2019 Christmas Inventory

I do these every year, so I probably don't need to explain that I like to make lists. It's fun to look back at them. I'm so grateful for everyone's generosity and thoughtfulness and enjoy commemorating it.

From Ashleigh
A letter

From Kristen
Waffle Love chicken and waffle dinner

From Joyce
Card with words of affirmation
Homemade wooden ornament

From Rachel
Book about writing
Merci chocolates
Starbucks gift card

From Brittney
Starbucks gift card

From my boss (Secret Santa)
A new purse

From Shivani
A sign that says "I solemnly swear too much"

From Claire (my roommate)
Mo Bettah gift card

From Byanca (other roommate)
A cute snowman mug
Bath bombs

From grandma
A pretty sweater

From grandpa Gabe
Money and a card
A coconut desk organizer

From grandpa Mike
Money and a card

From Matthew
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban illustrated hard cover - so awesome!
A love letter
A CC beanie with a hole for a top knot

From dad
Multi tool
See's candy

From mom
Harry Potter Christmas Village piece: Three Broomsticks
Stocking stuff: nail polish, lip glass, candle, sachet of fragrance, essential oil, candy cane filled with Kisses, English Toffee M+Ms, peanut butter Dove promises, note pad for fridge, car freshener, pink fuzzy socks measuring spoons, spatula, huge Symphony bar
Wooden backed photo of Matthew and I, and other photo prints

From Jason and Kellie
Ravenclaw sock slippers
Ravenclaw hoodie
Three broomsticks coin purse
Reversible sign about muggles

From Jake
$25 Amazon gift card
Butterfly baseball hat

From Jared and Amoreena
Wireless ear buds
Homemade bracelets
Hogwarts Express snow globe


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