Moment of Truth

Oh, the Moment of Truth. I just had a brief yet in-depth conversation with my coworker, Ben, about this horrid show on Fox. I'm not going to lie, I've watched it (three times now--the miss America girl, the gambler, and the New Jersey Jewish woman). I've laughed at it, and I've been somewhat appalled by the things people have done and admitted to.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the show, a contestant can win $500,000 by answering 21 questions. They have previously been hooked up to a lie detector and answered 50 questions. Obviously, 21 of those are chosen, and the contestant doesn't know the results of the test.

In talking with Ben, I was able to really sort out my views of this show. The premise is OK, really, if you're a decent person with no skeletons in your closet. Just be honest, and win some money while you're at it. But here are my issues...

The contestant doesn't know the results of their lie detector test. He or she could have thought they answered truthfully, but maybe they were lying to themselves at the time, you know? So in that way it's a big risk for the contestant. Then again, if the contestant is a self-aware person and is honest with him or herself, there shouldn't be a problem.

How accurate and reliable are lie detector tests anyway? Does anyone know? I haven't heard good things, but this is just an issue of mine that could probably be resolved.

The audience! I believe a lot of Americans watch this show simply to make them feel better about their sad lives. The contestant last night said that she had claimed that a large charge on her credit card was not hers when it was. Sorry, but she is NOT the only one in this country, and probably even in the studio audience, who has done that. Like I need to sit here and feel better about myself because "I haven't done anything as bad as these people have." I have my own issues that I know could be brought up on that show, so there's no place for me to be judging somebody. (Although it takes a probable idiot or a really desperate individual to subject themselves to judgment in the first place.)

The world! How sad is it that somebody would possibly sacrifice their marriage, family, and things of true value for any amount of money!? The woman last night admitted she had a secret that she knew could probably ruin her marriage. How awful! A woman on a commercial for the show was asked by her ex-boyfriend if she would leave her husband if her ex wanted her back. She said YES! Her husband's heart had to have been broken, as many hearts probably are on this show... For WHAT? Money? What have we convinced ourselves of? Money is worth everything that actually matters? Please. Americans, you are kidding yourselves.

Mistakes being brought up again. How awful! People do bad things, but it doesn't make them bad people. This show nullifies the idea of repentance and fixing mistakes. Satan conquers people by making them believe both that what they have done is OK, but also by making them feel guilty forever for their wrongdoings. Why do these past things need to be brought up? What good will it do?

I don't need to watch one more show that makes me even more disappointed than I already am in the society in which we live. People have secrets, and people have made mistakes, and I'll readily admit that I am no exception. I have things that probably would make that retarded sound-board audience go, "Ooooohhhh..." I'd hope that I'm a better person today than I was last year, and maybe some contestants on the show aren't. But I don't need to sit and judge people to feel better about my life. I'd rather believe that they can be forgiven because I have. I'd rather believe that they are still loved because I am.


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