December GBOMB

Just reflecting on 2023 in this GBOMB and whatever else happens to come up.


Fitness. I exercised 322 out of 365 days this year. This honestly blew me away as I felt like I struggled with consistency given my child’s development, teething, sleep regressions, etc. I love the reflection brought on by a new year because here I thought I just wasn’t cutting it. Come to find out, I actually have been kicking ass.

Getting out. We went to Bees games, the zoo, Cornbelly’s, and a concert (two for me). We went to St. George and CA. Making and executing plans is hard. There are things I wanted to do but didn’t get to, like just driving to see Christmas lights, going to Luminaria, or even just the Draper tree. I want to give myself credit for the things we did get done.

Reading. I far surpassed my reading goal this year. It feels good. But I also want to set aside time this year for reading actual text, likely at bedtime. I think it’s important for me to have that downtime, actively pursue a hobby, and relax on purpose and unplug.

New things. I went to two sound baths this year. The first was led by my sister-in-law, Jacque. It was amazing. The second one was not as good and was much harder to relax since it was with strangers. I want to do more though.




My phone. Truly. I’m losing sleep because of doom scrolling. There’s nothing I’m looking for or learning or doing! Just can’t put it down. Before typing this paragraph I went and added daily time limits to Instagram and Facebook. I also turned my phone to black and white.

Foot in mouth. Just me. Always. My whole life. Rubbing people the wrong way and realizing later I came across in a way I hadn’t intended.

Being held back. I want to do things. I want to attend births as a doula. I want to work in birth. I can’t leave my job because I provide insurance for AJ, among other reasons. Birth work is unpredictable, and you have to have reliable care in place for your kid(s) and pets. I just don’t know how to make it work.


On my brain

Goals. I took this Full Focus assessment that has you evaluate certain areas of your life so you can narrow down goals you want to set. The domains are mind, body, spirit, love (relationships), hobbies, family, community, money, and work. My results said I should focus on spirit, hobbies, and love. The breakdown of my scores honestly was so spot on. So I want to use that to build some goals for myself.

Moving. It looks like we actually may have the opportunity to move out of our condo while still owning it. I’m excited at the prospect. But I’m daunted by what needs to be done here. We need a new water heater and furnace. We need to replace the flooring. And I’d like to paint the cabinets. I’ve been wanting to do that for a few years, honestly. I’m excited for the change but am kind of worried about stupid little things like how I want to take my fridge/freezer. I really like my fridge/freezer and don’t want to leave it with renters. Or now as I'm wanting to take AJ on a couple of hikes this year, we won't be close to the canyons anymore! I've lived on the east side and within 15-20 minutes of canyons, downtown, the zoo, etc. for 14 years! It'll be a huge change. Also trying to think of all that needs to get done in the next month if we move in at the start of February just feels huge.

Health. Reducing dairy and gluten has been on my brain a lot the last few months but especially the last few days as 2023 has come to an end, and it’s an easy time to start fresh. I made myself some egg/sausage cups for the next few days. I made banana oat muffins. We have so much leftover food that I’m not wanting to throw out. But making small changes may be the way that it has to go for me. And honestly, aside from my December mochas and occasional ice cream, I already don’t consume that much dairy. It shouldn’t be a huge shift.

Health and doctors. I need to set an appointment for my physical and annual blood work. But I want to ask for T3, and feel like I am afraid she will say no. It’s paralyzing for me, honestly. I’m not sure why.

Potty training. We started on December 26, and AJ’s been doing a pretty amazing job as long as we prompt him. But potty training is ON MY BRAIN like nothing else. I woke up three times last night sleep talking to AJ about him having accidents. I even got out of bed and turned on my light thinking he was with me. THREE TIMES. This was between midnight at 5:40 when AJ woke up. Obviously, I am wiped out.


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