October in Review


OK, here's how October went. 

October 1, I had my mom come over to dye my hair. I still have a lot of silver on the back/side, but oh well. It's better than it was. 

Friday, October 2 we went and got Thai food per Matthew's request. It was an interesting experience. They had us order and pay up front before seating us. My green curry was too spicy, so they brought me some Massaman curry instead. Thai food is so expensive, but I got three meals out of the Massaman, so it's worth it. 

Saturday, I got groceries, went to Orange Theory, did laundry, watched/listened to conference. I didn't do a great job of listening, but I did try. I went back to the store, and ran errands between sessions, which is always a bit of a nightmare. I went to Crumbl (had to get the pumpkin roll cookie before it left), Dollar Tree, Smith's again, a car wash, and Dutch Bros. Then back home to watch more conference. I took myself to a movie (The Broken Hearts Gallery) and loved it! I came home and finished my vows, Marco Polo'd my sister, and watched Frozen 2. I just love it. 

Sunday, October 4, Matthew brought over breakfast stuff. We had potatoes, bacon, eggs, and cinnamon rolls. We watched conference, got Dutch Bros, took a nap, and watched more conference. I made a whole chicken, potatoes, stuffing, and salad for an early dinner. We spent an hour on the phone with his sister talking about schedule and photos for Saturday. Matthew left early, so I watched Stranger Things on Netflix. 

October 5 I had a pretty standard day. Workout, work, leftovers for dinner, and therapy. I also spent some time taking photos of many years' worth of birthday cards and other cards. I uploaded them to my Dropbox so I could toss the cards. 

Tuesday, October 6 I ran, went to work, started packing, and saw Matthew for a few minutes while he unloaded some more things to move into my house before going to get his hair cut in Lehi. I picked up Rockwell ice cream for us: Cookies & Cream and Biscoff. 

October 7 I did leg day in the morning and got waxed after work (before the wedding!). I finished packing and watched Downton Abbey. I also texted my brother for his birthday. 

October 8-12 you can read about in my other post, since I wanted to recount as much as I could. 

Tuesday, October 13 we basically got down to business. I went on a run and took Dexter for a walk. Matthew went and got more things from his house to move into our house and came back around 4pm. We went to his parents' house to get my tripod. We went to Target for shelves and dinner supplies, saw the most amazing sunset, made dinner, watched Schitt's Creek, and opened our wedding presents. You can watch the video on matthewandjanae.com. 

October 14, I went back to work. It wasn't too bad to catch up. I picked up some pumpkins for me and Matthew to carve closer to Halloween. Matthew made pork in the slow cooker, so we had pokr sandwiches for dinner. His sister and her husband called us on Face Time while we did dishes. I made sugar cookie dough. We went to Waffle Love for National Dessert Day!

Thursday, October 15, I got a massage after work which was awesome, but it never lasts long because I sleep so stupid. That evening I cut and baked the sugar cookies. They were for National Boss Day on Friday. So I sent some with Matthew for his bosses and also took some to my work for my three bosses. Matthew sat me down so we could talk about the condo and organizing and things; he's been so understanding during this transition. 

October 16, I got lunch with some coworkers at Garage Grill. I spent some time working on my ballot. I dropped it off after work at the city hall. I came home from work to see that Dexter had chewed through a plastic lid on which I had fed Max some canned food. So that was fun. We went to Cornbelly's where Kevin & Brionna were already for a couple of hours. We got hot chocolate at Dutch Bros afterward and watched Schitt's Creek. 

Saturday, October 17, I got up, started laundry, cleaned, and went to Orange Theory. Matthew went to his place in Bountiful to get more things and help with yard work. He got home a little before 1, but I was busy rearranging the laundry storage area to make room for things just in case. I got ready, and we drove down to Provo for Matthew's brother and SIL's grand reopening of their pizza place, Pier 49. On the way down, we saw the fire in Provo Canyon, and it made us really sad. After pizza, we left to BYU campus. I showed Matthew around the place I spent four years (five total but the last was off campus). We spent time in the BYU store which I didn't remember being so awesome. Their candy shop was legit. And the Cougareat (food court) has way better restaurants now. They have freaking Chick Fil A on campus. Also, Utah gave us another great sunset on 10/17.

