Just So I'm Not Distracted...

I have some things to say before I feel like I can focus on this research paper proposal I should have written yesterday.

Day 3 of exercise and second time in a cycle class went really, really well. I was surprised. It was really hard for me to get out of bed. I woke up several times last night. One of the times was because I fell out of my bed. Yeah. WTF? I was so confused, partly dreaming, and I finally figured out that what I thought I had seen wasn't real, and climbed back into bed. I'm also experiencing my monthly womanly inconveniences, which I didn't think would make that bike seat any more of a pleasant experience for me.

But I have to say that this class went really well. I pushed it really hard, almost to the point of dizziness, but I managed to keep myself stable. The instructor today was a lot more challenging than Amy on Monday. I've always been very good at pushing myself physically, sometimes a little beyond my capacity, so to have the extra instruction and encouragement was really helpful.

The bike was more comfortable today. Granted, I had to get off my bike like seven times to get it how I wanted it. But I was much, much more comfortable (including on that seat!). I didn't push down on my handle bars so much. I did that a lot on Monday, which apparently wasn't a good idea, given my soreness in my upper back, shoulder, and neck region. I put most of the work on my legs. I suppose their enormous size is good for something.

Anyway, I really did push it hard and am really proud of myself for doing that and actually having a much better time today. I have gained weight in the last little while, probably from a combination of being overly-comfortable in a relationship :) and food poisoning messing with my system. I'm pretty disappointed, but I will just rest assured knowing I'm doing the right things to try to be healthy.

By the way, my car is not fixable. The check engine light is off, but my oil problem is internal. The leak is in the engine, so unfortunately nothing can be done to fix it that isn't ridiculously costly. It's on its last leg, said the mechanic. And it'll just be trailing white, stinky smoke everywhere from that oil leak. So Mom and I are looking at other inexpensive options to get me through college. I'm glad I can rely on my parents for that kind of support. If I had to do all of this myself, I'm not sure how I would handle it.

While I was walking to work today, on my way toward the dreaded stairs I saw a girl with blonde hair that was probably about three feet long. Seriously, there are way too many Rapunzels here at BYU. I'm sorry, but long, bodiless, stylless hair is just not pretty. I just wanna run up behind one of them one day with a pair of scissors that is comically large and heavy and chop it off to their shoulders.

On my journey up the stairs I encountered pieces of orange peel. A two square inch piece here, another two steps up... A few more steps up there were really large chunks of orange peel. Now, I realize that orange peels are "biodegradable," but what the heck do you think is going to happen to those peels? Some campus worker's going to have to pick up after your lazy ace. You couldn't have peeled it at home? Or in your car before walking up the stairs? Or hey, even put the peels in a bag? There's a trash can at the top. I just don't really understand people.

I'm starting to pray pretty intensely about some things--some important things. I had a really great experience last night doing so. I think this is probably not appropriate for a public blog post and will write about it in my personal journal. But just know I had a great experience, and Heavenly Father is mindful.

I'm considering creating a blog about all of my different types of customers at Blockbuster. This might take a while, but perhaps it's something to look forward to.

Anyway, here's to a good day at the gym.

Three best things

1. Tanner, for helping me to see my weaknesses and for being so committed to the things he's working on.
2. Dove chocolate covered almonds. I haven't had any yet today, but I think they might save me later.
3. Soreness. I'm gettin' strong, suckas.


Aric said…
OMG I laughed out loud, literally, in my OB class when I read the Rapunzel part. So true. That kind of hair is so polygamist and it shocks me that people still do that. What was even more funny was the mental image of you running up behind a girl with oversized clown scissors then cutting it off. Nice.
Unknown said…
Hahaha, Yeah, I agree with Aric. Chicks with overly long hair need to be put in concentration camps where midgets cut small pieces of their hair off every hour until they are bald.
Abby Q. said…
man don't you love exercising!!! i'm currently procrastinating myself! love it! good job, though, i'm sure it will get better from here on out!
Bri!!! said…
K, time to post more. You have been a slacker my friend.

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