June in Review
June has felt a lot less busy than May. Lots less on the calendar.
June 2 was Black Out Tuesday on social media. I posted but also shared resources and references for action. I'm trying to be more involved in this movement and not just take performative action.
June 3, we did the Donut Taste Off, which was strictly cake donuts. We were both pretty disappointed. Half of the donuts just weren't very good at all. We both liked the old fashioned donut from Jack's Donuts, which wasn't surprising because old fashioned are the best (besides buttermilk). I also liked Mountain Donuts; they made a hazelnut chocolate one with a Ferrero Rocher on top. And Duck Donuts was good even though it was lemon. The magic of Duck Donuts, though, is in the warm freshness when you get them at the shop.
June 4, I got myself some sushi and got ice cream from The Scoop, which has BYU and Aggie Ice Cream. It was good, nothing special.
Friday, June 5, was National Donut Day! So of course I went to Donut Star. Before that, I got two vials of blood taken to send to Modern Fertility. I just want to see where I'm at, if I need to be worried, etc. That night, we ate at Mo Bettahs.
Saturday, June 6, we ate at Slapfish, got popcorn, watched Umbrella Academy, and started to watch What If.
Sunday, June 7, I had to do a physical at my plasma center. It was a bigger ordeal than I care to discuss here, but I got myself some Duck Donuts and a Starbucks after. I spent the day solo as Matthew wanted a day to himself. I made butter pecan ice cream using my KitchenAid attachment and hung out on the couch with my cat.
Monday, June 8, I had my doctor's appointment for the mucus that's been in my face for six months. The doctor was super awesome and explained all my options and possibilities for the future. He prescribed me an antihistamine nasal spray and Flonase, saying we would follow up in 4-6 weeks. I got Big Daddy's pizza for me and Matthew. We played Yahtzee for the first time, and had a hard talk on the couch.
June 9, I cooked dinner for me and Matthew, and we watched the last half of What If, the Daniel Radcliffe movie that I love. I also found out that someone I work closely with was diagnosed with COVID-19. That added a lot of stress and worry to the day, as I was in conversation with a lot of coworkers. Also on this day I started my new regimen of nasal sprays, and struggled greatly with drowsiness from the antihistamine.
Wednesday, June 10, I donated plasma, worked, and decided to do COVID-19 testing. So I left work a little early and had to work from home on Thursday and Friday as I waited for the results.
On June 11, Matthew brought me two dozen roses. I am sad because I put them on my Instagram story but guess I didn't save a photo otherwise.
June 12, my COVID results came back negative, naturally. I wasn't super worried, but it's better to be safe than sorry. I also spent quite a lot of time analyzing a "study," that was done in England regarding mask use (even ineffective mask use) and came to the conclusion that those who can wear a mask really should do so, to help flatten the curve. I wanted science and evidence for wearing masks, and I found it.
That night, we went to Makanmakan for the first time. It was so good! We got flatbread and lumpia as appetizers, plus butter shrimp and crunchy noodles. It was delicious. That evening, Matthew said he wanted to start talking about timing and go look at rings again. So that was exciting.
June 13, I did my normal Saturday stuff and spent time at the pool. Matthew and I drove up to Park City to have Freshies for dinner. We walked around Main Street even though most things were closed. And we got ice cream at Doki Doki downtown after, which was super disappointing.

On Sunday, June 14, we hiked Donut Falls. We started way down at the bottom (you can drive up almost a mile to make it shorter). It was beautiful, and amazing weather! I also called my grandpa and nanny. I try to do that monthly.
I started a company book club on June 15, with our first book being Atomic Habits by James Clear. I haven't started yet, but I still have a while to get it done. I got a really nice thank you card the day I sent out all the info!
June 16, I made my first whole chicken in my life in the air fryer. It actually wasn't cooked all the way through the breast, so Matthew cut that off and put it back in the air fryer. He was really sweet and encouraging. We also had stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, and vegetables.
Wednesday, June 17 I opened my front door to leave and saw my neighbor naked. The same thing happened to Matthew a few days earlier. It was a weird day in a lot of ways. I also decorated the downstairs shelves at work.
June 18 I got lunch at Fueled with Brittney. Matthew and I had a campfire up at Ledgemere that evening.
