Spring Break: Activity Summary

Drove home on Friday after work. On that drive I stopped to pick up our Color Me Mine creations. Then I stopped in Fillmore. Twenty minutes before stopping in Fillmore, my car was making really scary noises. When I got out and looked, it was the plastic engine cover hanging under the bottom of my car. The noise was its scraping on the ground. I drove across the street to the Chevron to see if they had a garage. They didn't. It was also 5:30: all mechanics closed. Great.

I drove around and just re-parked. I was on the phone to my dad when this bearded mid-30s guy holding a pair of children's Crocs walked by. He bent over and looked at my car. He asked if I hit that cable in the road a while back, but I explained that I hadn't. He got down on the ground and said he basically could pull it off. So he started tugging at it, and he couldn't get all of it off. He walked over to his trailer which I think was holding some quads, grabbed a knife, and cut the rest of it off. It took less than 5 minutes for him to help me, but he saved me so much time and stress and headache. I felt so blessed in that moment, that we were both there at that exactly right moment so that he could help me. I saw him walk over to his family. I didn't realize they had been waiting, his wife and three kids, probably to go inside and eat. They saw him help me out and waited patiently for him. Words can't express the gratitude I felt and still feel to him and his family, and to the Lord for always watching out for me when I don't deserve it.

I was back on the road in half an hour from stopping, thanks to him. I stopped again in St. George and got gas. Then I stopped in Vegas for food and restroom use. I went the rest of the way home and got there just after midnight, California time. So it was about 10 hours of travel, total, which isn't bad considering my lengthy stop.

Saturday morning: up and at 'em. Showered and got ready to go to Porterville to attend a wedding with Someone. I got there at about 2, met the parents, went and got lunch, got ready, and went to the wedding.

Sunday: went with someone to get his oil changed, and got breakfast. Drove home and hung out with the fam.

Monday: 2:30 AM greeted Someone since he made the drive down to Glendora after work. We went to the Bagelry with Jason and Emily. Hung out and talked with Dad for a while. Drove around and showed him the town--Glendora, Covina, San Dimas, etc.  Had to take him to San Dimas High School, being that Bill & Ted claim to go there. Mom made Chicken and Dumplings that night.

Tuesday: Went to the store to get Jared some top ramen and mac and cheese. Sat around. Made sandwiches for me and Someone. Went to Golden Spoon for yogurt. Got my hair cut by Josh. Went to the Bahooka for dinner.

Wednesday: Went to Peppertree Cafe for lunch (skipped breakfast, woke up late). Went bowling (I got 2nd in the first game, and won the second game!). Played in the arcade. Went and got Pinkberry. Someone really liked it! Mom and dad made shishkebob, sauteed mushrooms, rice, zucchini, shells/white cheddar, and it was delicious.

Thursday: Made breakfast for Someone. He was on his way. I drove Emily and Jason to San Diego Zoo. Long drive, long day. It was fun.

Friday: Went to lunch with Allyn at Casa Del Rey. Then we wandered around Target. I took a nap because I was emotional and stressed. Watched Gulliver's Travels with my pops. Went back to sleep. *note* I was really, really sore (mostly in my calves) from the zoo. Ouchie.

Today we are doing Easter dinner because I'll leave tomorrow morning. It's been really cloudy this whole trip, kind of a bummer. The weather at the zoo was perfect, but that was one day, and not even in my town. I didn't get to the beach and didn't start on my tan. Sad.

Now I get to do homework for my class and plan lessons and possibly grade some worksheets.


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