Day 4, Woot!

Today was so good. I woke up more exhausted than I have all week. Five to six hours of sleep is just not good enough. But it's really hard to get in bed before 11:30. Nevertheless, I got myself up and went.

Tanner was there on time for me, before 6 AM. He's so cute.

Today was leg/bum/ab day. So I did the hip abductors, and also some lunges, calf raises, leg curls, leg extensions, and the leg press. I did crunches, leg lifts, and the ab curl machine thing, plus I tried to work on my love handles a little bit. Anyway, I really like leg day, I think it's fun. I did the interval course on the elliptical with Tanner for 15 minutes! :) It was fun, I did really well.

I scratched my knuckle probably a week and a half ago on my laundry hamper, and since my hands are so dry from this weather, it is not healing. It's really bad. I should put a band-aid on it.

After the gym Tanner and I went our separate ways, but he came over for a little bit after he got ready for work to have breakfast with me--a healthy serving of oatmeal. Yeah. I didn't really like it, it's the "weight control" kind with fiber and protein. But he did, and his cheerfulness makes me happy.

Anyway this gym thing is working out exactly as we've wanted it to. We're feeling really good, really confident, and it's making things a lot easier for us as a couple. The bedtime and the enforcement and the enjoyment that's coming from being so on top of things is really bringing us together in some good ways.

By the way, we've been together for about nine months now. Just in case y'all wanted to know. :) And soon enough I think I will have lots to do.


April said…
Good job on going to the gym Janae! I wish I was as motivated as you to get my lazy butt up and exercise! I just have one question though...what do you mean by soon enough you will have lots to do?!!
Bri!!! said…
I love all your posts that I was able to catch up on from being gone. I so agree about the Rapunzels out there. I call them polygamist wives though. I am stoked you two are working out together. That is so great. Routines are the way to do it. I feel so much better. Going to NM got me out of my routine, so I have to get back into the swing of things this week. Anyway, keep up the great posts, and have Tanner write some blogs.

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