August in Review

August 1 I got up at six to lift weights. I worked from home and did some laundry. I made sweet potato casserole and ran to Starbucks as well. I took AJ to the pool, made us dinner, and did bath and bedtime. Normal evening of Duolingo, Cleaning, etc. 

August 2 I was up before six to do leg day. AJ was very wakeful the night before. I worked a couple of hours and then took AJ to outdoor sensory class. Thankfully he did not have a meltdown. During his nap I did some cleaning and laundry and some more work. We went to the pool and had an otherwise normal evening.

August 3 woke around 6:30. Finished cleaning, did laundry, took AJ on a walk, made us breakfast, went to Petco, Smith's, and the vet for cat food. Did lunch time, client check in, and cleaned the floors. Took AJ to the pool. Made chicken fajitas in the oven (no tortillas). Did bath and bedtime. Watched House of the Dragon with Matthew.

August 4 I was woken up at 5:45 by the loud downstairs special needs neighbor on his phone outside my window. And then he woke me up a second time, and then my son cried. No sleep was to be had on Sunday morning. I made breakfast and went on a walk by myself. We went to Kuwahara farmers market. I had a doula mentor meeting. I called to check in with my Doula client who is two weeks postpartum. We went to the pool as a family. Matthew grilled burgers. I roasted chicken. I did bath and bedtime. We watched the finale of House of the Dragon.

August 5 I woke up at 5:20 and then decided to go back to bed until 6:30. Work was pretty quiet and slow. I stopped at Trader Joe's and picked up AJ from Katie's house. I made dinner for us and took him to the playground. Matthew got home in time to do bath and bedtime.

August 6 I was up to lift weights. I dropped off AJ at daycare. Work was pretty quiet except that we went to lunch as a team. I picked up AJ from daycare. I worked on my Doula website. It was a normal evening at home except for I made some potatoes. Cooking is not a usual part of my evening. I did bath and bedtime. Since Matthew was at work I did the whole evening routine by myself.

August 7 was leg day. Work was fine. I had a doctor appointment for help with fertility struggles. After work I picked up my Clomid prescription and took AJ home. I worked some more on my website. I took AJ to the pool for a little while. I did bath and bedtime. I was solo this evening since Matthew worked again.

August 8 I was up early and lifted weights. It was a work from home day. I booked flights to California for October. Mom brought AJ home, and we went to the pool. Matthew worked late so I did bath and bedtime, followed by dishes with my audiobook.

August 9 I went on a walk and worked a couple of hours before taking AJ to his sensory class. I took AJ to lunch at Vessel Kitchen so I could stay compliant. I finally posted in the Utah Birth forum to advertise for my Doula services. I cleaned. AJ and I went to the pool. I finished an audiobook.

Lunch at Vessel Kitchen after sensory class

Morning walk

Sensory class

Wandering away from class

August 10 I started out the day finding out Matthew had already left for the kitchen so I would have another day of solo parenting. I did not fare well. Among other things, AJ colored on our new floors and pulled down my necklace hanger tangling up all of my necklaces. The day ended well because he decided he wanted to ride his bike outside. He did awesome. I did bath and bedtime.

August 11 AJ let me sleep in until 7:30. We went on a walk, but he rode his bike and stopped every few feet to look at something. We got home and did breakfast, then went to pick up a used strider bike from someone on KSL. I stopped at Starbucks on the way home and made lunch for AJ. We went outside again with his bike and then went to the pool. Matthew did bath time and bedtime. I finished another audiobook.

August 12 I woke up to lift weights. Work was happily busy--I had several things to work on. I went to do my client's postpartum visit as well.

August 13 I woke up all throughout the night so I slept in. I took a couple of walks at work. I picked up AJ from daycare. We met Matthew at Ying's for Thai food for dinner. We got to watch a thunder storm while we ate dinner. It was a normal evening with bath time and bedtime.

August 14 I lifted weights. Matthew and I both worked. Dianne came over to watch AJ for us. After getting home, I took him to the pool. Dinner, clean up, bath time, and bed time all like normal.

August 15 I lifted weights and chugged water for an ultrasound related to fertility struggles. My appointment started on time and only lasted 15 minutes! So nice. I swung by AJ’s daycare to pick up something that was left there on Tuesday. I worked at home. I got dinner with Brittney at Bombay Garden.

August 16 I lifted--leg day. I made AJ breakfast and did a little bit of work from home. I took AJ to outdoor class and then got myself an açai bowl and went through the car wash afterward. During AJ's nap I cleaned and did laundry. AJ and I went to the pool. It was a normal evening with dinner, clean up, bath time, and bedtime.

