I'll Take That As a Compliment

I got into it with somebody close to me today.

I made a comment regarding men who go to serve the Lord at age 19, all-the-while funding themselves and trying to share their happiness with others--devoting themselves to Someone else.

In response I got, "Everything is church with you. there is almost nothing else in your life."

I will take that as a compliment. I've never been the kind to consider myself to be defined by a group that I'm in. I've always just wanted to be me, doing what I want, believing what I want. But this comment has made me realize that the gospel is what I want people to see when they know me. This comment has also shown me that I've changed immensely in the last three years.

If "everything is church with me," I guess I'm on the right track. I want the gospel at the center of my life, and I do want it to define me. And I am OK with that.

Where I draw the line is in self-righteousness. I hope to set an example by being loving and kind rather than in acting better than others. Believe it or not, there is a fine line there, especially when the people you love are not doing the things that would truly make them happy. It has taken a lot of effort for me not to speak out of turn, or act like I know everything, or chastise the people I love. But I try, and I do say something when I feel it's necessary.

I pray to be better in this, as love and patience and a good example are what will truly make a difference.


Cody said…
dang straight take it as a complement. good for you Jan. seriously i think thats awesome.
Bri!!! said…
WOOT! That is really cool!

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