Wonder Woman

I joined the rest of Sandy City in watching Wonder Woman at the Megaplex Theater last night. It was $5 Tuesday, so it was packed.

Honestly, based on the trailers, I had minimal desire to see Wonder Woman. I thought it didn’t look very good. But then my Facebook feed was filling up with all kinds of love—females I respect who saw it multiple times within a few days, posting articles about why this movie was important, and how certain parts made them emotional. Wow. OK. I guess I should see it.

So after the temple I drove straight to the theater and was able to get myself a seat to the 7:20 show. One great thing about going to a movie alone is it’s easy to find a decent single seat. Obviously I got my popcorn before I sat down to enjoy the show. And my friends, enjoy it I did!

I need to put out another disclaimer. I’ve never been into comics or heroes. I immensely enjoy Marvel movies and the like, but I’m no enthusiast or educated fan. I also admit I didn’t and still don’t know much about Wonder Woman or her story. So this may have contributed to my overall lack of enthusiasm.

But I walked out of that movie being proud to be a woman. It sounds cheesy and weird, I know. But I was so proud. This woman (who is astonishingly beautiful, by the way, like how is that kind of beauty even possible?) embodied pretty much every quality I aspire to be as a female.

She was strong. Physically and mentally. She knew what she wanted and went after it. She wanted to train, so she did it. She pushed herself. She wasn’t a baby about any of it. Homegirl worked. I teared up watching that six year old girl who was watching the strong women fight, imitating them, wanting to be one of them.

She was motherly. I don’t know if you remember any of my old posts in which I discuss my struggle with the desire to be a mother. But I loved when she saw a baby on the street and freaked out and wanted to hold it. I never have been the “OMG a baby” type. But her genuine excitement over a baby was something I envy.

She was brave. There were so many obstacles, so many people telling her that things were impossible, that they couldn’t be done, that she shouldn’t do certain things. But she had no fear to do what needed to be done. She ran into the fire. She pushed her way through those bullets. The best part? She didn’t make it look easy. Diana had to work through the firestorm. And her conviction and strength led MEN into the skirmish. It was so empowering to me to see men follow and respect a woman; I had tears in my eyes. It’s funny, you don’t realize how much all of this affects you as a woman until you see them positively and strongly represented on the screen. Then you realize you haven’t seen very much of this kind of female representation at all in the media, and you feel hopeful and confident in what you can do.

*Edit: This woman said it perfectly, "I felt like I was discovering something I didn’t even know I had always wanted. A need that I had boxed up and buried deep after three movies of Iron Man punching bad guys in the face, three more movies of Captain America punching bad guys in the face, a movie about Superman and Batman punching each other in the face and then 'Suicide Squad.'" I read this article after writing my blog post, and it appears the same things stood out to her and made her emotional too. The article is worth a read.

She was empathetic. I think this was my favorite thing about her, and the aspect of her character that made me most proud to be a woman. I know it comes as a shock to a lot of people, but I am deeply sensitive. That’s why I have to be careful about watching the news; human pain and suffering is more than I can handle. When Diana hears of innocents suffering and dying, she can hardly bear it. It’s not even a choice about how to respond. She acts. And she cares immensely about her cause. The way she looks at suffering people, the way she hears them and feels for them. I love it so much. It’s such a special aspect of being a woman, and it reminds me of the amazing women in Christ’s day who cared for Him. I think women are blessed and cursed with the gift of empathy, but I love the way she uses hers.

She grew. I loved her realization that it’s not about what others deserve. It’s about what you believe. There is so much evil in the world, but there’s so much good to fight for too. And love is ultimately what it comes down to: spreading love and sharing goodness with others.

And like, let’s be real here. She uses a sword and a bow. So she’s automatically pretty cool.

You all can think whatever you want about me as I join the masses in praising this movie. It made me feel all the feels, and I loved it. I hope all kinds of little girls loved it too and realize that nothing can hold them back either. Maybe one day they can also know that women with muscles are beautiful; we’ll get there.


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