
You know... I've been so inconsistent about blogging. I think it's because of other social media. I feel like I put relevant life updates and activities and thoughts and feelings on social media so regularly that it feels redundant or unnecessary to keep a blog. I also write 2-3 sentences in a journal every night to review the day's events. But I guess each avenue has something unique to offer. Like if I had Instagrammed my whole Disney trip, that probably would have been annoying. But here, I could review the whole day in detail with photos and videos.

Still, for some reason I feel like I've missed a lot of important happenings in the past couple years of inconsistent blogging, and have a weird nagging feeling that I need to "catch up" somehow.

But Gretchen Rubin advises that you begin where you are. So that's what I'll do.

I'm now 30 years old. I'm still in my condo in Sandy (Midvale, really)--coming up on two years now.

I have two roommates currently, both quiet. I love it.

I trained for a half marathon and found out 10.5 weeks into a 12 week training plan that the race was canceled. I decided to run 13.1 anyway, and I did an out and back run at Gardner Village. It was glorious. I beat what would have been my time last year by about 7 minutes. I say "what would have been my time" because the race coordinators measured it 0.3 miles short, so I had to estimate what my time would have been--about 2:10. So here's my half history.

Provo Half in 2013: 2:30:06

Alpine Classic Half in 2015: 2:15:04

Gardner Village Half in 2016 (0.3 miles short): 2:06:47 - probably would have been 2:10 if it were a full 13.1.

Gardner Village Half in 2017: 2:02:51

And I've decided to run a full marathon in October. I found a local one that isn't a huge drop. I basically refuse to do any downhill runs because it ruins my knees. But they're pretty much all downhill, so they're hard to find. I'll be doing the SoJo Half on October 21 if anyone wants to come cheer me on. I need a squad who finds me along the route! :)

In other news... I'm working at Alpine Home Medical Equipment. I've been in this position for 11 months as of yesterday. I've had some cool opportunities and have learned a lot so far. I really enjoy a lot of things about it. I also have some stories to share but am too afraid of getting in trouble for what I post online. So if you want any stories, plan a lunch with me.

I've been doing a little dating recently. It seems to be going well. That's all I'll say on that, as the who and what are in my journal.

I am regularly listening to the Happier Podcast and Side Hustle School podcast. Because of Happier, I wanted to design my summer. I feel like I often let the summer get away from me. Being that my summer days are now much shorter as I work 8:30-5:00, I have much less time than I did as a teacher to do the things I always intend to do but never actually do. Thankfully, my friend Danica wrote a blog post to help me design my summer. I printed up blank calendar months of June-August yesterday. I immediately wrote in my runs, writing time, pool time, temple time, and some hikes.

I have some flexibility with empty nights, so I can switch evenings of activities if something else comes up like a dollar movie I want to see, or dinner or dates or whatever. I like having a level of openness but also having a plan to be productive and purposeful with my time. These long days with lots of sunlight make me so happy; I want to take full advantage this year.

Anyone want to come on June 26, July 3, or August 7 to a Bees game? It's only $5 per ticket and includes a hot dog :) Food truck leagues in West Valley on Thursdays or Soho Food Park in Holladay could be fun if anyone's down to eat.

Anyone want to come hike with me on June 15 or July 6 or August 10? Those dates are flexible, but it's a way for me to make sure it gets done.

As far as aspirations go...

I've been reading the 7 Habits book. It's so enlightening in so many ways. I love the part about making emotional deposits with people, and that deposits for some might be withdrawals for others. I think it connects well to Love Languages.

I hope to finish the Order of the Phoenix this weekend. I need to get the sixth book and get on track. I started my second Harry Potter series read-through over a year ago, and still haven't finished. I love to read and love Harry Potter, but for whatever reason have the hardest time sitting and doing it.

To be honest I am having a hard time doing much of anything productive lately. I feel like I'm sort of drifting along. So I am excited to have some plans in place to get to the temple, get to some Bees games, and get some road trips in the works. I also need to finish a life coaching course I'm signed up for. It's taken me a long time to get it done, but I've found that to be really valuable too. And I need to do a continuing education unit through NASM to keep my CPT current. I should explore that and see what options I have. I actually am looking forward to it.

My current calling at church is as Relief Society teacher, which I enjoy immensely. I feel I haven't taught in a while though due to stake conferences and being out of town and such. But I really enjoy it.

I've been working through the Old Testament and can pretty definitively say it is not my favorite. All this multiple wife stuff and "here husband, have my maid since I can't have babies" stuff is just too much for me.

I am still a Yelp Elite and have two reviews I need to write here pretty soon. That's been a cool opportunity and a cool outlet, and obviously a good reason to eat. I love to eat.

I have ideas for a book for NaNoWriMo, but I'm trying to decide if I want to wait until November, or just do my own novel writing month.

I have two days scheduled to do two things on my 2017 goals list: make sushi and make donuts (not the healthy kind).

I need to get my ukulele tuned and get back to practicing regularly. I lose it all when I don't practice. I don't remember anything. Consistency is key!

I'm thinking of signing up with Avatar Nutrition to really dial in my macros and physique goals. I don't aspire to have a six pack, but it would be really nice to drop that 8 pounds I've been battling. I know what I need to do; just have to stick to it. And paying for a service that keeps me on track and makes adjustments will be helpful. I even bought a scale! A SCALE! My first one in like a decade or something. I don't weigh myself often. I prefer not to. But regular weekly weigh-ins should be good and helpful.

So that's my life update. If any of you have any information regarding how I can obtain and raise a real life Baby Groot as my own, please contact me.



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