Friday, June 19 I spent most of my day researching for my primary ballot. I had to register republican to even get one. I'm not a republican, but that's the way Utah does things. And if that's how it's gonna be, then I'll do what I have to do to have a voice. That evening, Matthew and I went to the food truck park where he got tacos from Maize. They ran out of chicken, and I didn't want anything from the other trucks, so I just got Cafe Rio on our way home instead. We started watching The Witcher.
Saturday, June 20, I did all my usual stuff, including the pool. I also got an awesome massage and got myself a sushi burrito after for a late lunch. That evening, Matthew and I went up Millcreek canyon for his friend Amanda's birthday. It was super busy up there, and I was a little bothered at the large Greek family who was blasting their music insanely loud. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like a lot of folks go in the canyon to escape the noise and to listen to nature.
I didn't get any photos at Amanda's campfire because I thought I left my phone in the car. I didn't, but it was nice to be engaged in everything there the whole time, not using my phone.
June 21 was Father's Day. I had breakfast with Matthew's parents and cousins. I came home and did my normal Sunday things (stretching or yoga, a walk, etc.). Matthew's cousin that he lives with ended up getting a kidney stone, so Matthew was back and forth from the hospital. I ended up going to my grandma's for Father's Day dinner since Matthew ended up staying home.
Monday, June 22 was a date which will live in infamy. Matthew lost his keys. He was several hours late to work and only got to work because he borrowed his cousin's car. He ended up finding them that evening after going to Costco, Smith's, and the gas station. He ended up finding them on his lawn by a tree, having no idea how they got there. It's never dull with this guy.
June 23, I had dinner at J Dawgs with Joyce. We went to Village Baker afterward for some treats. I picked up my jumpsuits that my mom hemmed and repaired for me, thank goodness for her! She got this ridiculous neck fan that we laughed at.
June 24, Matthew and I had quite a long talk. We went and got Cold Stone afterward. Ice cream makes everything better. This was a big day because I finished Morning Meltdown--a 100 workout program I've been doing since February. I obviously took days off, went to Orange Theory, went to High Fitness, and gave myself some variation. So it took longer than 100 days.
June 25, Matthew and I had dinner at Cubby's with his parents. We both went home after that, as I was incredibly tired.
June 26, I had an encounter with a road ragey driver from Famous Appliance. I had turned into the southbound lane after a car, in front of nobody. But I guess the driver in the right lane decided to get into the left lane after I turned, which I obviously didn't assume he was going to do. So he slammed on his brakes, and when I looked back he was shaking his head at me. Um, sorry you decided to change lanes after I was already turning? Geez dude. And, in accordance with my usual petty self, I emailed Famous Appliance to let them know.
That evening, Matthew and I went to Mint Sushi and also got me a fishing pole so we could fish on Saturday.
Saturday, June 27, we went fishing. We got up really early; Matthew picked me up at 6am, and we got up to Tibble Fork by about 6:40. We got a nice little spot, and Matthew had to toy with my new fishing pole to make it work. I caught the first fish, but since it swallowed the food and hook, we had to keep it. We haven't cooked it yet, but I'm excited to do so! We left around 10am and were lazy at my house for a couple of hours. Matthew went home, and I did all my usual Saturday stuff. I got my hair trimmed at the beauty school, by a former student. I didn't recognize her since she had a mask on, but it was fun to talk with her. That evening I got myself Chili's and watched Downton Abbey. I watched fireworks from my balcony for a little bit and got really emotional just thinking about how life has changed. The sadness and heaviness overwhelmed me.
June 28, we tried to get breakfast at Ruth's. But I forgot to check Instagram, and Ruth's is temporarily closed. So we went to Park Cafe instead. I was still sad that day and found it difficult to do my usual stuff: go on a walk, stretch, etc. Matthew came over around 3:30. We watched The Witcher. I made BBQ chicken sandwiches and corn plus green beans.
Monday, June 29, I had therapy again. It was awesome. Matthew and I had Wing Stop together before and then spent time together after therapy. My therapist told me I am her favorite, so that was nice.
June 30, I went to Matthew's SIL Jordyn's baby shower. After a struggle to get their first baby here, this one came along unexpectedly. I am so excited! Everything there was really pretty, and the weather was so nice for it to be outside.
And this is how I feel about 2020.
Books I read in June:
We Bought a Zoo by Benjamin Mee (audiobook, started in May)
Untamed by Glennon Doyle (audiobook)
The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes (audiobook)
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo (audiobook)
Started Atomic Habits by James Clear (audiobook)