My Christmas Inventory

So as Raytch (and pretty much everyone else) is well aware, I like making lists. Every year for as long as I can remember, I've written down/typed out everything I've gotten for Christmas. It's my way of remaining grateful for a long time.

Here it goes!

Christmas 2008

From Tanner:
A box of See's chocolate
A certificate to get a massage! Yesss...
The Ultimate Michael Jackson collection

From Raytch:
A cute "to-do list" pad (I'm going to put magnets on this for the fridge)
A Listography book

From Cara:
A Cookie cookbook (see this blog)

From Cody:
A dream jar

From Amber:
An old fashioned parchment stationery set

From Jason:
A cute card
A gold-plated heart necklace

From Jake:
A jewelry box with picture spots

From Jared:
A homemade and painted apple-shaped pencil holder

It says #1 Teacher on it :)

From Christmas:
Cute black bead bracelets

From Parents:
A portable salad shaker bowl thing (it's cooler than it sounds)
Victoria's Secret jammies and matching slippers:

Victoria's Secret bras--yesss!!
A mini-fondue ceramic set
An over-the-sink colander
A digital picture frame
A recipe book with some recipes from my mom
Money to buy clothes

Stocking presents:
Amway makeup remover
Hair tie scrunchy things
Candy and gum
Nail polish
A makeup brush set
Jingle bell toe socks

From Grandpa Gabe I got a card and a check.
From Grandma Bolda and Puffy I got money.
From Grandpa Mike I got money.
From Mimi I got a gift card to Wal-Mart.

If I forgot something, I apologize. This is all from memory. And I may not have received some presents or cards because I'm not at my apartment to receive them. Just want to thank everyone for such thoughtful and generous gifts. I love you all and hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

In other news:

My cat likes to sleep in the hall closet (on the top shelf).

My cat also beats up the dog. They have good boxing matches. Rusty's quick, but my cat is a lightweight street boxer.

My mom made a delicious Christmas dinner with turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls, stuffing, and amazing veggies.

I spent all day fixing my brother's computer by installing service packs, installing iTunes, getting his songs onto his iPod, and running an anti-virus program.

I've woken up in the family room to my grandpa's rustling of the newspaper and listening of his headphones on full blast pretty much every day since I got home. So I moved to the uncomfortable top bunk in my brothers' room.

Finally, and much to my dismay, punctuation and grammatical errors abound wherever I look. I'm finding it hard not to lose hope in humanity. Especially when we're complacent about what I regard as one of the biggest travesties in language evolution:

Nevertheless, I shall soldier on against certain changes and for certain changes.

Some of my best things this year:

1. The Lord's help in school and work--being able to fulfill all of my responsibilities to the best of my ability.
2. Prayer, and knowing that Heavenly Father hears and answers mine
3. A long fall
4. Supportive parents who help me so much financially so that I don't have to stress about those things.
5. My favorite people living with me
6. My loving boyfriend who puts up with me
7. Sleep


Rachel said…
Aw, cutest little Shibbs...he is the MOST FUNNER cat ever!

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