2019 and 2020

Last year, I did a brief recap of some goals I made in 2018.

This year's goals were:

Above all, to focus on being STILL.

- Do two pull-ups unassisted
- Purchase a bike and ride it on Sundays (after winter)

- Read (or listen to) 18 books this year
- Begin certifying as a group fitness instructor

- Regularly communicate love to friends/family in their love languages
- Write twice per week (this could also be a mental goal; but it keeps me emotionally stable)

- Spend 5 minutes three times per week meditating, drawing closer to my higher power
- Identify a spiritual master

2019 Goal Evaluation 

- I cannot do two pull-ups unassisted. I know how to make this happen but end up getting so sore in my shoulders and upper back that I don't want to do any more. This is still something I'd like to be able to do and just need to work it in to my daily workouts. 
- I did not purchase. Due to Christmas money, I have the funds to do so and am seriously considering it. 

+ I read about 14 books on paper/digital text, and listened to 50 books in 2019. Blew my goal out of the water. 
- Due to time and money, I chose to do a Behavior Change recertification instead. I'm on Module 7 out of 9 total and should finish pretty soon. I still very much want to certify in group fitness. 

+ I feel like this year I did a great job texting people when I thought of them, though I probably didn't communicate in everyone's respective love language. 
- I did not write twice per week outside of my daily bullets. But I did accomplish National Novel Writing Month in November for the third time. 

+ I had 149 days where I meditated this year, for 473 minutes. Doing 5 minutes 3x per week would've been 780 minutes. So I didn't meet my time goal but was much more regular than I originally set out to be. I meditated almost every weekday morning before leaving for work. Progress was definitely made here, so I am calling this a win, since ultimately it is the habit/regularity that I was after.
- I haven't identified a spiritual master, but I did listen to a lot of memoirs and podcasts from enlightened people. I feel like I'd like to do a deep dive into Oprah Winfrey and her evolution and beliefs. 

As far as being STILL, I still have a long way to go. I usually have to be doing something and struggle to just be. My weekly screen time totals never really decreased, and I'm still struggling to focus on one thing at a time. It's like my phone has caused adult onset ADD, and I'm being serious. It's something I still need to work on, but also something I feel I made progress with in 2019.

I wrote some other goals in my donut journal:
-Learn how to trade stocks
      -I've taken three courses through Online Trading Academy (Core Strategy, Core Strategy XLT, and ForEx, plus ForEx XLT activities/videos). I've put on several practice trades with fake money and need to keep practicing before I start with real money.
-Fitness blog 6x/month
      -I started the year strong with this but only made it through the beginning of March.
-Count macros and cut 5 lbs in 8 weeks
      -It took me much longer to cut 5 pounds than 8 weeks. I think "treat meal" Saturdays really slowed my progress and made it harder for me. I ended up taking almost a complete break toward the end of the year and have regained a lot of weight. But my goal was to be OK with that and be OK with my body wherever it wants to be while I still try to make balanced choices.
-Visit Boston/go to Brittany's wedding
      -Brittany's wedding didn't happen in 2019, but Boston is still on my list of places to visit hopefully this year.
-Host 3 social events (birthday, half birthday, smaller holiday)
      -I hosted two of three events. I didn't host a smaller holiday or masquerade. I don't have any plans to plan my birthday party this year. But I do love my Favorite Things Half Birthday party and will probably still do that.

For my Best Nine on Instagram this year:
Row 1:
-Wore my first bikini in public this year AND posted it on social media and got a ton of support on my post. It meant so much.
-Posted my first sports bra picture to Instagram as a step toward accepting myself where I'm at.
-Matthew and I getting Starbucks in our first couple of months dating.
Row 2:
-Matthew and I at Ruth's Diner with Shivani, Michael, and Elayna before going to the zoo
-Matthew and I at my dad's house for Christmas
-Work photo
Row 3:
-Matthew and I being silly at a Bees game
-Danny and I eating at Mo Bettah's in January before we stopped dating
-Matthew and I taking a selfie at his work Christmas party

A recap of some highlights for this year:
-I continued with my "one sentence a day" (usually 4-6 sentences) donut journal and ended up with 117 new pages written.
-I went through a breakup.
-I started dating the love of my life and said "I love you" for the first time in a long time where I really meant it.
-I listened to a ton of audiobooks.
-I ran a half marathon in Midway, a huge accomplishment after working through knee issues.
-I started learning how to trade foreign exchange.
-Matthew and I explored the flooded Thistle, Utah.
-I tried lots of new restaurants and kept Yelping.
-Matthew and I went to several Film Symphony shows.
-I tried indoor rock climbing.
-I pooped my pants.
-I got two black eyes, one from trying to mountain bike for the first time.
-I went home to CA for the 4th of July, in August (Disneyland!), and Christmas.
-I did jury duty for the first time in my life.
-I ran a sunset Ragnar Relay with friends.
-I went to a chocolate chip cookie taste off and a donut taste off.
-I did National Novel Writing Month for the third time.
-So much more! It's been an awesome year.

2020 Goals

-Possibly run another half, if my knee, hip, and feet can take it.
-Do stretch yoga 1-2x per week. I'm bad at this and know my body needs it.

-Read (actual text/digital text) 12 books, and listen to 2 audiobooks per month (36 total).
-Keeping last year's goal to certify as as group fitness instructor, preferably Les Mills.
-Do 1-2 minutes every day of breathing to relax.

-Recite daily affirmations.
-Do some Gottman worksheets with Matthew to strengthen our relationship.

-Try to connect daily to my Creator.
-Read Jesus Calling on weekdays. Weekends are a bonus.

Ultimately, I just want to maintain the strong habits I've built, and continue to build on those and try to become a better version of myself. And this year it's mostly been about learning to love and appreciate my life and myself where I'm at, instead of never being satisfied with what is.

I am so blessed and grateful for the life I live and the people I get to keep in my circle.

I think my word for the year, as cliche as it sounds, will be LOVE. I want to love my family and friends in the best way I know how, and let them know and feel that love when they're with me. It encompasses a lot like having real talks with Matthew, calling my grandpa regularly, texting friends when I think of them, and checking on my brothers and parents. I also want to continue to be better at loving myself, and recognizing that this looks different in different phases of my life. 


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