Fear is Not My Friend

I cannot believe how difficult it is for me to even consider writing this blog. My heart is beating rapidly, and I feel the tears behind my eyes welling up and getting ready to fall.

I'm realizing something about myself--a very bad thing. These moments of self-reflection, when you take a careful, honest look at yourself and are not happy with what you see--those are difficult moments.

I figured because this issue involves a lot of people, I should probably just put it out there. Also, writing always helps me feel better. But this is scary, so bear with me.

I don't know if it has to do with being the first child, or just that it deals with the personality that I have, but my whole life I have been a perfectionist. I'm very hard on myself. This also means I have to be the best at everything I do. I'm not very competitive; I don't want to confuse you. Or maybe I am competitive and am afraid to lose.

I think that's what it is.

This is a really horrible predicament for me to be in. My fear of losing, of not being good at something, makes me stay inside my comfort zone, away from the things I expect I won't be good at.

I did not do sports growing up. I have realized that sports should be an important part of any child's life for so many reasons--social growth, personal growth and confidence, athleticism and health... But I did not do that. I was more the intellectual type and did not really care to do active things. Again, don't misunderstand. I was not a lazy child. I just was not an athletic one. I did martial arts starting at age 11, and I loved it. I love it to this day. But I remember being so afraid to start that, too. I was afraid a few years ago to go to the gym--to lift weights, to work out in front of people, to let people see that I had no idea what I was doing.

I remember being young and trying to learn card games from one of my best friends. I was no good. I'd lose. I'd forget the rules. I'd feel so uncomfortable and anxious about silly card games.

My family wasn't ever very active or out and about. We're into movies and music and conversation, but not super active things. So when I got invited on a hike with my fiancee's family, I was afraid of the challenge that faced me. I tried to just go full force into it and do my best and have a good attitude. I rocked that hike, by the way.

The thing I am grateful for is that in recent years I have been more willing to push myself outside of my comfort zone than when I was young. I was afraid TO GO TO THE GYM, for crying out loud. But I went. I did it. And I love it now. I have learned that it's OK to learn. It's OK to learn while others are watching. And it's OK to look bad while doing it. I know these things. But it doesn't make the process any easier for me. I get extremely uncomfortable and emotional about things I am nervous about and unfamiliar with.

I'm going to Lake Powell in a couple weeks:

-I am missing school--a huge focus in my life--and it is stressing me out beyond belief how I'll manage to keep up or what kind of consequences I'll face in my grade. I know it will all work out, but that doesn't make it easier for me.

-I am going with a really athletic, active family. They all know what they're doing. This scares me because I have never water skiied or wakeboarded or done any water sports like that. Trying these things is immensely scary for me, especially with people who are so good at these things. I get that it impresses people that you just make an effort, but for me, like I've explained, not doing well is really difficult for me.

-I am going with a very outspoken family. Oh how I love them. But it is very difficult for me to get a word in at any time because I don't care much to compete and am not confident that what I have to say is of any real value. They intimidate me a great deal. This frustrates me because, in a comfortable situation where I feel like the dominant personality, I am always the one doing all the talking and making all the jokes. When I am not the dominant personality and am uncomfortable talking, it makes me feel bad because I feel like I'm not letting people know me for how I really am.

Last night, I was told that I'd have to stay up late and play card games. How simple is that? For Janae, not so simple. Staying up late is not my thing to begin with, I get super grouchy and my body acts kind of funny. And I've explained that from a young age, I've never liked or been good at card games. I feel so silly and dumb even talking about this, but this is how serious my complex is. I had a dream last night that I was playing card games. You were supposed to end up with as few cards as possible. I thought I was doing well but somehow ended up with this two foot high stack of cards and had two people staring at me, like, "Wow, Janae," really confused as to how I had botched the game so badly. And I felt really stupid that I had done so badly. I HAD A DREAM ABOUT A CARD GAME, PEOPLE. What the heck?

OK, so now everyone knows that I am immensely uncomfortable with many factors. I am afraid to try things that I don't think I'll be good at. I'm afraid of being laughed at. And even if no one laughs, I just beat myself up anyway.

So there it is--one of my issues in a blog. And now it's all out, and I'll probably psych myself up for this trip and all of the intimidating things that come with it. I need to let go and be proud of myself for making an effort and for getting outside of my comfort zone. But any understanding and support and patience that I can get would be so helpful to me.

Thank you guys for reading... Hopefully I don't seem like a crazy person now.


Bri!!! said…
I'm glad you wrote this Janae. It's definitely a step. I want to address a couple of things. I understand how you feel about card games. I feel this way about games in general. I would NEVER play games. I have gotten in fights with previous boyfriends because I would refuse to play any type of game. Working at Second Nature helped me overcome this, but I'm still not a fan of games. (Some I love now though) I never have been a part of the lake powell late night Mormon rook club. You DON'T have to stay up late. I'm not going to. For me its not worth feeling like crap to stay up. i want to be energized during the daY when we do all the fun stuff.
As for you fearing trying things I really think this will be great for you because it is completely out of your comfort zone. Just remember the hike. its all relative and you did rock that hike. thanks for sharing all of this. that takes courage. well gotta stop writing. its hard to type one handed while nursing.
Rachel said…
I just think life is funny. All those things you're worried about with Powell are right up my alley and I would have absolutely no problem doing them. BUT on the flip side, there are things YOU do and are capable of that I wouldn't (couldn't) do in a million years. It just goes to show that the situations we're placed in and the people we meet have a real purpose in, well, forcing us to become our best selves. I'm glad you were able to write about this and are able to recognize your weaknesses so they can become strengths. I know you can do anything--like you've demonstrated, you've come this far, so why not more? Love you.
Rachel said…
P.S. I agree too with what Bri kinda said; it's good to try new things, but you don't have to do anything you don't want to, like staying up late. That's just not something you do, yeah? Pick your battles, I guess.
April said…
Hey Janae!
I think everyone has fears, but not all people are humble enough to tell everyone, like you. I know what your saying about cards. Tyler's sister & even her kids are great at them. Every time I play, they have to explain the rules again & I still don't get it. I feel dumb too, so most of the time I don't play! But, I did try knee boarding a couple of weeks ago. Everyone knew how to do it & was good. I just laid on the board & bounced on my pregnant stomach every time I hit the wake, because I couldn't get up on the board. I know I looked real stupid...hopefully the baby is ok?!! Anyways, I'm glad that you're trying new things. We're all good at different things & even if you feel or look stupid, just laugh! At least they'll know that you've got a great personality! P.S. There are a couple new posts on my blog if you want to check them out! Love you!

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