I Believe in Tissue

I feel like it's a simple, courteous thing to do--have tissue available to guests. I've felt this way for a long time, and had intended to write a blog about it. What finally pushed me over the edge was something Gretchen Rubin said in her book The Happiness Project : "I'm suspicious of buying things with very specific uses--suit bags, hand cream, hair conditioner, rain boots, Kleenex (why not just use toilet paper to blow your nose?)." Oh my gosh. Oh my GOSH! So many reasons Mrs. Rubin. So many! Toilet paper is for wiping your butt, not your face. For crying out loud. Don't tell me you've never been at somebody else's house and had a disaster. You know the kind I mean: a runny nose, or a stuffy nose, or--heaven forbid--a gnarly sneeze. Disaster can strike with less than a moment's warning (see video)! Then you have to frantically look for a tissue because your hand (or your corduroy sleeve, or wherever) is covered in snot and spit, onl...