Sunday, Matthew went back over to his house to get more stuff and finish yard work. I took the dog for a long walk. I put together some shelves for organizing while I watched Beetlejuice. Matthew came home for just a minute to drop off the mattress before going back to Bountiful once more. While he was gone, I went to Walmart and picked up some organizing bins, bed risers for the guest bed (his bed), and some other odds and ends. After he got back, we spent a couple of hours organizing the kitchen, deciding what to keep and what to donate or trash. We made good progress but still have a few more cabinets to go. We stopped to eat and watch Schitt's Creek before heading to Lehi for Chad's birthday ice cream event. I kept Matthew up too late that night crying for no real reason. 

Our middle room packed with stuff

October 19, I was up early to work out and donate plasma. Matthew started his new job at Guaranteed Rate. I am excited for him! We cooked at home. I had therapy that evening, and Matthew finished some projects for me. 

Tuesday, October 20, I went for a run and took this picture of the sky.

I finally got our signed license and request for license copies notarized and into the mail. I cooked dinner. We went through another kitchen cabinet. We got free drinks at Dutch Bros in Draper, and drove through Gourmandise, which was out of Matthew's kouign amanns. A box spring was delivered to our condo for Matthew's mattress which will go in the spare bedroom after the roommate leaves. Matthew's boss told him he wants him to pass the test before the year is over, so Matthew will have to buckle down a study schedule pretty quickly here. 

October 21, I did leg day and donated plasma. I picked up Matthew from the mechanic and took him to work. Then I picked him up at work and took him back to the mechanic, then we took his car to a different mechanic. While we were at dinner, our home was invaded (not broken into; we think our door was unlocked). For more details, go here

Thursday, October 22 - Matthew and I got Dutch Bros before work; I dropped him off. I had a busy day at work, which is pretty rare. I did spend a lot of the morning picking out a new smart lock and an indoor camera. I picked up Matthew from work. We cooked dinner at home again (shrimp and pasta). After going through all our kitchen stuff and food, we are trying really hard to focus on eating what we have. We left around 6:40 to go to Cornbelly's. We picked up some hot chocolate at Maverik because the hot chocolate at Cornbelly's makes me sad. We mostly hung out at the fire but also watched the light show. 

October 23 - I picked up We had dinner with Cameron and Mariah at Chile Tepin downtown. Then we went and got gelato at Capo by Settebello. 

Saturday, October 24, I cleaned the house while Matthew installed the hardwired video doorbell. So far it's working super well. I really like it. I had Orange Theory. I did lots and lots of laundry. It's funny how much laundry two people make. We went to get groceries, but Matthew wanted to get lunch at J Dawgs first, so we did. It was fun and nice to change things up a little bit. We put together Matthew's dresser from Ikea. 

And Utah had another lovely sunset on Saturday. 

Also, Matthew thinks it's funny to punish Max by holding him like this.

We also went to Cornbelly's so we could go to Insanity Point. It was scary, and lots of bad words were said. 

October 25, we went to church. It was just an hour. We would've walked, but the weather was icy rain, so no thanks. We came home and made bacon, eggs, and pumpkin pancakes. It was a lazy day. We watched Harry Potter, made spaghetti for dinner, finished laundry, and Matthew napped. But we also went through some more kitchen supplies for our DI box, and went to Sam's Club to get dog food since Dexter's was ruined in the Home Depot bucket (I previously had laundry soap in there). 

Monday, October 26 was a pretty ordinary day. Matthew started studying for his test again, and I just watched a show and had dessert. I made some pumpkin spice whipped cream though, and it was awesome on hot chocolate.

