June in Review

 June 1 was kind of a fun day. Matthew had an interview, so I took the baby to visit my work. Everyone was so excited to see him. It was awesome. I also had a phone call in the afternoon that could be good. Matthew and I used our T-Mobile Tuesday deal to get Little Caesars for dinner.

June 2 We just hung out at home watching shows. Baby and I went on a walk, and Matthew made dinner.

June 3 I had another phone call. It went well. I started some house cleaning.

June 4 was just a calm day at home. Matthew helped his cousin move, and picked up milk for AJ from her and from his SIL Jenn. Matthew worked an event that night so I had baby boy by myself. He really did great. If I didn’t have to wake up to pump I would’ve gotten 7 hours of sleep.

June 5 we had an impromptu lunch date at In-N-Out. We ate on the grass near a river. Baby boy loved the water sounds. In the evening, we took the baby over to Matthew’s sister’s house for Rowan’s birthday. He fell asleep on the way there and was in desperate need of a nap, but ended up just being really calm and sleepy.

June 6 I tried to take care of a couple of things, including insurance reimbursement and grievances. I took a class online from a lactation consultant regarding infant oral function. Matthew brought us home Little Caesar. And we went to a Yelp event for free churros.

June 7 I started my morning off strong with a new informative Instagram post. Baby boy and I took a morning walk. I had therapy on zoom and made a call to short term disability insurance. We went to a really fun Bees game with Jared and Amoreena. My mom watched the baby for us.

June 8 was another productive morning with a feeding, breakfast, a walk, and a power pump. I did a load of baby laundry. I submitted more reimbursement requests with my insurance. I took a personality test. I tried to pick out my favorite photos of the boy. This doesn’t sound like it would be worth mentioning, but I am hanging on to every tiny accomplishment these days.

June 9 I submitted more insurance stuff. We tried a third formula, and he got gas in the evening. Brittney came over and brought us Mo Bettahs and met the baby. It was so good to chat with her about all things motherhood and otherwise. She is one of my favorite people.

June 10 I picked up some milk from a stranger; my dental hygienist connected us on Instagram. We tried a fourth formula. I sent a couple of emails and made another call to my short term insurance. An extension was approved pending employer confirmation, thankfully. Matthew did most of the house cleaning. My big task this day was clearing out baby’s crib to try to have him sleep separate from us. It was full of clean laundry and things I needed to put away.

June 11 was just a quiet day at home. I wanted to go to the pool but wanted to borrow a head floatie for the baby, plus we needed an umbrella, and I had to order some baby sunblock (for face and hands and feet, according to my research). Matthew went grocery shopping, and I did client check ins. I also applied to be a Fitbliss coach.

June 12 Was another quiet day. The wind thwarted my plans to go to the pool. Our friends Mariah and Cameron came to visit in the afternoon. Matthew and I went to 7-Eleven to get snacks. And we watched Fantastic Beasts the Secrets of Dumbledore. This was generally a hard day of momming. Baby boy was very fussy.

June 13 I had another zoom meeting about oral function for the baby.

June 14 I left the house to go to Twisted Sugar and pick up a head floatie from my friend in that area. Matthew used a deal to get us Marco’s pizza for dinner.

June 15 I had pelvic floor physical therapy. My mom watched the baby while I had that appointment.

June 16 we had a follow up appointment with the dentist who did AJ‘s tongue and lip ties. The ordeal of an outing of any kind always makes me want to treat myself, so I stopped at Swig after.

June 17 I had been up most of the night with a baby who didn’t want to sleep. I was emotional and tired, which I shared on Instagram. My awesome sister in law invited me to come to her family’s weekly pool/bbq day. Initially I resisted because I’m still not great at outings with the baby. Matthew encouraged me. So I shaved and got ready and headed out. Heaven blessed us because I didn’t forget anything, and it was a really awesome day. It was so nice to be outside (I’ve wanted to before this day, but the high winds in my area made that seem like a bad choice). Whitney and her sisters all held and loved on my boy. We got home later than I expected, but the baby slept 8.5 hours that night! Sadly, I was up stressing about some info that I posted and the response of one of my family members, and did not sleep.

June 18 Matthew went fishing while I hung out at home. It was an emotional and stressful day with some boundary setting followed by hurtful words directed at me. Baby turned two months old. 

June 19 was Father’s Day. I got Matthew a shirt and little onesie to match with the baby. I also made him a video. He made himself a grand feast with ribs.

June 20 was just a chill day at home. We went on a walk. Matthew worked. When he came home I went to Crave cookies real quick. Then Matthew headed out to nephew Hank’s baby blessing. We watched on Zoom.

June 21 I had therapy, and thank goodness. For the first time I had to have my baby with me for that appointment. It’s just on zoom, but it’s therapy. So it’s hard to discuss my stress and anxiety when I have a crying infant. Haha. But he was pretty darn good, thankfully. That evening, we had a Bees game with Brittney and Tyler. They moved to the grass during the fourth inning. And we left during the fifth inning just because the baby was tired and was getting startled by the noise.

June 22 was productive. I had an appointment online at 10. Thankfully the baby slept through the first half of that. I went and got blood taken, and picked up cat food. I cleaned the fish tank. I tidied up a little bit as well. I set up an account for my breastfeeding supplements so I could get some points.

June 23 I got a message from my doctor that asked me if I had been experiencing racing heart, anxiety, restlessness, or fatigue. My thyroid medicine dose was still too high. So that explained a lot. I picked up the new prescription and got myself Jamba Juice.

June 24 I watched elephant in the hospital on YouTube. It broke my heart and reinforced my decision. I took the baby to the pool, but it was not successful, just like the last time.

June 25 we watched Doctor Strange. And we started the new season of Umbrella Academy. We also watched a luittle bit of the first episode of Keep Sweet. Matthew hung out with his friends and went to Costco.

June 26 The baby slept for nine hours, for his dad of course. We went on a walk in the morning. And we watched a few shows. Matthew also picked up a Boba tea for me.

June 27 had a rough start because the baby slept terribly for me. He woke me up basically every hour. I had a meeting in the morning. And I had a good talk with my boss about my schedule for coming back to work.

June 28 Matthew left early to drive to Wyoming for the day. For once I got a solid seven hours of sleep. So I went and got donuts and Starbucks with the baby. I had therapy on zoom. My mom came over and dyed my hair. In the late afternoon we ran to Walmart in Murray to get some formula. I did a little bit of vaccine research for the baby, and some paperwork for my therapist.

Chinese baby wearing shirt scam

June 29 we had his first pediatrician appointment. It went well, but it was discouraging because even though he’s been gaining weight every day, he’s still in the 2nd percentile. Stephanie came over to meet the baby, and I got to meet her little Farah for the first time. We got the cutest video of her trying to kiss her little cousin. It’s always good to talk to Stephanie, as she is one of the few people who can personally understand the extent of my breast-feeding struggle.

June 30 I disputed a charge with my bank. That was a fun time dealing with a fraudulent business. I also scheduled a massage for myself. I got the cutest photos of my precious boy.

Books I read in June (audiobooks):
Stranger in the Lifeboat by Mitch Albom
Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily  Henry


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