Birthday #32

Birthday festivities were pretty minimal for me this year.

Since she couldn't come to my dinner on February 9, Karlie and I got dinner at Corner Bakery last Monday, February 4, and chatted for like three hours, which was awesome.

My boss took me to lunch on Friday, February 8. I picked Gandolfo's. It actually was a little bit disappointing. The last time I had it was a year or two ago, and it was super delicious. Not sure if it's just the location or what. But it was really nice of her to do that.

A few folks couldn't come to my birthday dinner for various reasons. Joyce, Mary, and Whitley were sick. Kelsey's baby was sick. Ali had a photo shoot for work that got pushed back. And Laura had a family event that evening.

But I still had a great turnout on Saturday evening at Macaroni Grill.

The crew

Kristine and Britt

Raytch and Chelsea

Kristen and Julie

Kathryn and Kristen

Me & Ashleigh
 Natalie had already left before I started taking the other pictures.

Truffle mac

Free dessert: tiramisu 
I asked for no presents, only donations to Operation Underground, or a card/letter expressing words, if anyone felt so inclined. Britt still got me a Waffle Love gift card and a long-sleeved Under Armor workout shirt. Everyone departed after dinner, and I spent the rest of the evening just hanging out at home.

On Sunday, I woke up and headed to the couch where I snuggled my cat for a little bit and talked on the phone for over two hours. That's a rare occurrence.

I got a donut and my free Starbucks, came home and chopped veggies, baked chicken, and went on a walk.

In the afternoon, a boy came over and fixed my tail light and brought me a box of See's nuts and chews for my birthday. And didn't judge me for watching my most recent episode of Riverdale.

Around 5, we headed to my grandma's house where my mom made me chicken and dumplings, and my grandma made me chocolate lovers' bundt cake.

I asked for no presents, only cards or letters for anyone who felt inclined. My aunt and grandma I guess made the kids write me something, which was mostly funny and entertaining. My grandma got me a book and gave me a dress that didn't work for her. My mom gave me a card and a shirt that says something about always being a California girl.

We watched the Grammy awards show, which was kind of weird, actually. But that Lady Gaga. She's so talented!

We headed back to my place around 9:15. The drive back was treacherous. The roads were so bad. It took like 40-45 minutes to get home instead of 18. I was just grateful to get home in one piece. We watched Hitch to let the storm pass, and I went to bed superrrr late.

And today my coworker brought Banbury Cross donuts to work for my birthday. That's what our office does to celebrate.

So far, I've had a free birthday pizza at Settebello, a free birthday drink from Starbucks, and a free donut from Crema. Hopefully this week I can get my free pizza from Pizza Studio, and maybe more stuff. We'll see.


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