August 17 I was up at seven and AJ and I walked to the park with swings. After breakfast I went to get groceries. I made AJ pasta for lunch. I continued cleaning and laundry and then finally showered at the end of AJ's nap. Matthew put on Big Hero 6. I took AJ outside with his bike. It was a normal evening at home.

August 18 I woke up at 7:15. We went to the park with swings again. I tried to do my plaster molds for some new retainers. I was not successful. After showering I went to see Twisters by myself, then stopped at Walmart for a prescription, Needed a couple of things at Smith's, and stopped at Sam's Club for gas. Matthew made dinner. I did bath time, we did bedtime as a family.

August 19 I was up early to lift weights. Work was pretty busy in the first half of the day. After dinner we went to the pool. Matthew did bath time, and I did bedtime.

August 20 I had a few meetings at work. I picked up AJ, and we went to the pool. We had dinner afterward, then bath time and and family time.

August 21 I ran and walked. Work was good. I got to facilitate some virtual huddles which I really enjoy doing. We went to the pool and then ate dinner. Matthew did bath time, and did dishes.

August 22 I was up early to lift weights. Mom brought AJ to my work. We had dinner and went outside. Matthew did bath time, and I did bedtime.

August 23 was day 31 of Whole 30, so I got to re-introduce sugar. AJ and I walked to the park with swings for a little bit. After breakfast I got ready and drove through Starbucks to get a drink with sugar in it, then we went to his outdoor sensory class. I went to Swig after his class. After AJ's lunch he took a nap, and I cleaned and did laundry. We went outside with AJ's bike. I made spaghetti for dinner, with spaghetti squash for myself. I finished my audiobook. I did bath time, and Matthew did bedtime.

August 24 AJ woke me up at 6:50. I was dealing with some really intense dizziness until after eight or so. I lifted weights and went to get groceries. More laundry and cleaning today. During AJ's nap I read my book. I finished my book while Matthew napped and AJ played. We were stuck inside all day due to the strong winds. We had leftover spaghetti and watched Big Hero 6 (again) together.

August 25 was a busy day in all good ways. AJ and I walked to the park with swings. After breakfast and a little Moana we went to Costco and the car wash. I did some meal prep for the week. We all took a nap. I took AJ outside on his bike and listened to my audiobook. Matthew made us dinner--rotisserie chicken, zucchini, and mashed potatoes. After dinner I took AJ out to walk around the neighborhood while he rode his trike. Matthew did bath time, and I did bed time.

August 26 I woke up to lift weights. Work was fairly busy. I made a stop after work and then picked up AJ from daycare. We went to dinner at Chipotle since it was a reintro day for me on Whole30 (legumes).

August 27 I got up early to lift weights. Work was pretty busy. I picked up AJ, took the dog out, ate dinner. I took AJ over to the playground; a couple of neighbor moms were there, so we chatted. Matthew did bath time and I did bedtime.

August 28 I got up to go for a run. I had a pelvic floor appointment. I moved the balcony stuff inside and took down our privacy screen so they could paint. I took AJ outside after dinner. I did bath time, and did bedtime. I finished the dishes.

August 29 I got up early to lift weights. Work was OK. I had to run home to get an ovulation test strip because I forgot to put it in my purse. Mom brought AJ to work. I stopped and got popcorn at Megaplex since it was gluten-free grain day. Matthew made fried rice. I took AJ outside and did bath time. We did bedtime as a family.

August 30 I got up and went for a walk. I worked a half-day at home and was really productive. I took AJ to get my car emissions and registration done. We went to Crisp and Green to pick up lunch. I did laundry and cleaning and some Marco Polo during AJ's nap. We went to the dollar tree. I took him outside on his bike. I made us dinner. I did bath and bedtime.

August 31 I tried to sleep in. I did leg day. I showered and got ready to go to Zion's disco birthday party. We stayed for a little over an hour. Matthew took him home and I went and got groceries. During his nap I ate and listened to my audiobook. After AJ woke up I mopped the floors. I did some laundry and put AJ's laundry away. Matthew made us dinner. I took AJ outside for a little while. We did bath and bedtime. 

Books I read in August: 

-The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control by Katherine Schafler (audiobook, mostly read in July, finished in August))
-The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware (audiobook)
-The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown (audiobook)
-The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware (audiobook)
-Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate (paperback)


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