I'm Going to the Race

I decided a few weeks ago that I wanted to run another half marathon. My body is ready for it, and I want the challenge and commitment and schedule.

So I looked up what was available because I don't want to run the Provo Half again. It ruined my knees for weeks, and I feel if I do it again it'll do permanent damage. I don't know how people do it.

I have since decided to run the Alpine Half on May 23. It'll be about two years and two weeks after my first race. My training started this past week. I'm sticking to the same schedule I did in 2013.

I did a tempo run on Monday, February 23 around the man-made lake by Patrick's house. I averaged a 10:33 pace. My calves cramped a couple of times, and I had to stop and walk several times. It was also really windy because, duh, it's West Valley.

On Tuesday I did the recumbent bike and pretty mild strength training.

On Wednesday, I had an "as you feel" run of three miles. I did this up 1000 east by my apartment and ran an average of 10:48. It was hard because the first half was uphill, and then on the way back downhill, the wind was in my face.

I took Thursday as a rest day, doing yoga as I said in my last post. .

Friday was an "easy run." I did the same run as on Wednesday, but it was much easier. No wind, and my pace was great! 10:26. No cramping, no real pauses or anything.

Yesterday was my first "long" run. It was four miles. I ran down Creek Road for the first time in a long time. It's always so much more hilly than I remember it being. The first half was hard because of that. But the second half was SO fun. I averaged a 10:30 pace and didn't feel tired when I was done. My only complaint was that my clavicle was freezing due to my sweat and the cold air.

Friday and Saturday's runs were great because it was like my body finally remembered that it's capable of doing this. It helped ME feel like I can do this.

The only casualties so far are slightly sore calves and toenails. I'm looking forward to my training and have really enjoyed the first week. I can do hard things.


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