did all of the normal evening stuff.

May 16 I was up at six. I took AJ on a walk. I worked from home. After dinner we went to Culver's as a family and ate ice cream outside.

May 17 I was up at six and lifted weights. AJ and I went to the dentist. He did not do as well as I hoped. This was a hard day as AJ had his worst longest meltdown of his toddler life. He was screaming in my ear for 75 minutes. I tried everything to help him calm down. He finally fell asleep in my arms . We went on a walk and had a normal evening.

Snacks post-nap

May 18 I was up at six after being awake till midnight from really loud and considerate neighbors across the street. I took AJ grocery shopping. I had our teenage neighbor come over while AJ was asleep so I could head to the Dough show with Rachel. it was fun to be somewhere in the middle of the day not as Mom. 

May 19 I was up at six but stayed in bed until seven. I took AJ on a walk. We went on some errands. I took AJ outside after his nap. There was a car parked in my covered space for a while. I posted in the Facebook group and left a note on the car, and ended up having it towed. It ended up being one of the workers (for the special needs adults downstairs) who was in high school. There was no way to know who was parking in my spot. But I felt bad about it the rest of the night. 

Breakfast and lunch prep

Paris Baguette with mom

May 20 I was up at 5:40 and lifted weights. AJ slept until almost 7. I took AJ over to his cousins' house. I refilled a prescription and met my sister-in-law at Gourmandise to pick up AJ. It was a normal evening at home. 

May 21 AJ woke me up at 4:40 and then 5:40. I did leg day. I took an afternoon break at work for once. We went to Itto Sushi as a family and took AJ outside after dinner. It was a normal evening of Bedtime, Duolingo, dishes, general tidying.

May 22 I went on a walk. Matthew made hamburger helper. I got a text from my little brother. I had some good chats with my friend Kelsey and my sister-in-law Amoreena. 

May 23 AJ had a really rough night and was awake before six. He went to the babysitter's house again and did great. I worked from home. We got someone unfortunate news about his normal Thursday childcare. It was a normal evening at home. 

May 24 hours was up at six and went on a walk. I worked a half day. We went outside. I was stuck at home because Matthew needed my car. I worked and did laundry. I took AJ outside again. Matthew did bath time and I did bedtime. 

May 25 was a busy day starting with leg day. We did lots of errands. I did laundry and cleaning. I cleaned out the entryway closet, making several trips to the dumpster. I also repotted my orchid. I made my bed and put away clothes. My mom came over to watch AJ and do bedtime so I could go see Cary Elwes for a princess bride Q&A downtown. It was a lot of fun.

May 26 I was up at 6:30 and took AJ on a walk. We got ready for the zoo and got breakfast but had to turn back home to get his stroller. It was a beautiful day at the zoo but AJ was really obsessed with the idea of seeing monkey poop. AJ and I took a nap after we got home. Matthew worked on his car. It was kind of a hard day so I asked Matthew to do bedtime.

May 27 AJ had a terrible night waking up every 30 to 90 minutes throughout the night. We went on a walk. I had him help me make breakfast and muffins. I cleaned out the litter genie and the diaper genie. AJ and I went to Tous Les Jours. During his nap I went through underneath my bed and got rid of some stuff in our local buy nothing group. I took AJ outside and then made us dinner. We went on a walk. It was a normal evening at home solo. 

May 28 was another rough night. I got up at 5:30 and lifted weights. We went as a family to meet another potential babysitter who is very close by. I was not feeling super great about it. I made dinner for AJ and took him outside while I did Duo Lingo. It was a normal evening at home. 

May 29 I was up at five due to AJ and so I did leg day. Leadership University went OK other than our breakfast arrived later than expected. The house was kind of messy when I got home was a little bit unexpected. That night I felt like I did four rounds of dishes and clean up. 

May 30 I was up before six and thankfully AJ had a good night. I went on a walk. The second day of Leadership University went well. Matthew made us cheeseburgers. I took AJ outside and ran into an old coworker from Alpine at the playground. I guess she moved in about a year and a half ago. And Matthew knows her fiancé because he also worked at Alpine. So it was fun to chat with them. 

May 31 I was up at six and AJ slept until almost 7. I lifted weights and worked from home. AJ was an angel, but Matthew was working on his car so it was still a lot on my own. I had to scramble to get AJ dressed, move stuff around, and put the dog away when our laminate vinyl plank was delivered. I packed away books on the bookshelf. I went and picked up more boxes and got swig. We went as a family to meet another potential babysitter I think we are going to use. I grilled kielbasa for dinner. I was not feeling well and was coughing a lot. I started a new book before bed and went to bed early. 

This boy's bedhead is the best

Books I read in May:
-Build the Life You Want by Arthur C. Brooks (audiobook)
-Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell (audiobook)
-I Feel Bad About My Neck by Nora Ephron (audiobook)
-Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child by John M. Gottman (audiobook)
-The Woman in Me by Britney Spears (audiobook)
-Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto (paperback)


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