My Life as a Student

Sometimes I am overwhelmed with how fast life goes by. I am in my fourth year of college. After that I will do a semester of student teaching, and then I will be a real teacher. WHAT?! Oh yeah, I'll also be married. And hey, in a few years, I'll have a family. What?! When did all of this happen? I swear I was just in eighth grade.

Then I thought about how grateful I am for blogs. It's a motive for me to journal my life events. I figured I should probably write about this fabulous past week that I've had before it slips away to the crevices of my mind. I wish I had Pensieve like Dumbledore's. Then I could just watch my own memories.

On Tuesday night, Tanner and I went on a date to dinner and Trafalga. OK, so Trafalga was a serious ghetto. But we had so much fun. We got the ultimate date night package thing.

We ate at EZ Take Out Burger - our In-N-Out knockoff.

First we decided to try the batting cages. I wanted a pretty slow one since I have never done it before. But of all of the cages that were there, I got the defective one. It was throwing rogue balls everywhere. It even it me in the knee with a ball. I was pretty much done at that point and walked away and pouted. Tanner came into my cage to see what I was talking about. Then he got hit on his left leg--Charlie horse status. See! I wasn't lying. So we talked to the employees who were young, super cool and laid back kids. They let us try a different cage--a softball cage. Yes. Much easier for me to hit. I whacked some good ones, but I was hitting really low on the bat, so I hurt my hand badly in this activity. My hand was hurting until Saturday, and even now my carpal/whole forearm hurts. So I sustained an injury, but like I said I hit some balls and made contact with most of 'em. I got 'er done! Tanner did too! He hit some balls really hard! A lot of them!

After that we did the go-karts, which Tanner was expecting would not be fun. Oh my gosh! It was a blast. I wish we had pictures of it. He wanted this fast car he saw a kid racing in, and I chose the next fastest. I beat him. I lapped him once or twice. We were both giggling like crazy. Every time I'd come to lap him, he'd try to run me into the center thing! Not nice. Really though, I had so much fun.

After that we went and did mini golf. I won. :) Tanner didn't like it. But I think that's just because he is an ogre and can't hit the ball softly enough to make it end up a reasonable distance from the hole. I had fun. I like miniature golf.

Then we went inside and got our "8" tokens. Half the games we tried were broken and ate our tokens. So I went and told them, and they gave us like a handful on a couple of occasions. We played air hockey, and Tanner won. :) So we won some tickets and got prizes--a Mickey Mouse keychain and a teddy bear! He pretty much gave it to me for free. We didn't have near enough tickets! So that was fun. We got our Dippin' Dots too--Mint Chocolate. They were delicious. Then Tanner drove me home and we went our separate ways. It really was a fun night!

We've been re-watching season one of Dexter, so that has been fun. On Friday night, we had a Joshua Radin concert.

We left at about 4:15, drove through Taco Bell, and were on the road. We got there at about 5:15 because we were supposed to be there at 5:30 for an "exclusive meet and greet" with Josh Radin. Turns out their sound check took a longer time than expected, so the meet and greet was after the show. So we got to stand outside watching a group of lesbians kissing each other till doors opened at 6:30 or so.

The tour bus.

We were right up on the stage.

All of us and the set. :)

Hana Pestle opened the show.

She was good. I didn't care too much for her music, but the girl could sing--no doubt about it.

Erin McCarley followed.

I really enjoyed her, actually. She had some pretty catchy tunes. I got a video of her.

Joshua Radin graced our presence with his cute smile and cute hat.

He played mostly old stuff with probably three or four new songs. I loved his new one, "Brand New Day." It was upbeat and happy. I got some videos too ("Closer," the best song ever!). He decided on a name for his genre of music: "whisper rock." There were free stickers on his table--a silhouette of Josh making the "I love you" sign and a "Shhhhhhh" trailing out of it.

I think he meant to do the "rock 'n roll" sign.

After the show he was kind of out and about, available for pretty much everyone to talk to. So our "exclusive" meet and greet was pretty impersonal. But hey, we got to meet him and greet him. We shook hands, took pictures, and got his autograph.

Raytch and Josh

Me and Josh

Tanner and Josh

Cara and Josh

After the show we went to Denny's and got shakes. I love my post-show Denny's.

OK, I am SO excited that Rachel and Cara are moving in. I am so excited that half the apartment will be empty for another week till they move in, too. I love empty apartments.

I've been slowly moving stuff into the basement apartment that Tanner is already living in. Speaking of, I should probably get pics of that too and post them. Anyway, I'm just trying to clear up some space :) I got all my CDs and some books out, all of my games, lots of my blankets, that sort of stuff. I took my Garden State poster down so Tanner could have it in the basement. My room looks really clean and pretty empty. As soon as Rachel brings her TV I can take that over there too. I need to clean out my dresser and closet and donate some clothes. I need some boxes to clear out and organize my book shelf. And Raytch and I are going to reorganize the kitchen, pretty much. My plan is to get rid of all of the tupperware without an owner and a lid. Without a lid, it is of no use to anyone :).

So like I said my room is pretty empty and looks really clean. I'm sure I will pass cleaning checks today.

In other news, my parents bought a Harley. Oh goodness.

They both fit on it. That is a big hog, I tell you what. I hope they are safe. I think motorcycles are so dangerous.

My mother is cute and sent me a package that I got on Saturday night. It held an Angels shirt (which I'm wearing today), Angels shorts, an Angels hoodie, and an Angels canvas bag thing. It also had a Coach purse--just a knockoff, said mom. I used it for church yesterday because although I'm not much of a name brand girl, the bag is cute, and it was free. So that was a cute litle "sessy" (borrowing Bri's word) from my mom. She is so thoughtful.

I am excited for Powell in a couple of weeks. I'm not excited that in a week or so I'll need to go buy my textbooks and try to get all my syllabi from my teachers. I'm not excited for the stress that may accompany this trip with schoolwork.

I need to go dress shopping, but I am waiting for Rachel to do that. I was told by my co-worker to look at Sweeatheart's Bridal on Bulldog Ave., so I will probably do that. It's weird, November is not that far away! I should probably start panicking.

Anyway, lots of stuff going on in my young life. Weird how different life will be in a matter of five years. Weird how different it is from even 4 years ago.

Three best things

1. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It was a really fun and fast-paced book. I cried and cried and cried at the end of it, but that's OK. I shall live through the day.

2. Cleaning checks. Feels like I just had them, but whatever forces me to live in a clean environment, right? I love emptying my room.

3. Smoothies. Random, I know. But I got one on Saturday morning for the first time in a while, and it was delicious.

4. (Yep, four today). Swimming pools. This heat is lovely as long as a pool is around. And a good tan is fabulous--thank you, brown pigment!


Unknown said…
Our date was indeed a fun night. You may have stomped me in Putt Putt Golf, but I stomped you in Air hockey, so it's okay.

I too am ecstatic to go to Lake Powell. I'm so glad you've decided to come!
Rachel said…
What the Harley? I love your parents...

Clean the kitchen is right! That sucker won't know what hit it, unless it guesses a Rachel and Janae tour-de-force cleaning sesh, in which case it would be correct.

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