A Flight East

I’ve had some minor hiccups today. Like the top popping off of my shake in the car and dripping ice cream everywhere.

Or like my steel water bottle rolling off the counter onto the kitchen floor.

Or like the same water bottle falling off my desk and spilling water everywhere.

Or like the small spot that’s still on my red shorts even though I washed them yesterday!

Or like the fact that the wind blew leaf bits and bug corpses and dirt on me at the pool today.

Or how my phone refuses to deliver texts or pictures in a timely fashion.

But ya know… It’s a good day anyway…

Because 11 hours from now, I will be departing Salt Lake Airport heading to Philadelphia to see a special guy…

And he won us tickets to see David Letterman!

I managed to get 6 days’ worth of stuff packed into a carry-on bag and a backpack. As a female, I demand some kind of trophy.

I even got all my liquids into a 1 quart bag. Take that, TSA!

I got a phone call from my eye doctor saying I’m being refunded my $30 copay because I didn’t have to pay one. And I’m expecting a $50 refund from overpaying one of my emergency bills. Score!

I got the new Oz movie for only $10 at RC Willey.

I got full-sized bottles of lotion and body spray in my favorite fragrance (exotic coconut) from Bath and Body Works for only $3 each today! I realized after walking out I should have bought the shower gel too. It would’ve been $9 for all three of them when one bottle of lotion is usually $11.

I decided to try to find a small, travel-sized hair dryer at Target to save space in my suitcase. I found one. It was $18.50. But I also found a Target gift card in my wallet today. So my hair dryer was $8.50. That’s what’s up!

My sister told me earlier that she’s having another baby! She and her husband make cute babies. And s/he is due in February. I demanded that the baby be born on my birthday. EEK! So excited!

I got to work out today at step class at the gym. It was awesome.

I got to make my tan darker, even though I was covered in leaves and dirt and bug carcasses.

And in the next 6 days I get to go to Washington DC and NYC and maybe even Philadelphia! Yay! 

Loving life! Love the summer!


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