DC, Philly, NYC, and Olive Juice

Well we all know that I function by lists, and this is the best way I could recount everything.

So I went to Maryland to visit an amazing guy who shall henceforward be known as He, Him, His, or whatever other male pronouns or terms of affection seem fitting. (*Editor's note: I had to remove all pictures of him as well. Sorry to disappoint.) This list will give a brief overview of (almost) everything we did together because let's be honest, you probably don't want to know everything

Thursday 6/13
·         I got picked up at Philadelphia airport with an awkward side hug
·         Drove home arm in arm
·         Stopped at TGI Friday’s where I had chicken fingers and he had chicken and shrimp with Jack Daniel’s sauce
·         Took a nap
·         Went grocery shopping

Friday 6/14
·         Woke up late
·         Went to see Man of Steel
·         We visited the indoor farmers’ market
·         He made dinner of chicken breast, steamed broccoli, and rice
·         We went to Bruster’s ice cream

Saturday 6/15
·         He went to work
·         I slept in
·         I did laundry, made his bed, did dishes, and cleaned his stove
·         I had an OK workout of running 1 mile and three rounds of an at-home workout I like to use
·         He came home, packed, and we left for Washington DC with snacks in tow
·         We got to the hotel
·         I researched places to eat
·         He ironed
·         We went walking around the city thinking we’d easily find restaurants. We didn’t.
·         We finally ended up at a sushi place
·         We walked home but stopped at CVS for dessert and sunblock
·         We changed clothes
·         We left the hotel around 10:30 PM to see the monuments at night
·         We saw the Capitol, the Washington Monument, the WWII Memorial, the Abraham Lincoln memorial, and some others

Sunday 6/16
·         We woke up
·         We had breakfast at the hotel restaurant
·         We drove to the Holocaust Memorial Museum to see where it was
·         We drove to church
·         We drove back from church to get tickets for the Museum later
·         We drove back to church and sat through sacrament. The talks were about personal worthiness. They were awesome.
·         We returned to DC and had a hard time finding parking. He got mad and stressed. I shut down because I felt like it was my fault.
·         We missed our window for the Museum, but they let us in anyway.
·         We took our time through the museum.
·         We wandered around DC trying to decide if there was anything else we wanted to see.
·         We ate from a hot dog stand. He also got a pretzel.
·         We made mac and cheese and watched Before Sunrise

Monday 6/17
·         We woke up late, starting the day slowly
·         We at lunch at Friendly’s. He built a burger. I got a club sandwich. 
·         We got to Philadelphia around 3 or 3:30
·         We saw cool things like the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, various libraries, an old bank, The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, this really cute alley, and more
·         We left around 7 PM
·         We stopped and got Indian food

Tuesday 6/18
·         We woke up really, really early but left a little late
·         We left late because his right eyelid started to freak out and get swollen
·         We drove to Wilmington and parked
·         We got on a really tardy Chinese bus to New York City
·         We got to NYC around 10:30 AM.
·         We got Dunkin’ Donuts
·         We saw cool things like the New York Public Library, Bryant Park, Rockfeller Plaza where we had an interesting encounter with an older gentleman, several cathedrals, Central Park where we watched a very entertaining group perform and ate hot dogs from a stand again, saw Strawberry Fields (John Lennon memorial), went to the Late Show with David Letterman, got a shake at Steak ‘N Shake, saw Grand Central Station, the Empire State building and Times Square. We also ate pizza at a casual little place. And got dessert at another place.
·         We got on the bus around 10 PM and got back to Wilmington at 12:30 AM

Wednesday 6/19
·         We discovered that my flights were canceled and had to buy another flight
·         We went to Wal-Mart for groceries and beach towels
·         I made him a sandwich, and he had to go to work
·         I did laundry and wrote 4 articles
·         I went on a walk and bought junk food
·         I went on a 4 mile run
·         I made a German chocolate cake
·         I watched Arrested Development
·         I wrote him a letter for when he got home from work
·         I went to bed

Thursday 6/20
·         I woke up late
·         I wrote an article while he slept
·         We wasted time watching videos and such
·         I had a brief workout (Jillian Michaels, after running a mile)
·         He made us German pancakes for breakfast with buttermilk syrup
·         We went to the pool for a while
·         We took pictures on my laptop on PhotoBooth
·         He wrote an important letter
·         We ate a quick salad while he stressed about a dental bill
·         We saw Star Trek Into Darkness in Wilmington
·         We had a hard time choosing a restaurant and navigating, and we had some miscommunications and came home without eating dinner
·         We came home in silence
·         I made him an egg salad sandwich for work the next day
·         We talked everything out and were OK again
·         We ate cake for dinner

Friday 6/21
·         He had to work early that morning
·         His training was canceled so he came home early
·         We saw a matinee of World War Z
·         We ate at Red Robin after
·         We wasted time together and watched Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
·         We went to Friendly’s for dessert
·         We came home, and I packed
·         We went to sleep

Saturday 6/22
·         We got up really early and drove to the Baltimore airport
·         I landed in Phoenix and ate breakfast there
·         I landed at 12:40 PM.
·         Kristen picked me up.
·         I did various things around the apartment and wrote 5 articles.
·         I went grocery shopping
·         I went solo to see 42 at the dollar theater
·         The moon was awesome

So that was my vacation. Here's a list of what I've been doing the past few days, besides missing him.

Sunday 6/23
·         I wrote an email to him
·         I got ready for church and went to church
·         I went to the mingle after church
·         I came home and wasted lots of time doing I don’t know what

Monday 6/24
·         Common Core training
·         Gym
·         Write 2 articles
·         Eat and shower
·         Go to FHE with Kristen
·         Visit teach Terra and Brandy

Tuesday 6/25
·         Common Core training
·         Gym
·         Write 1 article
·         Shower
·         Visit teach Kelsey
·         Come home and search for good recipes for dinner
·         Realize Dr. Pepper leaked all over the fridge and take out all the shelves to clean them off
·         Ate chicken
·         Wrote another article
·         I ate brown rice and spinach
·         I read through and compiled texts for my class tomorrow

Wednesday 6/26
·         Common Core Training
·         Gym
·         Wrote 2 articles
·         Writing this blog
·         Going to eat dinner and shower
·         Going to catch up on So You Think You Can Dance, hopefully


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