October in Review

10/1 I woke up and did leg day. Work was crazy busy. Mom brought AJ to me. We went home and Matthew brought McDonald's home for dinner. I had a hankering. I took AJ outside. Matthew did bath and I did bed time. I worked on two blog posts for September.

10/2 I got up to lift weights. Work was busy. I realized a mistake with the rehab conference which was really stressful. We went to Itto Sushi for dinner. We got home and I bought tickets for Disneyland. We watched a little Nightmare Before Christmas. Matthew did bath, and I did bedtime.

10/3 I was up early and headed to the hotel. Everything went well for the most part at the rehab conference. I went on two walks at the little pond behind the hotel. I ordered our Halloween costumes. Traffic was bad on the way to pick up AJ. I defrosted chicken and made rice and coconut korma and veggies. I did a lot of cleaning up. Matthew did bath. I did bed. I also made brownies.

10/4 I was up early to head to Starbucks and the rehab conference. I chatted with my coworkers. We packed up. I picked up AJ and took him home. I started to do weekend cleaning. I did Duolingo and took AJ outside. I did bath time and Matthew did bedtime. AJ was super fussy that evening. I did laundry, cleaning, listened to my audiobook.

10/5 AJ woke up at 6:08. I brought him into my bed for a while. I did leg day and showered. We went as a family to Smith's and Paris Baguette. I did laundry and cleaned the floors. I took out trash. We watched some of nightmare before Christmas. We went to Cornbelly's. We made AJ dinner and did some Disneyland planning. Bath time, bed time, and clean up and dishes.

10/6 we all slept in. AJ slept until 8:10, the latest ever he has slept. I made acupuncture appointments and refilled my Clomid since I started spotting the night before. I made pumpkin waffles. We went to the zoo. Put together the baby jogger stroller to try and decide if we wanted to bring that on the plane to California. I went to Walmart during nap time to pick up my prescription. I took AJ outside where he observed grasshoppers for a long time. Matthew made us a glazed ham that we got for a great price at Smith's. I made instant potatoes and gravy along with steamed cabbage. I did my nails. I gave AJ a bath and did bed time. I went on a walk to close my rings. I listened to my audiobook all day.

10/7 I got up early to lift weights after having trouble sleeping the night before. Work was good. I picked up AJ. Matthew made stuffing to have with leftover ham. I did Duolingo and took AJ outside to play. We did bath, and Matthew did bed time. I finished my audiobook.

10/8 I got up early for leg day. I had a workday full of meetings. I picked up AJ from daycare. I made baked mac & cheese to go with leftover ham. I cleaned up and took AJ outside. I did Duolingo. Matthew did bath, and I did bed time.

10/9 I was up early again to lift weights even though I was awake all night coughing and was still sore from Monday's workout. Work was fairly busy. I took AJ home and started doing laundry and packing. Matthew did bath time and bedtime. He took Dexter to Jim's while I did final dishes and house cleaning before leaving.

10/10 I got up early to do my last lift of the week. I gave Matthew his anniversary present: fruity pebbles, fruit snacks, fruit roll ups, and fruit by the foot. AJ did awesome on our flight. My dad picked us up, and drove us through In-N-Out. We went to a hibachi place for dinner.

10/11 after a rough night of sleep next to Matthew, I was up early to start getting ready for Disneyland. We were in traffic on the way there of course. It was 80° and humid. AJ did not take a stroller nap, and it was really crowded. We started at guest relations to get AJ his first visit button. We looked at the old firetruck and then waited in line to see the princesses--Jasmine, Mulan, and Ariel. We rode the teacups and walked through Star Wars land. We got some beignets. We went to storybook land. Our group was called for the haunted mansion so we went over there. We had lunch at the Plaza. My dad and I went on Star Tours, and Matthew did not care to do a rider swap after. We did the carousel and the Casey Junior train. We spent some time in Toon town where AJ went crazy running around. We ended the day with a churro, a balloon for AJ, and Mickey ears on the way out.

On the way

In line for security check

10/12 I slept in but had a very awful morning because my brother was up early, and the dumb cat meowed so loudly to be let out. We went on a walk as a family. We ate donuts. We went to Aldi for my first time. We spent a lot of time in the backyard. Dad cooked smoked chicken and squash for dinner. We took AJ to ice cream truck a couple of houses down. We watched a couple of Disney movies. When we sat outside in the evening I got about 14 mosquito bites in a 15 minute period. I did bath and bedtime by myself because Matthew went and had dinner with some of his siblings..

10/13 I was up about 6:15 and took AJ on a foggy morning walk with my dad. We all went to the broken yolk Café for breakfast together. It was awesome. It was just a mellow day. We took AJ to Gladstone Park where my brother Jason met us. We went to dinner with my dad. We did laundry and packed.

I LOVE the marine layer

10/14 AJ woke up about 6:30 and then snuggled with me on the couch. I went on a 2 mile run and then walked a little bit. I showered, did laundry, and packed. Matthew got us donuts one more time. We spent some time outside. We got to the airport and through security with plenty of time. There were no TVs on our flight to Salt Lake, so AJ was very busy and restless. I ordered Macaroni Grill for pick up because we are always so hungry after we have been traveling and then don't have food in the house.

