November in Review

You know, I really don't feel like doing a post for November. I feel like all the bad things happened this month. Maybe in doing a post I'll see some things to be grateful for. 

On November 1, I was alone cleaning the house and doing projects (assembling a bookshelf) when I was told by my dad that my grandpa was on his way out and that I needed to say my goodbyes. I got a lot done that day and just tried to stay busy with Matthew out of town and such sadness looming everywhere. I made chili, corn bread, pumpkin cookies, and whipped cream. I watched Labyrinth since I didn't watch anything on Halloween. 

My grandpa passed away in the wee hours of November 2, his birthday. Judaism teaches that this is a life considered complete and full circle. I made a German chocolate cake for his birthday. That day, we learned that a procedure on Matthew's dad was unsuccessful. Overall it was just a sad day.

On November 3, I went to work but waited for word about Matthew's dad, Rick. Things weren't looking good, so I left work early to pack and head down to St. George. We got there about 7:15pm, grabbed some food, and went to the house where his siblings and mom were staying. One highlight was watching Juliet's mission call. 

On November 4, we both just worked remotely and waited for updates on Rick. We ended up at an Airbnb that his aunt got for us to stay in while waiting out the week. That night, we got Thai food with Matthew's family that his aunt and uncle kindly paid for. Everyone was up late talking. Matthew came to bed at 3am with bad news about his dad: only a 10% chance of survival. 

November 5 was a slow day. We did a lot of sitting around and more waiting. Matthew made breakfast for everyone at the Airbnb. The doctor told Matthew's mom to have the rest of the family to start heading to St. George. We went to the hospital around 5pm. After that we got Mo Bettahs and Nielsen's frozen custard. 

Friday, November 6 was the day we talked with the doctor. I dropped Matthew off and went to get Starbucks for me, him, and Jacque. When I came back, the doctor was there talking to the siblings and Dianne. It was emotional and hard. She took the time to answer everyone's questions. It was a long day at the hospital. I don't want to share too much. But there were a lot of emotions, a lot of hugs, and a lot of waiting. We each got to go back, one sibling at a time, plus the spouse, to say goodbye. We all went back as a huge group to sing hymns to Rick. And just the siblings and Dianne were back there for the final moments. I've only gotten bits and pieces of what my husband saw, but I know it was traumatic and difficult for everyone. We left the hospital and got Popeye's for Matthew. We sat in the kitchen at the Airbnb before everyone else got there. And Matthew lay down but never woke back up that night. 

November 7 was another slow and sad day. Lots of tears and sitting around as a family, just talking and spending time. I got gas in the car. We left about 6:30pm to avoid the storm the next morning. We got home pretty late. 

Sunday, November 8 we went to Chad & Jordyn's for Navajo Tacos. It was a good chance for the Utah siblings to be together just two days after their dad's passing. 

On November 9 and 10 I went to work. For our one month anniversary I picked up some pizza. We watched Mandalorian and Schitt's Creek and made hot chocolate. 

On November 11, I left work early because I wasn't feeling good. My energy was low. I felt like I had bad allergies all day. Matthew made me potato soup, and we watched Harry Potter. 

November 12, we went to Waffle Love. Matthew had helped his mom and sister go through some storage earlier that day to pull things out for Rick's funeral. 

November 13, I picked up donuts before work from Donut Boy. Matthew started up with a dry cough. The siblings all had a long Zoom call about the funeral plans and things. My Relief Society president brought us dinner (Mo Bettahs). We finished Schitt's Creek and watched Mandalorian. 

Saturday, November 14, Matthew was wiped out and in bed most of the day. I did all the regular house chores. Since Matthew suspected he had Coronavirus, we stayed separate besides me bringing him food. I watched Call the Midwife most of the day. He scheduled a COVID test for the following Tuesday. 

On November 15, I used my Instant Pot to make yogurt for the first time. I am pretty happy with how it came out. It wasn't hard, just time consuming. I also made Mexican Chicken Chili since I wasn't sure if I was going to get sick after Matthew. A big batch made us a lot of meals.

November 16 and 17 I worked at home because Matthew had symptoms. Monday night, we started The Queen's Gambit. Tuesday night, we watched it again, but we also watched the new Mulan which I rented from Redbox.

Since I had no symptoms, I was back at work on November 18. But on November 19, halfway through the day, Matthew got positive results for Corona. My work sent me home and said I could come back on November 30. I went ahead and got tested that day just to see if I had it but was asymptomatic. That was also the day of the viewing in California. Matthew's brother called him to Face Time and let him see his dad. It was a sad, sad day. We watched Big Daddy. I got us milkshakes from Chick Fil A. 

