October GBOMB

Good Weather. I really appreciated October weather this year. It was super mild and nice with a good amount of gloomy days. It did get a little cold in the last week. But really it was such a nice month. Colors. I try to notice. I don't always do a good job. But I love the colors of fall. Cornbelly's. What a fun month. We got to go to Cornbelly's three times in October and then on November 1 for the last time. I would've liked to go more, but the weather interfered in the last week. It was fun to see AJ do more and be into more things. I actually got to sit back and watch him a lot. Anytime he can run himself ragged while I watch is a good time. Disneyland. I am counting it as good even though it honestly felt harder than it felt fun. It was so crowded. The security to get in was frustrating. I don't know. It was fun to see AJ light up, but it was mostly over balloons and Mickey ears. Maybe it'll be better when we have to actually pay for his admission. But our ...