I'm a Consumer

The consumer in me is excited about my most recent trip to the mall, where I used a coupon I got in the mail for a free pair of panties from Victoria's Secret.

I'm sure you all want to know what kind I got. But I'll never tell.

After having searched the mall for shoes several times in the past two months, I decided to try Payless this time. Journeys failed me, Zumiez failed me, Vans failed me. It just wasn't happening. But Payless to the rescue!

They were on sale for $14.99 but it was buy one, get one half off. So they were $7.50. And dang cute. So I also got these:

Just kidding guys. Those are probably the second ugliest shoes next the ones I saw this girl in my American Lit class wearing in Fall 2006:

They were light blue suede Converse heel boots. Is that descriptive enough? I'm pretty sure I can't do their ugliness any justice.

I actually got these for the gym and for work, because my gym/work shoes are killing me. They're over two years old now.

They're brown and pink, not brown and white. And they are comfy and cute. But those slip-ons, I tell you what.

I really wanted some flats. But I cannot manage to let myself spend more on my credit card than I'd be able to charge on my debit card. Maybe next time I can justify it. There were some very cute pairs of flats, and I have NONE to my name, as cute as I think they are. It's hard to find them anywhere because my feet are so dang small. Size 5 represent! (Or size 2.5 in kids, if you want to make me feel sheepish.)

In other news, I got a 91% on my usage test last Friday. This actually disappointed me--I thought I had done better, but I'm OK with an A-. I'm trying very hard not to let stress take over my life and still allow an hour of relaxation time every night after being at school and/or work all day. I'm attempting to enjoy the journey and the learning process and love where I'm at right now, but we need a break sometime, you know?

My little brother is 19 as of three days ago. I cannot even believe it. I still remember his little boy voice and his little boy laughter and crying--begging me to let him play Barbies with me. Where does the time go?

I shall not bum you all out with the details of my personal life, this is a relatively positive post. I'll just say I'm working really hard on probably more things than I can even remember at the moment. And I want to say that I have a testimony of the Lord's love and concern for us, and I have faith in His ability to strengthen us as well. And I'm leaning on Him a LOT at the moment.

Three best things:

1. My new shoes. Something about new clothes or shoes just make you feel like 5x cuter than the day before.

2. Good hair days. I managed to fix my bangs so they don't look so retarded. And thank heavens for cold weather that keeps me from sweating and therefore keeps my bangs from getting pasted to my forehead.

3. My English Teaching program and all the people/professors in it. I love feeling like I have a partnership with people who have been doing what they do for a very long time and are ready and willing to help and dispense their knowledge to me and other novices. The networking available to me after graduating and while I teach will be amazing. I am grateful for such a cool program where people actually know you and want to help you!


April said…
Ok, this is too funny. You can tell we're related! So, last week I went to the mall with my coupon and got my free underwear! Zoey kept putting them on her head while we were shopping at other stores, so I think everyone there that day got to see what kind I picked out! Then, I went to Payless, which I never go to either, and got some Airwalks for Brayden. How crazy is that?! But, I like your shoes you got. They are cute!
Unknown said…
Yay for new shoes!

And by the way, you're probably the only person who would be disappointed with a 91%
Rachel said…
Good job on your test!
Rachel said…
so miss balibrea...it was great bumping into you, and seeing a familiar face! also i noticed that i love every movie you have quoted. =)

ps im obsessed with blogs, and i just cant help it. heather got me addicted.

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