November 20, I got my results: COVID-19 detected. I sent my results to my bosses. That day I got us Popeyes, made mango sticky rice while Matthew slept, and we watched Mandalorian. I actually was happy to have gotten positive test results because it meant I could be close to my husband again and kiss him. Plus I can get extra money at plasma donation. 

Saturday, November 21, I took Matthew to get his friend's truck for us to go down to CA for the grave side service. (The service on 11/23 would be day 10, which our test results said was the day we would be allowed out of isolation.) I did all the usual Saturday cleaning and such. I decorated for Christmas and made us dinner (Thai Mango chicken, rice, and naan). We watched the Jim Carrey version of the Grinch. 

Sunday, we left at 7:15am. Anytime we stopped to use the restroom (or just me, really), I masked up and used antibacterial before going into any gas stations. I also tried not to touch anything, or used napkins for what I did touch. We got to my dad's at 4pm to pick up the ornaments I got for Matthew, his mom, and his siblings. We went to Corona for a family gathering, and slept at Matthew's aunt Nancy's house since they all had Corona virus just recently. 

Monday morning, the day of the funeral, I got up to run. I knew it would be a long and emotional day, so I wanted to be ready for it. I ran two miles in Brea, and then walked another 10 minutes after. We got ready and drove to Glendora. Matthew played Mormon Tabernacle Choir music on the way there, and cried. It's so hard to see the ones we love struggling. The graveside service was two hours because all the siblings spoke, plus my mother-in-law. We had sandwiches at Gladstone park afterward, went to Wal-mart, and went to my dad's. He ordered us pizza. That evening, we went to Redlands to Ricky's to spend more time with the fam and sit in the hot tub. 

Tuesday, November 24, we worked remotely. It was nice because we got to talk with my dad all throughout the day. Matthew got donuts for us. We walked the dog. And my dad ordered us Senor Baja. I got a shrimp burrito; Matthew got tacos. It was so good. 

November 25, we both worked remotely again. We went shopping for Thanksgiving dinner and ordered Hana Haru for takeout. We watched a few movies. I started on Thanksgiving meal prep. 

Thanksgiving day, I ran 2 miles and walked 1. I started cooking early to be ready by 2, but family came a little late. My green beans ended up getting over-cooked, and the stuffing from the pan got crunchy on the stove. So that was disappointing. The oven turkey finished way faster than planned as well. All in all, we had Dad, Jake, me, Matthew, Jason, Kellie, and mom. Jared and Amoreena didn't come. Kellie brought a yummy salad, pumpkin cheesecake, and Cookie Plug cookies. We left for Beaumont at 5:50pm to go see Matthew's siblings and fam. We stayed until just after 8:10. 

Friday, November 27, I went on a walk with my dad and his dog. I did a little bit of work. This was my favorite day of the trip because Jason came over, and then Jake came outside, and my dad ended up playing with the two boys. I got lots of video and photos. It was nice to hear them all play together. We got TJ's subs. That evening we went to Jason & Kellie's place in La Verne. We got home and packed to leave. 

Saturday we were up early to pack up. Matthew picked up donuts. We left at 7:37am and stopped to see Carmen in Hesperia. We stopped in Mesquite to get food and go potty. We got gas in St. George, got ice cream at the Creamery in Beaver, and got home before 7pm. Matthew hung up his ornament and went to get his dog from Jim's house. I unpacked. When Matthew got home, we made toast and eggs and watched Klaus. 

November 29, Matthew made us breakfast burritos. I ordered us a Utah Taste Off dessert kit. We went to the car wash and Costco, got gas, went to Dollar Tree and Smith's, and took family Christmas photos with a self-timer. I ordered Christmas cards, and we watched the Santa Claus and the Christmas Chronicles.

Monday, November 30 was back to normal life. Matthew went back to the office, as did I. It was a busy day at work. I picked up my calligraphy kit for an online class this coming Thursday. I donated plasma after work and also had therapy in the evening. 

I didn't read or listen to any books in November. I am on track to finish Little Women within a week, I hope. I had "read a classic novel" on my 20 for 20 list, and this one has taken me most of the year.

I'm mostly just glad we made it through this month. There was so much "hurry up and wait" and so much "wait and see" this month, and it has done a number on me, and everyone else even more so. I'm grateful we got so much family time this month, although the circumstances were not good at all. I'm thankful for Christmas decorations and movies that help us to feel happier in the midst of sadness, even if only for a couple of hours. 

For my #givethanks posts, I said I was thankful for

  1. Matthew
  2. A safe, warm, comfortable home.
  3. Words
  4. Running
  5. Beautiful places - the ocean especially
  6. Harry Potter
  7. My family


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