2018 and 2019

I've always been on the fence about New Year's Resolutions. I've often found myself without any sort of pull to make any resolutions because I think (in true Questioner nature) New Year's is an arbitrary date to start working on something. More than likely, I'm already working on something.

I feel like goals can and should be set at any time.

That being said, I did write down a few goals for 2018 in my donut journal:

- Do a sprint triathlon
- Run a half marathon
- Do two pull-ups unassisted

- Read 1 book per month
- Get Precision Nutrition certificate

- Clarify a significant family relationship
- Find hope for a new romantic relationship

- Find my place with my beliefs

2018 Results:

- Well, I didn't do a triathlon, and since I did the half marathon, it sort of trumped my pull-up goal. I still can't do a pull-up unassisted. But I can do 3 sets of 8-10 reps assisted. I think I'll get there in the first part of this year.

- I read way more than one book per month, thanks to Audible and the Libby app. I read 21 books that I've tracked on Goodreads. I started Michelle Obama's Becoming on my drive home, and I'm still reading Rising Strong by Brene Brown.
- I did finish my Precision Nutrition course on February 24.

- I did a decent job clarifying my family relationship for myself, defining it in such a way as that I can be stable and feel safe while not writing off this person.
- I think I did find hope when I ended one relationship, and I started a new one in September. I am still exploring the things I want and need, and finding the balance between giving someone a chance/ seeing how things develop versus ending things early because of a deep understanding of personality types (e.g. a literal inability to give me what I need).

- I'm still exploring this. And it seems to be increasing in its complexity. Finding my place in my religion is becoming more difficult for me, though I've had profound experiences in my life and owe much of who I am to the faith I've invested so much time in. I will continue this exploration in 2019 with my new focus word:


I want to focus on being still. I want to be able to still my mind. I want to not have to always be doing something or staying busy.

At the same time I still want to do the things that keep me happy and healthy.

So as those apply to the above categories, which I deem the most important for our balanced well-being, I guess I'll map out a few things on my mind.

- Do two pull-ups unassisted
- Purchase a bike and ride it on Sundays (after winter)

- Read (or listen to) 18 books this year
- Begin certifying as a group fitness instructor

- Regularly communicate love to friends/family in their love languages
- Write twice per week (this could also be a mental goal; but it keeps me emotionally stable)

- Spend 5 minutes three times per week meditating, drawing closer to my higher power
- Identify a spiritual master

I guess I'll get those written in my donut journal. But honestly, my main focus this year needs to be on stillness. I need to quit checking my phone needlessly when I am in the middle of a task or have nothing to do. I need to learn to quiet my mind and allow good energy into my life. I won't find any sort of spiritual clarity if I don't make the time for it.

I always am seeking balance and will continue to work toward that in 2019.

P.S. "Best Nine" Instagram posts row by row:
Row 1:
- Met Melissa Hartwig of Whole 30 at FitCon.
- Ended my cleanse with a Core Life salad
- New Year's Eve fancy selfie
Row 2:
- Mom and I at Taylorsville Dayzz (throwback to 2017)
- Rachel and I in Idaho
- Dad and I at Northwoods Inn
Row 3:
- Two transformation posts
- City Creek before the Harry Potter Symphony with my long-haired crush


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