November in Review

11/1 I took the day off so I slept in a little bit. I did leg day. I did laundry. AJ and I went outside for a little bit before his nap. I cleaned during nap time. After nap I took AJ to Cornbelly's, and Matthew joined us after work. I did bath and bedtime solo since Matthew took his dog to Jim's house. I worked on the October blog post.

11/2 I was up at 6:30 to go on a cold walk. After showering I finished packing up AJ and myself. We left the house about 10 AM and drove a couple of hours to Arimo where we stopped to go potty. We finished the drive and got to Ammon where we got lunch at Jack-in-the-Box. We put AJ down for a nap at 2:30, but he took forever to fall asleep. So we woke him up at 4:00. After his nap we went to Walmart, the Cocoa Bean cupcake Café, and went to Marisa and TJ's Airbnb for pizza. We came back to the house and ate cupcakes. We did bath time and had AJ down by 9:00.

11/3 thankfully AJ slept until 6:11. I did yoga on YouTube. We went to Abracadabra for breakfast which did not disappoint. We went back to the house to get ready for church and keep doing laundry. We went to church for Tilian's baby blessing and then back to the house to finish doing laundry and pack up. Then we drove again to Rigby for the luncheon. We hit the road at 2:00. Unfortunately, AJ fell asleep at a really late time which is not ideal following daylight savings, so we woke him up. We faced a brutal meltdown for a chunk of time. We got home at about 5:30 and had a pretty normal evening dinner, bath, and bedtime.

11/4 I lifted weights and went to work and then did grocery pick up. Matthew made soup with the leftover ham bones. I did bath, and Matthew did bed. 

11/5 I lifted weights and went to Starbucks and work. It was a normal evening at home other than having the election results playing on the TV.

11/6 I did yoga and went to work. I asked my Family doctor for Clomid refills which she did for me, thankfully. In honor of Rick, Matthew got KFC for dinner. I did bath and bedtime. I chose outfits for our family photos.

11/7 I lifted weights and dropped off AJ at daycare. I worked from home. I got ready for family photos and picked up AJ. He was horribly uncooperative all the way until we got downtown. I'm grateful Ali works quickly because it was pretty windy and miserable downtown. We stopped at Ruby Snap afterward and got dinner at Wingers.

11/8 I did leg day and took AJ to daycare. I got Starbucks and worked a couple of hours. I did laundry and cleaning. I had a floor inspector here to look at some damaged planks. I got groceries and picked up AJ. I swapped out my wardrobes for Matthew to take to Storage. I did bath and bed.

11/9 I snuggled AJ and we watched Bambi. Matthew made breakfast. I went on a walk but also cleaned up a huge mess my neighbors left out in the walkway. I showered and did laundry. AJ and I went to Dunkin' Donuts and then spent a little bit of time outside. I wrote yelp reviews. We stopped by our neighbor's house because she had a Halloween gift for AJ. We went to Mooyah burgers for dinner which was so awesome. Matthew did bath and I did bed.

Just a small glimpse of the mess I cleaned up.

11/10 I went to bed with a sore throat the night before and woke up with it on this day. AJ and I went on a walk. It was mostly a lazy day. We watched Klaus and some of Frosty the Snowman. We went outside. Matthew made dinner. He also went to get me some medicine and popcorn. I did bath and Matthew did bed.

11/11 did not lift weights. I went to work. I had acupuncture. I got a drink at Roots afterward. I picked up AJ. I walked on the treadmill and did bath and bedtime.

11/12 I was up coughing for an hour in the middle of the night so skipped a workout. I went to work and picked up AJ. Matthew picked up pizza. I did bath, and Matthew did bedtime. I walked on the treadmill.

11/13 I woke up early to do leg day. I went to the fertility center to have my water ultrasound. I went to work where I did book club and had a long meeting. I picked up AJ and made dinner. I did bath and bed.

11/14 I woke up early to lift weights and went to work. I had a meeting to start a training with a couple of coworkers. I had my dye x-ray. I got cold stone and picked up AJ. I heated up his dinner. Matthew brought some food home from Costco. Matthew put on the Lego movie.

11/15 I got up early to lift weights. I went to a FranklinCovey event and went to work afterward. I got a haircut which was 2 inches shorter than I requested. I got Starbucks and went to Walmart, then picked up AJ. We took him to his friends house at 5:20 so we could go to dinner at Sol Agave. We picked up AJ and did bedtime.

AJ's friend has dresses so he borrowed one

11/16 AJ let me sleep until 7. I lifted weights and showered. I cried over my hair. We got groceries at Smith's and stopped at the chubby Baker. We did laundry. We watched some Pirates of the Caribbean. I did bath and Matthew did bed. I cleaned the floors and finished laundry.

11/17 We lounged around in the morning. Matthew made breakfast. I took AJ on a walk. I went to Dunkin and Savers. I made pumpkin cookies. Matthew put on Bolt. AJ's friend Kennedy came over so her parents could go on a date. We did bedtime.

11/18 I was up early to lift weights. I went to acupuncture and picked up AJ. Walmart sent the wrong cards to us. We ate. I did Duolingo. I did bath time and Matthew did bedtime.

11/19 I woke up at 5:30 to lift weights. I went to my HR meeting at 10 AM and was promptly let go due to reduction in force. They let me get my purse out of my office. I had Matthew come to my car so I could tell him what happened. I called my mom. I drove and got gas then went to Barnes & Noble, Paris Baguette, and Walmart to Return the Christmas cards. Talked to my dad. I updated my résumé and applied for a couple of jobs. I picked up AJ. We went to Ying's as a family for dinner. Matthew did bath and I did bed. I applied for unemployment.

