Clicking and the BoM

So, I want a lot of feedback on this...

Is it possible for only ONE person to feel a connection? For only ONE person to feel chemistry?

I kind of figured connection and chemistry was a two-way street. But can someone be right for you, and you be wrong for them?

A valid question, I think.

(Rest assured, I'm referring to Chris Pine with this question. Not anyone who may or may not have been in a band or who may or may not have totally ignored me since two months ago or who may or may not be completely dominating my dreams lately. Not him.)


I finished the Book of Mormon this morning. I started last August. Needless to say, it took me a long time, and I did a lot of slacking. But I think the last chapter is the best one, not because it's last. Because of its substance and how real Moroni's voice is in that chapter.

ASK if this is true. Pray. He will answer.

Simple as that. Easy as 1 2 3.


I have my A classes tomorrow... This means I have the student who freaked out last week. Pray for me. *cry*


The weather when I left school tonight (at 5 PM) was a perfect 75. I had my windows down. It was gorgeous. Then my lesbian lover Rachel sent me a text, and I sent her one at the same time. I was typing, "What glorious weather this is. Perfect for a walk wouldn't you say?" As I was finishing that text, I received one. When I went to read it, it was from Rachel, and it said, "Would you want to go on a long walk at the park tonight?"


We freak each other out.

Anyways. We walked for an hour at the park. Laughed to tears at Captain America, a gangly white boy with short American flag running shorts on. He passed by us at least seven times, and we were in hysterics. I'm not sure exactly of the last time we laughed that hard. After treading new ground at the park, we looked at an LDS church building with stained glass windows and wished that our ward met there. And then we looked at an abandoned cute fixer-upper house that we want to purchase. SO much potential. Love.


I have parent-teacher conferences this week. I'm not that excited. Wednesday and Thursday from 4:30 to 7:30. BUT I get Friday off. Woot woot.


Class tomorrow. Long day. But I end it with Glee at my cousin Marla's house. Way to finish 'er off. Yessss!



Rachel said…
No, the other "L" word.

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