My "Type" Revised!

(Before I get into the actual meat of my post, I wanted to make a list of all that I have to do and have done this weekend):

- A roots quiz (x140)
- A commonly confused words quiz (x140)
- A worksheet for II.3-4 of Romeo and Juliet (x140)
- A worksheet for II.5-6 of Romeo and Juliet (x140)
- A word families worksheet (x30)
- Late work

*Lesson plans for the 15th/16th and 17th/22nd (and I have a sub on the 17th => lesson plans are more difficult to do because they're more detailed)

*Read a chapter in my comprehension book and do a page of discussion notes on it

All of the above items have been accomplished.

Come tomorrow, I have to
- Grade all of the A classes' journals that come in
- Grade 2B journals because I didn't on Friday
- Grade any reading logs that come in
- Grade any late work that comes in
- Print off my lesson plans
- Make copies for those lesson plans

All of the grading needs to be done by 5 PM. Awesome, huh? I'm very fast at grading journals, so I think I'll be OK. But I'm still really stressed.

Also, I went to Buca di Beppo with Rachel last night. It was so yummy. We went to Target after where I ventured into the realm of red lipstick. Rachel told me last night how I should do it, and I also researched on Google today about how to wear red lipstick--minimizing all the other makeup because light eyes naturally pop with the lipstick and dark hair. So I did my hair fun and wore a polka dot dress today.

I also got some new blush, and a dress that was on clearance for $10. I would have waited on it, but it was the only one like it and it was on clearance. I have something to exchange at Target and would've loved to have just used that as store credit, but seriously folks... I just couldn't take a risk on that dress... I mean, look at it!

I know, right? I will go back tomorrow to get the cinch belt and cardigan that Rachel helped me pick out for it--with my exchanged credit! I am excited. I never buy new clothes, especially ones I can wear to church. So yeah. I did all that grading and STILL managed to have fun with Rachel yesterday. The lesson plans and homework were done today.

But now to the real purpose of this post...

It seems on the Sundays where I least want to go to church, those are the best ones. I think that's the case for most people.

Valentine's Day is tomorrow, and there were four speakers in sacrament today. Three of the four were noteworthy. Two speakers were male and two female; one of each was engaged.. Seriously, I really enjoyed the talks. Two of them were on "What Women Want," and the other was basically the same but he took it more in the direction of what they deserve. It was very sweet. The first speaker is the one I wanted to talk about in my post...

She gave several disclaimers, including that no girl wants the exact same thing in a guy, that we don't even know what we want, and that we reserve the right to change our minds at any given moment without notice. She was very funny and well-spoken. She got into the three things she believes any LDS girl would want in a man. And I can attest to these three things.

1. A man who acts (who has initiative, is a go-getter).

2. A man who is a strong priesthood holder and leader

3. A man who praises and appreciates women

*On the first point, she mentioned the 3 Ps of dating as outlined by a general authority. Dates should be 1) planned ahead, 2) paid for, and 3) paired off. I do not like going on a (first, second, third, or important romantic) date where I am being asked what I want to do. What? You asked me on a date. You were supposed to plan it. If I asked you, I'd plan it. Come on! That shows me that you put no thought into this. Dates do not have to be expensive or extravagant, but they should be planned! I think someone who has initiative or who "acts," so to speak, would easily accomplish the first of these 3 Ps.

I could talk about the second P of dating for a long time. Basically, I'm sick of guys complaining that they have to pay. That is YOUR responsibility if you did the asking. It's gentlemanly. And no, your dates aren't always going to get you somewhere. But you have to think of it as an investment, not a waste. Just because you've been disillusioned by every girl you've taken out before me doesn't mean I'm the one who should get gypped! Seriously? I'm not high maintenance, but don't be cheap.

Paired off needs no expounding. We're too big to do group dates, folks. Let's be big kids and ask each other on dates and go out. And you know what I mean: GO OUT, not HANG out.

On top of all of these 3 Ps, a man with initiative makes decisions and goes after those things. Sooner is better than later, might I add. Laziness or indecisiveness is a huge turn off. So I'm definitely with the first lady speaker on point number one. I do want a go-getter man of action.

**As for the second point, I think this should have been number one. Having lived a life without a priesthood holder in my house, this is not an option. I'd rather marry a friend who has the priesthood than a lover who doesn't. My needs and the needs of my family will not be met if I do not have a priesthood holder in my home. Not only a priesthood holder, but a man who understands, lives up to, and appreciates the amazing power and opportunity he has to bless so many lives. I LOVE the priesthood. I NEED the priesthood. I can't do anything in my life that matters without it. I can't repent properly, take the sacrament, go to the temple, get married there, receive priesthood blessings, be sealed to my kids, do family history, anything!--without the priesthood. Thank you, Zannah, for mentioning this.

I also think a worthy priesthood holder who is spiritual and close to the Lord will know how to lead his family to salvation and happiness. He would not abuse his "power," but instead would choose to lead with charity and humility. Another speaker mentioned that priesthood leader would lead with "honor, tenderness, and love." I think if this is the case, the third point follows pretty easily.

***The third point is true but its delivery is different for everyone. It is amazing to feel praised, loved, adored, and appreciated. For me, a text, message, letter, random note, whatever will do the trick. But I also feel appreciated and adored when a boy spends time with me. A LOT of time. This is where I'm hard to please. :) I love receiving flowers and random thoughtful things. That makes me feel appreciated too. I love receiving help or "acts of service," as they might be called, when I need it. Hugs and kisses do make me feel adored, but it doesn't go much further than that. I feel like we can say we want to be praised and appreciated, but it's more helpful to know how we feel those things most effectively.

One speaker mentioned that it is an honor and a privilege to be able to date one of Heavenly Father's daughters. I think a priesthood holder (point #2) would be mindful of this and would make that much more effort on point #3. A real man shows his wife that he loves and appreciates her, and that he sees her the way Heavenly Father does. He lets his kids see that tenderness that he feels for their mother and always speaks to her respectfully. He also helps her with anything, seeing his wife as a partner and teammate and not as lesser. In fact, he should probably see himself as standing in need of her, and the skills, comforts, and happiness that she brings to his life. Behind every great man is a great woman. A priesthood holder should know this.

I feel like this whole blog post was a scattered mess. Oh well. I just have a lot to say. High demands, too. But partly because I have a lot to offer! So it's fair, right?

I love church.


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