Somebody's Somebody

So we got to Thursday, correct? Where we went to the Pie and Sucker Punch?

Friday is kind of blurry, but I went to work that day because it was the principal's last day. I was sad. I am not sure what I did that day at all. Seriously. I guess I wrote a blog? I ate some leftover Pie pizza. I think I just hung out poking around Facebook and wasting time. Someone went to the My Chemical Romance concert that I tried desperately to get tickets to. Alas, I was left sitting at home.

Late that night, I made the treacherous journey down to Provo to Someone's brother's house. I picked up some McFatty's because we were both hungry, and there was no food.

On Saturday morning we had a talk. This is the point at which (after several patient and adorable pleadings from him) I agreed that we could make things official. April 9th.

I took some advantage of being in Provo. I went to the Dollar General (there are like two in Utah; and they have my skin cleanser). I stopped at Blockbuster where I no longer know anyone! haha. I got cupcakes at the Cocoa Bean for later. I got an Einstein Bagel and hot chocolate. I came home to Murray. I cleaned up a little bit. I did homework and lesson plans. And took forever doing them. That day, Someone got a massage with his brother and ran some errands and went to dinner with him and stuff. But I got all my stuff done while he was out, so it's OK. He came late that night...

On Sunday, we went to church with Raytch. Got some tears in Sunday school because of the teacher's story of her dad passing away. Ugh. After that we went to my grandma's for dinner, where Someone got to fulfill his goal of holding my baby cousin Londyn. Look at how cute he is with her. So cute.

He even picked her up off the floor when she was crying because of teething. There was no consoling her; he just wanted to hold her and make her feel better. He also made good conversation with both of my grandparents. I guess he has the stamp of approval from everyone who was there.

That night we didn't do a whole lot. I think we poked around at some music videos and whatnot. He showed me his favorite bands and songs which I don't think will ever be my favorites. Ick.

On Monday, Someone came to work with me! It was really fun having him there, but I know he was really bored. He was on Facebook on his phone the whole time. He posted this:

"sitting in a junior high class in Kearns UT.. wow.. I have mixed feelings.. Its sad that kids have no discipline these days.. they are horrible compared to when I went to school... but I'm also happy knowing that there will be no shortage of inmates in the near future.. hopefully they bring a friend."

I did briefly introduce him to everyone. He told me later that day that he was really impressed with me and my teaching. I felt like I was having an off day, and my kids were being AWFUL. I think they were showing off. Because today, without a visitor, the same classes were SO GOOD! It was like night and day.

Monday after work, we went to the grocery store to pick up stuff for me to make dinner. I tried some alfredo sauce from scratch. It was sooooo good.

We went to Color Me Mine afterward. I asked him far in advance if he would take me on a date there. Here's us before leaving.

Here's one of him driving us there. :)

 We got there at about 6:45 and picked out our pieces: a mask and a soup bowl.

I didn't plan anything. I just did whatever I wanted, so my little bowl is total chaos. Someone else, however, had to Google what he wanted.

And he concentrated REALLY hard.

I, however, just played.

Someone's turned out kinda cool. I guess we'll see when I pick it up on Friday.

When we got back, we cleaned up from dinner. I made brownies--his favorite. We were super tired, and my back hurt really bad, so Someone gave me a massage for like over 30 minutes. It did help, though I think I was bruised the next day. Still, isn't that nice of him? He just volunteers for these things.

On Tuesday, he was going to go but decided to stay an extra day. While I was at work, he got Cafe Rio for lunch, went and got his stuff from Provo, cleaned up there, came back, looked at houses online for himself, and waited for me to get back from work and school. I had class all the way down at BYU instead of in Orem that night. It was crappy. But we met up at TGI Friday's for dinner!

And that was that, pretty much. He left this morning and is less than an hour from home now. I will go home to California after work on Friday. Saturday morning I will drive the three additional hours to where he lives to attend his friend's wedding with him which he asked me to go to several weeks ago. Then he will come down to my neck of the woods on Monday-Wednesday. After that, I don't know what kind of drought we'll have in terms of seeing each other. It will be sad.

But I am pretty much amazed at how good this man is to me so far. He took me to lunch and dinner, paid for groceries, gave me massages, complimented me, ate my dinner, bought me gas for coming to Provo, helped me clean up and put away dishes, came to work with me, and snuggled me.

Here's to hoping...


Tonia Z said…
so happy to see you happy!! Does this mean you will be leaving the FABULOUS state of Utah, or is that presumptuous?

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