October 27 - I took two boxes and random things to DI, finally! I scheduled it two weeks previous.  Matthew had court online for an old ticket, and the judge was super rude. 

Wednesday, October 28 - I got all the thank you cards mailed out. Not even three weeks after our wedding, so I'm pretty damn proud of that! Matthew's car was FINALLY finished at the mechanic, so we went to pick it up. I ate breakfast for dinner so we could leave to Cornbelly's. We watched the pig races, got a donut and kettle corn, and sat by the fire for a little bit. It was our last time for the season, until next year!

October 29, we made dinner at home and went to Boo Lights at the Hogle Zoo! So fun! We got hungry before we left the zoo, so we stopped at Red Robin on our way home for some junk food (fries, onion rings, mozzarella sticks, and a shake). Also, our roommate moved out the rest of her stuff and finished cleaning, so we could start setting up the room in there for Matthew to have Xbox space, etc. We set up his bed and a nightstand this night. We learned that Matthew's dad went into the hospital, so that wasn't the best way to end the night. We said a good prayer for him and awaited further information. 

Friday, October 30, Matthew had to take his car back to the mechanic again. We are hoping this car isn't a money pit. I don't mind repairing a car up front to avoid car payments. But if it's going to keep having problems, we don't want to spend the money. We found out that day that Rick, Matthew's dad, had a stroke during his procedure to check his heart. He also had fluid removed from his lungs because he had pneumonia. We were supposed to carve pumpkins that evening, but instead it was somber as I prepared dinner and stood by while Matthew made calls to relay the info that Jarrett had shared. Jim came over because we were supposed to carve pumpkins, but it ended up that Jim drove back home to pack, then turned back around to Sandy to pick up Matthew to head to St. George. They left at about 9:45pm and got in around 2am. 

October 31 was my weirdest (lamest?) Halloween ever. I woke up at 8:30 and started reorganizing and moving things around. I started cleaning. I did house work for about two hours then finally went on my run. I did a two mile run and then a ten minute walk with the dog. I installed the smart lock on the front door along with the keypad and locked myself out while doing the latter (it auto-locked before I even had a chance to change the settings). Thankfully, my downstairs neighbor was home, and some teenage boys nearby were able to climb up my balcony; I had my sliding door open, thank goodness. And Payton let me in. That was his name. I'll remember forever. So with that small setback, the new lock and keypad took less than an hour for me to do. I did 9 loads of laundry, many of which were sheets and blankets. Having a dog who sheds a lot is no joke. I moved things around and out of the guest room and started to set up my gym a little more. It'll be the gym slash office. I moved my desk to the corner and cleared it off and set it up. I brought more gym things in, including the floor mats. I moved food from the hallway linen closet into the entryway coat closet and ended up throwing away a ton. I moved some things off the kitchen counters and into the entryway so I could reorganize the counter. It looks much better. I didn't really eat much that day. I had a shake at noon, and then half a candy bar and a small sugar cookie. But when I'm working on projects, I just want to finish. By 7pm I got in the shower, and I called my favorite sushi place. I had to try six times to call them before I got through. I picked up some theater popcorn first, then picked up my sushi. I got home, made my soda, got into pajamas, and put on a movie. When I opened my sushi order, only one roll was there. I ordered and paid for two. So I got to put my clothes back on and go back to the restaurant to pick it up. I was bothered. I watched World War Z and then Stranger Things. I didn't get to bed until 1:30, and didn't sleep until around 2am. It was a long day, and certainly not my favorite Halloween. But I am grateful Rick is showing improvement and am grateful Matthew got to go down to see him. 

This has been a whirlwind of a month. With the increase in COVID cases, I'm feeling discouraged and sad. My grandpa is not doing well, so that's a hard thing happening as well. I don't know how much more 2020 can take away from everybody. 

Books I read in October

- Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell (audiobook)
- The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz (audiobook)


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