January in Review

Ya know what, friends? January was not nice to me.

I'm generally a pretty even-keeled person. I'm not super emotional, and when I am, I'm usually aware of it and try to accept it for what it is and be nice to myself and more patient with others.

But my period had me emotionally wrecked for well over a week, which was poorly timed with other stuff that was going on.

And then a breakup unexpectedly hit last Tuesday. And every day has been hard since then.

Not only that, but everyone I talk to has seemed to struggle on some level. One friend is heartbroken while she has to work and leave her new baby at home. Another friend feels trapped by her position as wife and mother. Another friend got let go from his job. My boss had some serious family matters come up. My own immediate and extended family had crap hit the fan this month. Just everyone I talk to has stuff going on.

I know I have so much to be grateful for: a functioning car, a roof over my head, money in the bank, a good job, awesome (seriously awesome) friends, clothes on my back, and so much else. I don't lack gratitude and wanted to make sure I made that known.

But I can be grateful and also have a hard time getting up in the morning, have a hard time doing what I need to do, have a hard time not crying, and just have a serious desire to stay in bed all day. Those things can coexist.

I think it'll be especially good for me to review this month so I can see all the good that's been in it, since the crappy stuff seems to be the most obvious.

On New Year's Day, I went to Orange Theory and did some writing on this here blog.

I wrote several blogs over on my fitness website. It's taken a lot of work, but I planned out several months' worth of posts that I hope will help people as they try to live a healthier lifestyle.

Before going back to work, I reached out on Instagram to see if anyone wanted to get waffles after the first day back to work. I had several ladies take me up on it!

Kristen, me, Deedee, and Kathryn. Tina came later.

On the 5th, I got lunch with a friend I used to teach with. We discussed health and nutrition. I also saw Green Book that day with Ashleigh. It was SO good.

And that night I picked up Little Caesars for me and Danny. We watched Lars and the Real Girl.

I taught the lesson at church on January 6. I wasn't sure I was the right person to be setting the tone for the new year, but it is what it is, I guess.

On January 7, I got my email list up and running. That was exciting! I hope to be able to send out updates at least monthly for people who want to read my blog posts. That night, Danny and I watched Little Miss Sunshine.

On the 8th, Danny & I went to Mo Bettah's. Super delish, as always.

On January 9, I went with Ashleigh, Brittney, and Kristine to Waffle Love. That was fun. I always love conversations with friends. Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of us.

On January 10, I took my mom to dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Danny couldn't come because work was too crazy.

January 12 was a fun day. I worked out and did all my usual boring grown up things. But Danny and I went to At Home to wander around. We hadn't been to that store before, so it was fun. Sadly, he decided too late about this ugly cow creamer dish that he wanted, and when we went back to get it, it was gone. After that, we went to Itto Sushi, then went to Home Goods, because Danny hadn't been there either. We got dessert at Create, came back, and played Trivial Pursuit with Ashleigh. It was fun. It went on forever, and we all had our super weak categories, so it took forever to finish because we all kept missing the answers.

January 13 was an important day because I started reading Eleanor Oliphant, which is one of my new favorite books. I finished on January 27. I didn't want it to end.

January 15, Danny and I went with Brittney and Tyler to the Ice Castles. It was everyone's first time except for me. It was awesome. It gets better every year. I hadn't ever been at night before. It was so beautiful. I went to Danny's after that, and we watched This is Where I Leave You. It was snowing when I left his place, and he was so cute--told me to get in my car while he brushed all the snow off. Little things like that are so important.

On January 16, I left work early. I never do that, but I just emotionally and mentally couldn't do any more. I made a quick stop then came home and slept. I woke up in time to head to a massage. It wasn't my best one, sadly. Since I was having such a hard time and was so emotional, Kristen came over that night to eat with me. Seriously, my friends have really taken it to a new level the last few weeks. I ate grilled cheese and soup. What better food to eat on a sad day?

On January 17, Danny and I went to the movies. He brought me pink roses and some chocolate. I was so happy the rest of the night, and honestly have been happy thinking about it ever since then. We saw The Upside at the movies, and we both loved it.

On January 18, I finally went and picked up two IKEA book cases. I've needed a wider bookcase or more book cases for a long time, so this was actually quite a huge weight off of me. I didn't put it together until a few days later, but it looks so much better!

Saturday, January 19, I went to a three hour class at Online Trading Academy to see what they had to offer in terms of learning to day trade. I signed up and am very excited to see how I can make my money work for me in strategic ways. Danny and I browsed the Container Store for a little bit. He went home for UFC, and I got Crown Burger with Ashleigh. So good. SO busy! Then I picked up Cold Stone afterward. It was an insanely long wait. But I brought ice cream over to Danny's, and we watched some fights. Then some of his friends came over. He unexpectedly left that night to go with his brother to bowl the next morning, so our night was cut a little short.

January 20 was full of football. I went to church, then went to Layton to Danny's mom's for the Rams game. We went to his dad's in Syracause for the Patriots game. We had chili, and it was super yummy. It was fun. We hung out at Danny's after and watched the IT Crowd.

On January 22, Danny and I broke up, as I mentioned. No real need to explain any of it here. Life happens, I guess. There's no hostility or bitterness, and I wish all good things for him. He was sweet and gave me hope.

I spent the next few days writing down a lot of my thoughts and feelings, trying to organize and make sense of them. It helped, but I still am having a hard time, still trying not to cry randomly, and for the most part no food really sounds good to me. I have been eating, of course. But I just haven't really wanted to.

On Thursday the 24th, I finally went back to High Fitness. Due to donating plasma, and to Thursdays being one of Danny's nights off work, I haven't been to High in forever! It was really fun.

On Saturday the 26th, I got breakfast at Waffle Love with Britt and Kristine. Then I went to get my eyebrows touched up by my cousin. They look great, but now I'm back to no sweating for 10 days. Today is day 7.

On the 28th, I had dinner with Natalie at GR Kitchen. It was my first time, and it was tasty! I feel like the tzaziki was a mistake because my stomach was wrecked for the three afternoons following that. Hopefully my body can get back to normal pretty soon. It felt better today.

January 29 I went and saw Creed 2 at the dollar theater by myself. I enjoyed it a lot.

January 30 I went to the Homestead Crater with Rachel. We ate at Main Street Social afterward. It was pricier than I expected, but delicious. I had the seasonal special: chicken curry. I didn't take any pictures inside the crater. It took us forever just to get changed and get in, and I didn't want to dig my phone out of the locker. But I'd go back. I think it was really neat. It was nice to just hang out in there and talk.

January 31, I still felt like more curry. So my cousin Whitley and I went to Everest Curry Kitchen in Sandy. It was yummy. It didn't seem too different from the other Indian places in the area, and the service certainly wasn't any better. But the food was good, and it was my cousin's first time. So that was fun to just sit and talk with her.

I have a goal this year to read 18 books, and I'm working toward that goal by using the Libby app, where my library cards let me check out audiobooks. So far, I've listened to:
-Becoming by Michelle Obama
-The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins
-The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer
-My Story by Elizabeth Smart.
-and am currently listening to I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai

I started and finished Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, and am honestly still dealing with being done with that book. I wanted to start all over again ASAP because it was like saying goodbye to a friend. I've since started The Night Circus, which is a little slower going, but interesting. We'll see.

I am excited for my birthday dinner next Saturday with some great women and hope to have some good pictures to share for February's review.


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