A Walk to Remember

bahaha. Here you thought I was going to post a blog about that sappy movie that I can watch maybe once every two years. Don't get me wrong, it's a great movie, but it's a little over-the-top in a few ways so I can't handle it very often.

Actually, I wanted to write about my walk to work today. Sounds random, I know.

I park in the same parking lot five days out of the week for about 45 weeks in a year. It's about a 7-8 minute walk to my work. I also go up 101 stairs. I always feel a bit stranded at my office because if I ever wanted to leave, it's a long walk to my car, and I'd have to hope there is parking when I returned, then I have another long walk back to work. It's a little annoying.

Where I park!

In any case, I love the spring and summer terms when "my" parking lot is super empty! I was most excited when summer term finals were over this past week. I drove to work on Monday morning thinking, "Yes, the parking lot will be SO empty!" Then I drive in and see huge motor homes and trailers parked under all the shade in the parking lot. "GOSH DANGIT!!! It's freaking education week!"

While I think education week is amazing for all of those people old enough to be out of school and old enough to own motorhomes that take up all the shade, it is annoying for students and student employees.

So today, instead of squeezing in near a motorhome and a tree to try to get some shade, I decided to try another parking lot--one that doesn't force me to go up 101 stairs.

The arrow is pointing to my work.

I parked in a spot that will provide my car with shade by the time I return to it later today. I had a nice seven-minute walk from my car to work. It's this diagonal line that runs past the tennis courts on the left. On the right you would probably think you were in some sort of forest. There are trees and plants growing rampant. The entire walk is completely covered in shade. You do have to walk up a steep hill (equivalent to the stairs), but it's not as hard as the stairs and is also totally covered in shade. There were birds landing on the side walk and skittering into the trees on the right.

The best part is, I wasn't all sweaty when I got into my office!

It really was a nice, shady walk, and much more scenic than my normal one. I only never park there because I was convinced it was farther away than where I normally park, but it's not. If this parking lot is open during the fall, I will be parking there on a regular basis, I think.

In other news, I made a movie bargain with Tanner last night. He wanted to watch Lord of War.

I wanted to watch Almost Famous.

Well, I think I should be allowed first choice from now on. Because Almost Famous is awesome. And Lord of War, not so much.

I felt that only 45 minutes into the movie, we hadn't really gotten anywhere. I understand that it is an insider's take on gun running and how the United States is providing guns for people to kill each other in smaller, warring countries. I get that it is a criticism of the things people do for money and justify their actions by saying that they are not the ones pulling the trigger. These are all good things to think about. I guess I just felt that the presentation of it was a bit weak.

The movie was slow. There were trashy, unnecessary parts. The parts that were gruesome and meant to make a powerful point were not powerful, just gruesome. It was enough to gross me out and make me feel guilty, but not enough to make me feel any emotion. I don't know if it's Nicolas Cage and his horrible narration that makes me completely detach, or what, but I just wasn't affected in the ways that I felt the topic could have done.

It was not emotional. It was offensive. It reminded me what a crappy place this world is and left me numb.

A movie like Blood Diamond, however, touches on similar topics, and made me want to get up and do something. I was connected to the characters and their changes. I was connected to the children with guns. I was shown the evils of this world through a very tragic portrayal. It moved me, it didn't numb my soul.

Anyway, those are my feelings. I think a good message delivered completely the wrong way is what happend with Lord of War.

Next up, Almost Famous. I already love this movie. Tanner needs to see it to love it too! :)

Three best things

1. Scriptures. I'm reading in Alma and there are so many sweet scriptures in these chapters. Alma 34 is probably my new favorite. It's beautiful.

2. Visiting Teaching. I took a very short time out of my day on Sunday to visit teach two women in my ward. I don't think either of them are struggling or particularly need my roommate and I, but you never know. And I have a strong testimony of visiting teaching--I felt so good after I had done it. My mother's visiting teachers have kept her closer to the church than anything else has in the last few years.

3. Cleanliness. I love having my apartment and bedroom clean. It's just so much nicer to come home to.

(4.) Everyone in my life. For caring and reading my blog and commenting and encouraging. I appreciate it.


Unknown said…
It wasn't as bad as you make it out to be, but it wasn't great either.

Alma 34 is one of my favorite chapters in the whole Book of Mormon! The Alma 30's are all pretty dang good.
Holijay said…
From the guy who wrote 'The Truman Show' and wrote/directed 'Gatacca' I was certainly expecting more out of Lord of War.
Janice Phillips said…
Don't you just hate numbing movies? I'm w/you...only good ones allowed, haha. Btw, totally will be praying for your time w/the fam at Powell. I can't imagine what its like to be an outsider of this clan but you are a brave and worthy soul so just be yourself and all will be well.

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