AJ kept calling these "rocket ships"

10/15 I got up at 5:40 and lifted weights. I went to work. I picked up AJ and then got cat food at the vet. Matthew picked up our groceries which I ordered ahead. We watched some Halloweentown. Matthew went to pick up his dog. I did bath time. Matthew did bedtime.

10/16 I decided to sleep in and just do some short walks throughout the workday. We were in team captain training all day. I presented on the color code. I picked up AJ. We spent some time outside.

10/17 I woke up early for leg day after waking up four times throughout the night. Work was good. My mom brought AJ to my work. We had crockpot chili for dinner. I made cornbread. We finished watching Halloweentown and then we watched the lightning storm together in the living room.

10/18 AJ turned 2 1/2. I slept in. I lifted weights and did two loads of laundry. We went to Bath and body Works, Paris Baguette, and Smith's. I put away groceries and started to do the cleaning. We went outside for a little bit, but it was too cold. I listened to an entire audiobook on this day. I did bath and bedtime.

10/19 was a beautiful day. I slept in and then did leg day. I started some laundry and showered. We went to the pumpkin patch. Matthew got a haircut. I cleaned, vacuumed, and did more laundry. After AJ's nap we went to Cornbelly's. My mom met us there. We went to JCW for dinner. I did bath time, and Matthew did bedtime.

10/20 I made pumpkin waffles and took AJ on a walk. I attempted a nap during AJ's nap but was unsuccessful. Matthew made us pumpkin soup from Trader Joe's which was not as good as we hoped. we spent a little bit of time outside, watched Winnie the Pooh Halloween, and did bath and bed time.

10/21 I lifted weights even though I slept terribly. Work was busy. I had acupuncture and got to do another training on the color code. I picked up AJ and made us dinner. We watched Coco. Matthew did bedtime. We watched Agatha All Along.

10/22 I was up early for leg day. Work was busy, but we went to lunch as a team. I picked up AJ. Matthew made spaghetti. We did a walk around the neighborhood with plenty of stops at any home that had Halloween decorations. Matthew did bath, and I did bedtime.

Just appreciating the fall foliage in the Starbucks drive thru

10/23 I snoozed my alarm but ran 1 mile at the last minute. Work was busy as I hosted two huddles online. We got Little Caesars for dinner and watched a little bit of Casper. We went to Dairy Queen as a family. I did AJ's bath. Matthew did bedtime.

A rare selfie

10/24 I lifted weights and had another busy day at work. We had a virtual fertility appointment. Mom dropped AJ off. We stopped at Village Baker after work. I took AJ on a walk again. Matthew did bath, and I did bed time.

10/25 I snuggled AJ and then lifted leg day. I was about to take a shower but AJ wanted to shower with me. It actually worked out really nicely because I got to have a much longer shower than I would have if he were unsupervised. We ran some errands to the Dollar Tree, Petco, Five Below, and Paris Baguette. I cleaned during AJ's nap. He woke up grumpy, so after he recovered we went to Cornbelly's. Matthew did bath and bedtime. We watched Agatha All Along.

10/26 I slept in. We went on a walk as a family. We got groceries as a family. I took AJ to my mom's so we could go to Matthew's cousin's wedding in Provo. We made a quick stop at BYU creamery and then picked up AJ. Matthew did bedtime. We watched Agatha.

10/27 I was up at 7:30 and snuggled AJ in my bed. I made the dough for apple cider donuts. We went as a family to the theater to see Wild Robot, AJ's first movie in the theater. He took a late nap. I started researching for my ballot. My neighbor came over to talk about pregnancy and birth. We went on a walk. Matthew fried the donuts. I did bath and bedtime.

10/28 was my mom holiday. I slept until 6:30 and lifted weights. I took AJ to his daycare. I went to Paris Baguette and read my book. I got a massage. I cleaned the floors. I went to see Beetlejuice. I stopped at Walmart. I went to acupuncture where I took a nice nap. I picked up AJ and washed our pumpkins. I made dinner. We carved pumpkins and helped AJ paint his pumpkin. Matthew did bath and bedtime. It was a hard toddler evening.

10/29 I slept in and took a couple of short walks during the workday. Matthew made the chicken chili in the crockpot. Mom dropped off AJ. We ate. I added some fun things to AJ's pumpkin including a spider, spiderweb, bat, and Jack Skellington. I finished my ballot.

10/30 I did leg day and washed my hair. At work we got to judge Halloween decorations. I picked up AJ, and we stopped at Smith's for a couple of things. We came home, ate dinner, and put on Hocus Pocus. I did bath time, and Matthew did bedtime. We watched Agatha.

10/31 I lifted weights and got ready for work in my Halloween costume. I actually had a couple of meetings during work. My mom brought AJ to the office to trick-or-treat which was fun but also a little bit stressful. After work we went to my mom's for dinner and trick or treating. Unfortunately AJ skipped his nap, so we did not get to stay very late. We did bath and bedtime. We watched Agatha.

Eddie Munson from Stranger Things

Eleven from Stranger Things

Overall it was a busy and good month. I loved all the mild weather we had. Just enough chilly days, and Utah waited till the last week of October to get significantly colder. 

Not a great month for reading:

-The Lying Game by Ruth Ware (audiobook)
-Take Control of Your Life by Mel Robbins (audiobook but more like podcasts)
-In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware (audiobook)

I didn't finish my paperback. Our evenings felt busy. 


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