11/20 I walked on the treadmill and showered. I took AJ to my mom's. I stopped at La Barba and the Redmond truck for some milk. I did applications. I had phone calls with Debra, Kirsty, and Moroni. Matthew picked up the ingredients for Massaman. I did bath and bedtime.

11/21 AJ woke me up at six. I lifted weights, showered, and took him to my mom's. I met Moroni and I over zoom. I went to acupuncture and got Roots coffee. I searched for jobs. I messaged someone from Primerica and met with her online. I went on a short walk. I did bath, Matthew did bed.

11/22 I did leg day and showered. I did a few things on the computer. I went to UPS, Trader Joe's, and Paris Baguette with AJ. I took AJ on a walk and let him play on the slides. I did application stuff. I met with a couple of my former coworkers Online to walk them through a couple of things on our training platform. I did a couple of applications and then met with someone from Primerica. I started cleaning. We made chocolate peppermint bread from Trader Joe's. We watched Christmas Chronicles and I stuffed Christmas card envelopes. Matthew did bath, and I did bed. I did laundry and normal evening stuff.

11/23 I snuggled AJ and we finished watching Christmas Chronicles. I went on a run and walk. I did laundry and showered. I fixed our balcony screen which is a bigger ordeal than it sounds like. When AJ and I got in the car to go get groceries, my car wouldn't start. I finally got it to turn over and then went to O'Reilly across the street. They said my battery was dead. So I got the car back home and let Matthew go buy me a battery while I took AJ home to feed him and put him down for his nap. I did the floors. I got groceries after his nap. We watched Muppets and the Guardians of the Galaxy holiday episode. I did bath and Matthew did bed. We started watching Lost.

11/24 I made cinnamon waffles and bacon. Matthew ran some errands. I cleaned so AJ and I could decorate. He had so much fun. But he did rip some Velcro off of his felt ornaments so I had to glue them back on. I went on a walk. I did some applications and updated my indeed profile. I stamped all of our Christmas envelopes with our return stamp. I updated our holiday letter with my work changes. I took AJ outside. Matthew made chicken soup. I did bath and bedtime. Matthew got us shakes, and we watched lost.

11/25 I lifted weights and got AJ's breakfast ready. I showered and got ready. The flooring guy came to fix the planks. I did applications. I went to the dentist. I met with Moroni online about setting up an account for AJ. I did more job searching. I went to Cottonwood high school for an English teacher interview. I picked up AJ. I sent referrals and lesson plans to the teaching position hiring person. I made AJ's dinner and did Duolingo. Matthew did bath vand I did bed. We watched lost.

11/26 Woke up early. I walked and took AJ to Katie's house. I worked on applications and linked in. I had a call with Apple One employment agency. I did a short short walk outside. Recording and facilitating on zoom so I could troubleshoot computer issues. I went to our storage unit and then picked up AJ. We went to Crumbl. Matthew got pizza. AJ watched Hercules. I did bath and Matthew did bed. We watched lost.

These curls

11/27 I did leg day and showered. AJ and I went to caffeine station and shared a banana Biscoff crêpe. We went to the dollar tree and came home. I had a phone interview with Ultradent. We watched Hercules. I dropped off mailing labels to Matthew at work. We picked up raw milk at the truck. We tried to go to Pirate O's, but it was insane. I made two pans of sweet potatoes to bring for Thanksgiving. Matthew did bath. I did bed. I labeled envelopes and Duolingo.

Got lights for AJ's crib

11/28 I snuggled with AJ in bed and put on a movie for him afterward. I lifted weights. I took AJ on a walk. Matthew went to his mom's to make turkey. AJ and I delivered Christmas cards to neighbors. I made him lunch and put him down. I got myself ready and finished my sweet potato casseroles. I woke him up and got him ready. We got to my mother-in-law's at 3:15 and then went to my grandma's at about 6:45. AJ was incredibly difficult and emotional at bedtime. I cleaned up and did dishes.

11/29 I snuggled AJ and did leg day. Matthew and I met with Moroni to get AJ signed up for an account. I went to get gas and pick up stamps at the post office. I stamped all of the cards and took them to the mailbox with AJ. I worked for over an hour trying to figure out my FranklinCovey training on zoom. I finally got it to work using Matthew's computer. I did my training from 1:30 to 2:00. I uploaded it to YouTube. Matthew went to Scheels, and I took AJ after his nap. After getting back, I took AJ on a walk with his bike outside. I applied to Skillpath with my recorded video that I did earlier in the day. I renewed our zoo passes and our Max subscription both for Black Friday deals. We went to Two Hands corndogs for dinner. I did bath and bed. We watched Doctor Who.

11/30 AJ let us sleep in. I snuggled him in bed for a bit. I started cleaning and laundry. I went on a walk and then showered. I cleaned floors while AJ was supposed to (but didn't) nap. I adjusted some of our payments and moved some money around due to my job loss. I finished two financial things, a policy for AJ and an overview for us. I also worked on our budget to check on our expenditures in November. I looked through job listings. We went to dinner at a Chinese buffet. Did bed time and watched Doctor Who.

Books I read in November:

-How to Do the Work by Nicole LePera
-And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
-The Bookshop on the Corner #1 by Jenny Colgan (paperback)
-Watching You by Lisa Jewell
-Lula Dean's Little Library of Banned Books by Kirsten Miller 


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