2018 Christmas Inventory

I have customarily kept track of all my Christmas presents and listed them in a blog post. I did the same this year. As I've tried to explain before, I like lists. And I feel for some reason like keeping a list helps me stay grateful. It's also fun to look back and see what thoughtful things people have given me over the years.

From Kristen
Warm fuzzy socks
Protein Foundry gift card

From Julie
Harry Potter cookie cutters

From Britt
Christmas Story shirt (you'll shoot your eye out)

From Kristine
Warm fuzzy socks
Bath bomb

From Danny
Balaclava for cold runs
Avocado slicer (which I said I wanted when we went to Core Life Eatery)
Universal remote (because I have 5)
Baymax mug

From Danny's mom
Throw blanket

From Danny's stepmom
doTerra chapstick
Deep Blue rub packets
Fit girl necklace (kettle bell, dumbbell, plate, and "strong is beautiful charms)

From Ash
Harry Potter day calendar

From Kathryn
Donut headband

From Carmen
Zip up blanket (similar to a snuggy but no sleeves)

From Jason & Kellie
Fila jacket (super warm, for running outside)

From Jake
Barnes & Noble gift card

From Jared & Amoreena
Conversation jar (topics on little pieces of paper)
Harry Potter music box
Harry Potter shaker cup
Homemade bracelets
Hair/nail oil

From Dad
See's candy
Diamond necklace
Trip to Harry Potter world

From dad in my stocking
Cane with mini Reese's
Christmas peeps
Ferrero Rocher box
Hand creams
Macadamia nuts

From Grandpa Gabe:
Check $

From Grandpa Mike:
Cash $

From Grandma:
Cash $

I love buying presents and love receiving them. I love to see what things make people think of me.

It was an awesome Christmas in California. I loved spending time with my three brothers, two of their girlfriends, and my dad. I will write more about that in my next post.


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