
I like being busy. I am a checklist girl. I organize my time, but this week has been just a little too much.

The term ended... I spent all day Saturday and Sunday grading narratives. I got grades submitted on Sunday night.

Monday I worked all day, went to the gym for half an hour, and went to Rachel's family's house for a little Halloween shindig--not getting home until late.

Tuesday I worked all day, went to a school district novels committee meeting from 3-5, and did lesson plans until 8:30 at night.

Wednesday I worked all day, went to the gym for an hour, and then went on a spur of the moment date to Macaroni Grill, then watched Benny & Joon. Instead of that stuff, I needed to do laundry and clean my apartment. Little things like that, that need to be done, really hang over my head and stress me out.

Today I worked all day, went to the gym for an hour, read one chapter for my homework while on the elliptical, did dishes, have a load of laundry (that has taken three cycles now to get dry) in the dryer, one in the wash, and one waiting to get washed. I didn't do laundry on Sunday because I was grading narratives! So now I have no clothes. I ate and then went to church and worked on November's visiting teaching with Kara for an hour (SO excited--that's sooooo fast compared to normal!). I got home and made a bunch of calls so I could finalize the October visiting teaching report. Just a few minutes ago I emailed the report out to the leaders.

Tomorrow I get to work, go to the gym, and do a little more visiting teaching stuff...

And now I sit writing about all of this because even though my time has been taken up with fun stuff this week, the fun stuff has gotten in the way of my more important tasks. I am more of an all-work-no-play type of person, so playing before working makes me extremely anxious.

I need to
-Finish laundry
-Take down Halloween decorations
-Clean my apartment (kitchen and bathroom need a good, deep clean, plus I need to vacuum, clean my blinds, and wipe down my tables)
-Go grocery shopping (it's seriously been WEEKS. My fridge is empty except for milk and condiments, and this makes me want to cry, no lie)
-Finish a financial aid application for my huge medical bill
-Finish reading for class and do a write-up on it (due Tuesday)
-Work more on my case study and do a write-up on that (due Tuesday)
-Do my individual project for class (due Tuesday)
-Plan out some more for this term. I don't want to be barely ahead of the kids like last term. It's too much work. I like having everything mapped out.

So I have my work cut out. And why I went on that date last night instead of doing what I needed to do? I'm not sure. Taking a chance on something, I guess.

This past Saturday I accepted a two hour responsibility for someone that I should NOT have done, so that set me back a lot. I have a church-related dinner that I have to go to on Saturday. I also agreed to make cupcakes next week when I don't have time to do that.

On top of all of this stuff, I just am really depressed and lonely this week for some reason. Having a really hard time. Basically I'm on the verge of a meltdown this week. Maybe I'll see you all in the future. If I don't die of stress in the next few days.


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