My Birthday Blog - 28 Years!

I had a goal yesterday to write two blog posts. Then I could have said that I posted in Feburary. But here we are on March 1, and I've finally gotten the chance to write my blogs.

This year I wasn't very excited for my birthday. Being in my late 20s isn't super exciting. I feel like I should be soaking up all the time I have left in my 20s, but I guess it's that part that makes me sad. I didn't plan anything, but it actually turned out to be pretty great. I am blessed. My pictures from my phone from the past month prove how blessed I am.

I always love a good sunrise.

On my actual birth day, Patrick had to have his tonsils out, and I had a full day of work plus parent teacher conferences till 7 PM. So I wasn't super excited. We celebrated a few days earlier. 

This is how I looked. 

He brought me pretty flowers. We went to dinner at Happy Sumo. We went to the Planetarium and watched an IMAX movie about the universe. He bought me a mood ring and a pretty blue geode.

I lost my mood ring a few years ago and have been so sad about it. To explain my happiness about this would make me sound ridiculous.

We went to dessert at Sub Zero. My creation was delicious. 

This was some of Patrick's liquid diet for a few days.

My other birthday date was with Rachel. We went to Macaroni Grill.

They sang to me. Only one guy. He was really good!

Italy is at the top of my travel list, so Rachel got me these awesome presents!

This is like 1/3 of the cards I got. I ended up with a ton. I felt so loved! I got money from grandparents, a gift card to Kohl's from my nanny and my friend Julie, and a TGI Friday's gift card from Kristen. This was from my parents...

I was pretty sad about being at parent-teacher conferences, but I had three students bring me presents! How cute is that? I may have shamelessly plugged to them that my birthday was coming up. But we don't need to talk about that.

These were from Brynnlee!

This and the next two were from Daniela. 

A scarf, chocolates, nail polishes. 

This was from cute Makhail. 

This was from the office. 

I got this for free from Ulta! I love it. 

So that was my awesome birthday. But February was good in general. I've gotten lots of outdoor runs in!

Trader Joe's opened up less than a mile from my apartment. I've already been twice. 

I got some of this yesterday, and I'm pretty excited to use it. 

I got a shake at In-N-Out one night. 

I got myself some new shorts at Gordman's. This is one of three pairs I got. 

Danya gave me this Valentine at church. <3 p="">
I joined the Disney movie club and got my DVDs and a free burger certificate in the mail all in one day. 

My roommate got me a cute monkey and some chocolates for Valentine's. 

I was able to hit over 10,000 steps for five days in a week. That was my goal. 

I got this shirt at Target. I love it. 

And I'm wearing long sleeves on my runs. 

Daylight Donuts is open in Murray, and I can work it in on my way to work. On Fridays, donuts are my thing. 

So that was my month. It was pretty great. Life in general is pretty great. I'm grateful to be alive and to have so many awesome examples in my life. 


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