Free Stuff!

I've realized recently that I love to save money... Perhaps to a ridiculous extreme. I'm addicted to saving money and getting free stuff. This addiction isn't like, "Oh, I love to get free samples at Costco and in the mail." This addiction is real. Let me tell you how bad it is:

Since I was 12 or so, I have taken online surveys for Harris Poll Interactive. I get point for taking surveys, and these points rack up and can be redeemed for loads of good stuff--ranging from books to DVDs to magazine subscriptions to kitchen supplies to iPod covers. My first prize was an Ever After VHS tape. That should tell you how long I have been doing this. I've also gotten and a sleek touch-sensitive alarm clock radio. I think I've gotten one more thing, too. I enjoy taking surveys, so I figured I might as well get rewarded for them, right? Anyway, I love looking through all of the "Folios" with prizes that I can get and saving up for good ones.

Fortunately, my mom signed me up for my first credit card with Discover a few years ago. Guess what Discover has? Rewards! Throughout the year they rotate certain categories of spending where we get 5% cash back. A couple months ago, it was gas and hotels. Right now it's restaurants, grocery stores, and movies--this is my favorite! I just recently redeemed my points for a $45 gift card to Outback Steakhouse to take Tanner and myself out on a date. I've been using it every time I've gone to the grocery store or out to eat or bought something at work (Blockbuster).

When I needed a second credit card, you'd better believe I did my research. What would give me the most back? A citiBank mtvU card. I get a point for every dollar spent, a certain number of points for on-time payments, and I get points for my grades! Right now I can probably redeem about $30 to anywhere, including some of my favorite departments stores and some really good restaurants. Their points system goes through the ThankYou network, so you can check out all of the options. I think I'll just keep saving for now.

But WAIT! There's more. I realized I was drinking a lot of Diet Coke at work several months ago. I wondered what this "MyCokeRewards" thing is all about? I signed up and realized I get three points a cap. Then I bought a big pack of Coca Cola products and put those codes in and saw that I got 10 points for those. So when Tanner's mom buys Coke products, I steal the front flap of the containers to add points to my account. Once when I took out the trash, I saw an empty Coca Cola box hanging over the top of the dumpster. Oh, I told you my addiction was serious. I reached up. tore off the flap, took it inside, and got my points. I have somewhere around 239 and may redeem that for a magazine subscription of some sort, but I have not yet sorted through all my options.

In the mail, we receive a ValPak filled with coupons. I go through it and pull out my favorite ones. Sometimes it's for buy one get one free game of bowling at Fat Cats. Sometimes it's buy one get one 1/2 off entree at Costa Vida. Sometimes it's three free toppings at Yoasis. But I hoard them, I tell you. We also get ValuePages in the mail which saves lots as far as food is concerned. I even used a coupon for Iguana Ink to get my printer's ink cartridge refilled.

I bought an Entertainment Book last year for this year's use. You'd better believe that everywhere I go, I check my book and my printable Entertainment coupons online to make sure we're not spending more than necessary. Actually, we'll sometimes determine where we are eating based on where I have coupons for.

I have to mention that I bought my Entertainment Book through a website called InboxDollars. This website sends you emails that you get paid to look at (a few cents each page), and you can take surveys or play games. I got $8 added to my account for buying my Entertainment Book through them. When the price of the Book for next year goes down, I will buy it through InboxDollars so I can get my coupons as well as be able to get a $50 check from InboxDollars. This site isn't a very efficient money-making tool, but it's been great for slow days at work.

My love knows my obsession with coupons. So when he found fizook, I fell in love. We check fizook for coupons to our favorite places. The idea is that restaurants are bidding on our business. Guru's, Sub-Zero ice cream, Hogi Yogi, Teriyaki Stix, EZ Take Out Burger, and many others are on this website. We've saved a ton through fizook.

I have signed up for P&G Coupons,, and but don't yet have a family to save money for while shopping for groceries. I don't go to the grocery store that much. So maybe someday these will be more beneficial.

One time I drove all the way from Glendora to the iMax theaters in Ontario for the third Lord of the Rings because I could get a free shirt and hat with my Regal Entertainment card. I also have an Entertainment Card for AMC. Too bad there aren't any up here.

I signed up at and Snapfish to get free prints. I also got a free photo book and only paid for shipping.

I am signed up at to save money for my brother's college education. Certain stores and restaurants and products participate. I have about $6 saved, but it will add up over time, right? He's only 11.

I have my grocery loyalty cards at Smith's and Albertson's and love seeing my savings on my receipt. It makes my heart jovial.

I think I've gone on long enough, and I think you see how serious my addiction is. If you throw away my coupons, I will go crazy on you. If I see that I could have used a coupon, I get upset that I didn't use it.

Because of my love for money-saving and free stuff, I don't have any problem indulging in a $5 frozen yogurt from Red Mango once in a while. Some things are just worth it, you know?

Besides, if there were coupons for frozen yogurt places around here, I'd go there instead...

Three best things:

1. My Spanish test and essay scores
2. Long naps on a Friday afternoon
3. A cute and affectionate boyfriend


April said…
I love free stuff too! You just wait til you're married and have kids. You'll love the pinching your pennies website and you'll be addicted to coupon clipping. You should talk to Leah about that one. She's the expert!
Hambone Jacobs said…
The ADDICTION is REAL!!! I tell you. I have witnessed it myself... free popcorn... sheesh. :) Love your guts, J. ;)
Abby Q. said…
have you tried There are like 100s of stores that participate, and when you shop through you get certain % cash back, like on average 6%. It's pretty good if you're already going to shop somewhere- you might as well get a little back! :)
April said…
We are ready for another update!

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